The historically condemned category of video game adaptations has been redefined in 2021 with the release of the animated sci-fantasy chronicle. Transcending its genre, Arcane proves that greatness can be achieved with the right creative minds behind the scenes. Based on the League of Legends from Riot Games, the expansive steampunk world gives life to an array of complex characters who navigate through a society that has blurred the line between progression and oppression.

Both citizens of the upper-class Piltover and the impoverished Zaun, featuring champions from LoL, vary in tactical and intellectual capability regardless of their class. With a second season officially coming to Netflix, it’s hard to say which characters will survive the devastating finale of Act III, so their skillsets will be judged based on the events of the primary season.  From illustrious pioneers to corrupt politicians, the characters showcase impressive feats of intelligence through different fields of study.



Vander displayed intellectual prowess through being a leader and a teacher. Due to adverse living conditions, the physically-built insurgent led a Zaunite uprising against Piltover and thereby positioned himself as the de facto leader of the undercity.

The brutish rebel’s tendency for violence as a necessary means inadvertently caused the death of Vi and Jinx’s parents leading him to develop a more pacifistic approach when dealing with tensions from above. As the adoptive parent of the orphaned sister duo, he willingly devoted himself to being their father figure by instilling them with survival skills and passive resistance. Statues were eventually built in Vander’s memory for his crucial impact on Zaun society.


Ever since she was a child, Caitlyn Kiramman has had the adept ability to track animals, laying the way for her future career as a detective. Born into a family of wealth and prestige, her privilege has been put to constructive use. Her insight into class issues has allowed her to justly differentiate between right and wrong without prejudice.

As the daughter of a highly respected comptroller, she was met with skepticism when entering law enforcement as some believed her to be a product of nepotism. Caitlyn defies the expectations of her peers, including the sheriff, by teaming up with Vi based on her knowledge of the undercity to further investigate the corruption. Using her forensic expertise, the determined enforcer goes against orders to effectively trace Jinx’s location in Zaun.


Political leverage is achieved through trust, and the guileful Mel Medara has acquired a lot. Hardened by a troubled relationship with her militarist mother, the competitive Noxian-born politician uses her strengths in diplomacy and persuasion to attain higher status. Mel strategically brought the brilliant Hextech scientist Jayce Tails into the limelight.

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Responsible for his induction to the council, she encourages Jayce into voting out his mentor, Heimerdinger, from the governing body of Piltover. An artist as well as a leader, her creative problem-solving skills are supplemented by her focused demeanor.  Her thirst for power, however, is subsided by her pacifistic nature. Mel is shown to be capable of empathy as she develops true feelings for Jayce, sharing his optimism for the future of the cities.


As his influence reigned supreme, the cold-blooded crime lord from Zaun conquered the polluted undercity in an attempt to overthrow Piltover. Wary of the technological gap forming between the two cities, Silco used his authoritative grasp to establish an underground network of malefactors who devise competitive innovations and incite violence.

By convincing Deckard to administer super performance enhancers and successfully recruiting Jinx, Silco possesses manipulation tactics that can be confused for genuine empathy. The master tactician even gained control of factories in the Chem-Baron territories to increase productivity and expand borders. With brains, benefactors, and backup, Silco is a fearsome leader who will do anything to seize power.


The harsh environment, and a fatal mistake, have molded the once-promising Powder into the impulsively unhinged Jinx. The brilliant young woman was forced into a life of darkness after one of her explosives tragically took the lives of her loved ones. Amazed by her booming talents, Silco took advantage of Jinx’s trauma to groom a hyper-intelligent terrorist.

The irrepressible tinkerer was able to weaponize Hextech without any proper schooling, a feat that scientist Viktor once regarded as a massive leap forward for the technology. Through scarce resources, using Viktor and Jayce’s foundational notes, Jinx invents a devastating shark-like rocket launcher that threatens the peace between the two warring cities. While her behavior is erratic, and her EQ is stunted, she is a master schemer and an agent of chaos with the aptitude to surpass those higher up in this tier.

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Jayce is the face of Hextech. After being saved by arcane magic as a child, this charming positivist devoted his controversial research to better the lives of those who inhabit Piltover. With the help of his partner Viktor, he was able to stabilize the magic within Hex Crystals by converting them to Hex Gemstones as well as advance interstellar travel with the Hex Gates.

The technological leap in transportation not only helped Piltover gain prosperity with improved market access but also led to Jayce receiving a prestigious spot on the council. Jayce Tails is indisputably smart but his moral code and political alignment with Piltover cloud his better judgment. His naive infatuation with Mel Medara can result in his intellect being taken advantage of.


Raised in poverty, the child prodigy from Zaun has never had the fortune of living the lavish life of a Piltie but has opted for “street smarts” as opposed to formal education. Yet, his engineering skills are beyond those of the higher class as he has exhibited advanced tech proficiency with limited resources.

The leader of the rebellious Firelights has even received praise from Professor Heimerdinger for his masterful inventions including an upgraded hoverboard. As exemplified in battle, his fight IQ is complemented by a device that helps him recall Jinx’s combat mechanics from when they were children, hinting at a breakthrough that will eventually rise his position in this tier. With the assistance of Heimerdinger, Ekko’s creations will soon shatter the course of time.


A student of both Professor Heimerdinger and Singed, this brilliant assistant has come into his own as one of the innovative minds behind hextech. Seeing vast potential in Jayce’s research, the idealistic scientist invested in and improved Hextech by discovering the “Hexcore,” a sentient form of arcane technology that can adapt and react to organic matter.

Plagued with ill-fated conditions, his physical limitations motivate him to seek societal solutions. In the pursuit of progress, he finds himself in opposition with his mentor, Heimerdinger, and his skepticism about releasing Hextech to the public, strongly believing in its capacity to protect the lower-class citizens of Zaun. To keep his vision alive, Viktor will stop at nothing, turning to performance-enhancement drugs for greater sustainability.

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The power of unfiltered genius knows no bounds as the psychopathic alchemist Singed, one of the best characters to try in League of Legends, is determined to push science and transmutation to the furthest reaches. Having suffered through a painfully long existence, including the loss of his daughter, the sinister savant processed his grief with the spiteful urge to improve life.

The cold and collected perfectionist is responsible for concocting “Shimmer,” a nature-altering drug designed to enhance human abilities. Working “under” Silco, his impact is largely felt in the district of Zaun, as Shimmer becomes a driving force in the undercity insurgence. Shimmer, as it happens, can mutate living tissue to harness the power of the Hexcore. Able to manipulate his past student, Viktor, with compelling rhetoric, Singed cunningly pursues his wicked experiments with whatever means necessary.


Standing confidently at approximately 3 feet, Professor Heimerdinger is a member of the furry, bipedal race of mystical spirits known as the Yordles. This wise scholar has the advantage of being 307 years old, acquiring a vast amount of knowledge during his prolonged lifespan. Heimerdinger is a revered scientist whose contributions to Piltover, coined “the City of Progress,” have been revolutionary.

The innovative thinker strives to unlock the mysteries of life, and in doing so, has witnessed the folly of his ambitions. With that in mind, the cautious innovator is not always met with agreement, having been removed from the council for his hesitant views while overseeing the development of Hextech. Fearing the repercussions if the tech were to fall into the wrong hands, in hindsight, the eccentric scientist had every right to feel concerned.

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