The time has come for a new actor to take up the mantle of James Bond, with Daniel Craig stepping down after the latest installment of the franchise. Despite No Time To Die’s ambiguous ending, Bond fans around the globe have long been speculating about who will take on the iconic role in the next movie.

Discussing who should be the next James Bond is a tradition that takes place after the role becomes vacant, and Reddit is rife with opinions on the topic, where the conversation is well and truly underway.


Tom Hiddleston

When it comes to the discussion regarding who should be the next James Bond, Tom Hiddleston’s name is almost guaranteed to pop up at some point. The Loki actor has been considered a great fit for the role for many years now, thanks to his intrinsic British charm that he often displays in interviews.

One Redditor suggests that Tom Hiddleston would be an ideal fit for the role, a view that is supported by Breaking-Dad-, who writes, “Tom Hiddleston seems a fair shout, wasn’t he rumored for it before?” This corroborates with the general view that Hiddleston would make a great James Bond if given the chance.

Kit Harrington

Kit Harrington rose to fame as Jon Snow, one of the main characters in HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones. He received overwhelming praise for his portrayal of the character and quickly became a charming jewel in the glistening crown of great British acting talent.

One Redditor, ClownfishSoup, writes, “Kit Harrington (aka Jon Snow from GOT)” in response to the decade-old question of who should play James Bond. Kit Harrington’s name is not mentioned as much as some of the other actors in the running, but this doesn’t take away from the fact that he would likely do an excellent job in the role.

Aidan Turner

As the star of the BBC’s critically acclaimed historical drama Poldark, Aidan Turner has certainly left himself in good stead to take on a role as iconic as James Bond. Although Turner is rarely the first name on anyone’s lips when discussing the next James Bond, he certainly has the qualities to thrive in the role.

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Aidan Turner’s name is still mentioned fairly often in the film forums of Reddit, with both Complete_Anything681 and sanddragon939 just two of the many users who simply just mention his name with no further explanation needed.

Rahul Kohli

There is a lot to be said about bringing a relatively unknown actor into a major franchise like James Bond, and this has, of course, been pulled off successfully in the past with Daniel Craig’s casting in Casino Royale.

One Reddit user, WillSym, writes, “Rahul Kohli, loved him in the few things I’ve seen him in.” This view was corroborated by other Redditors too, and in fairness, Rahul Kohli seems like he could be a great choice for the role. Like Daniel Craig was, Kohli is relatively unknown and is young enough to make several Bond movies, which, combined with his acting talent, makes him a decent candidate.

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender possesses all of the qualities that are necessary to play James Bond effectively. He is suave, handsome, and an excellent actor. At 44 years old, he is also at the prime age to portray the seasoned spy that is James Bond.

This sentiment is shared by many Reddit users, who have given their opinions on who should portray James Bond in the next movie. Dollface40 summarizes the view that a lot of Bond fans have shared for many years, writing, “I’ve always fancied Michael Fassbender as Bond.” While Fassbender has been a candidate to replace Daniel Craig for many years, it is unclear whether he would be willing to take on the iconic role.

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Cillian Murphy

Although Cillian Murphy has already occupied several iconic roles throughout his acting career, including Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) and Scarecrow (Batman), there is no reason why he cannot also take on the role of James Bond.

Redditor malu_saadi is one of the many Reddit users that writes “Cillian Murphy” is the perfect candidate. And the support is not surprising, given how well he portrays Tommy Shelby, a character who oozes gravitas and confidence throughout his best quotes, two traits directly translatable to the role of Bond.

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy has become a household name in the movie industry and is by far one of the most talented and recognizable actors in the world. Having occupied many iconic roles in his acting career, such as Bane (Batman), Eddie Brock (Venom), and Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders), Tom Hardy is well equipped to take on the role of James Bond.

The James Bond fans of Reddit are in full support of Tom Hardy as the next Bond. Redditor Careless_Classic_756 writes, “Tom hardy would do a decent Bond, I reckon,” which is quite the understatement. Hardy certainly possesses all of the qualities that are essential for playing James Bond, though it is unclear whether he would have the time to commit to the role on a long-term basis.

Idris Elba

Idris Elba has been one of the frontrunners to replace Daniel Craig as James Bond for many years now, and his claim to the iconic role has only grown in strength. He is a very talented actor and his name has become synonymous with suavity, meaning he has the core qualities to succeed in the role.

Redditor crakerjmatt hits the nail on the head, writing, “My mind always comes back to Idris Elba. He really is just Bond. And I don’t really see the problem with a Bond who’s a bit older.” This is a view shared by many James Bond fans on Reddit and beyond, although fans are yet to have any news on Daniel Craig’s replacement thus far.

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Richard Madden

Richard Madden is entering the very pinnacle of his acting career, having already nailed several huge roles in a relatively short time. He is arguably the next big thing in terms of British acting talent, which is why many believe he should be considered for the role of James Bond.

The support for Madden as James Bond is plentiful on Reddit, with Clynester writing, “I’d go with Richard Madden instead, having seen Bodyguard.” This view is corroborated by many of the website’s users, such as Artedcraig, who writes, “Richard Madden for me too. Dude looks cold as ice.”

Henry Cavill

Having already portrayed Superman, Henry Cavill certainly puts forth a strong case for securing the role of James Bond. He checks almost every box and many Redditors consider him to be perfect for the role.

Reddit user WildRose211 is one of many people that are in favor of Cavill getting the role, writing, “Henry Cavill would make a brilliant Bond. I’ve been saying this for years.” Redditor Far-Case1446 agrees, writing, “Henry Cavill because [he’s] good looking, has the Bond charm and has played a character similar to bond in 2016 Man from U.N.C.L.E.”

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