Since its release in March 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has become one of the most played Nintendo Switch games around the world. The game came out in perfect timing when most countries were on lockdown due to the pandemic, and the social simulation video game has become a safe haven for a lot of people, both kids, and adults.

Animal Crossing has made dull days at home into eventful ones as players get to experience a lot of things like camping, fishing, and bug catching in the game. Users also get to interact with their neighbors, who are anthropomorphic animals, and each has a different personality and traits. The game has plenty of recruitable villagers, and some are friendly, while others are not so nice. Each character also loves to voice out their opinions that are too funny and unforgettable.

10 “I Don’t Know If I Told You This, But I’m Allergic To Bad Vibes.”

Pietro is a sheep dressed as a colorful clown. He has a smug personality and gets along with most of his neighbors. He’s kind and polite but can be very egoistic. Pietro can be gentleman-like, but on other days, he can be the opposite.

As a smug clown, he likes to keep things fun and happy as much as possible. Bad energies can make him feel down. As good as his intentions are, this quote can mean something else. It may be that he was referring to a villager, especially the cranky ones.

9 “Sorry. I Just Got Nervous Thinking About You Out There… Digging… And What You Might Find…”

This line was said by Rosie, a lively and high-spirited cat villager on New Horizons. The peppy character is often seen in a good mood and can carry on conversations even about insignificant things. Rosie is hospitable and friendly to players and most villagers.

Rosie often asks this question to players carrying a shovel. She may seem like an angel, but her saying this line can make gamers think of what she might be hiding. After all, the traits of serial killers are charming and manipulative. Then again, she might just be a curious cat.


8 “I Thought Real Hard On It, But I Could Only Think Of Stuff I Want! I Hope He Likes Apple Cobbler.”

Lazy villagers on Animal Crossing usually use this line when a fellow villager celebrates their birthday. As for apple cobbler, Sherb, a lazy goat, likes the baked fruit dessert. The character enjoys fishing as a hobby and likes to sleep.

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Sherb has a laid-back lifestyle and enjoys slow activities and eating. His lazy nature reaches a point that even thinking of gifts can be a task for him. Sherb can also be inconsiderate, but he might just have been hinting at what gift he wants to receive. Since he’s a foodie, it’s only natural that he would want to receive his favorite dessert.

7 “I’m Going To Try Using My Muscles To Scare Away The Germs, Mango.”

Rowan, a tiger, used this line when he wanted to “scare away the germs” during flu season. He loves to exercise, and players would often see the villager carrying a dumbbell while working out.

The villager is a jock, and like most athletes, he lives and breathes sports. His fitness mindset led him to think that his muscles can drive away all sorts of illnesses. Rowan might have been simply talking about the flu season, but he couldn’t help but flex his gym-honed figure at every conversation he gets.

6 “I Had To Work Once. It Was The Worst!”

Papi is a horse and is a lazy villager who likes to go fishing on most days. The hobby requires less movement and effort – a perfect activity for the idle character.

Papi prefers an easy-going life with doing little to no work. He used the line when he talked about his previous work experience on the island. Although, no one knows what he did. As animals, horses work the hardest for racing, pulling carriages, and so on. Papi could have been talking about the hard labor horses go through.

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5 “I Wonder Who’ll Play Us In The Inevitable Film Adaptation?”

While some villagers are lazy, some are hardworking and dream of becoming famous one day. Curlos, a sheep villager, thinks of becoming a movie star. He is polite and kind to his neighbors but would like to remind them of how cool he is from time to time.

As he dreams of becoming a well-known star, he thought of an Animal Crossing film adaptation. Curlos uses the dialogue when a player visits his house. He might be thinking way ahead of himself — especially for an animal, but anything can happen in the future.

4 “Since I Can’t Cook, I Just Played Super Chef RPG IV For 24 Hours…”

Flora is a pink flamingo with a smug attitude. The peppy villager is friendly and often gets along with other characters. She has a positive outlook and often gets over-excited about simple things like a new hobby.

Flora said this line when talking to a player visiting her house. She is not ashamed of airing her lack of cooking skills and her penchant for video games. It may be true that she can’t make amazing dishes, but players can’t help but think that she may have been talking about her lack of hands.

3 “Haven’t I Seen This Before? I Swear I have… Oh Well.”

This dialogue often comes out when a villager receives a gift he already gave. Plucky, a brown chicken, had this experience when talking to a player who gave her something familiar. Plucky has a sisterly personality. That said, she is caring to her friends — giving tips and medicine when attacked by bees.

The dialogue comes as funny, and some players purposely give back items they received from villagers just to check out their reactions. The villager might be muttering the words to himself, but Plucky said it clearly that the player could hear.

2 “Hmmm… There Really Isn’t Any News To Speak Of Today.”

When players open the game, Isabelle is the first character to be spotted, sharing new information about the island and sometimes airing her bad TV habits. She is one of the important characters in the game. Isabelle is Mr. Nook’s right hand, as well as the island’s evaluator.

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While she does her usual routine as an announcer, she sometimes shares about the lack of news. While it may be nothing, telling residents about it can be depressing. She may have purposely done it to spite villagers, despite her positive disposition.

1 “But We Don’t Do Things Because They Are Easy, Hm? We Do Them Because They Are Profitable!”

The line is from Tom Nook, or better known as Mr. Nook. He is a brown raccoon who manages the town hall and is the owner of Nook Inc. — the company that owns almost everything on the island. Mr. Nook is known for his accommodating personality, as well as his love for money.

The entrepreneur loves getting bells from the players and residents, and he is not afraid to collect dues from the residents. His words might sound reassuring, but it could also mean that he just expects money.

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