The Transformers franchise’s upcoming film, Rise of the Beasts, will be showing in theaters by 2023, and it’s said to be featuring storylines and characters from the classic 1996 TV show Beast Wars. The series has been celebrated for its surprisingly fleshed-out narrative and world.

However, Beast Wars was a relic of its time, with CGI that’s very primitive looking to contemporary audiences. Still, the designs and characters were so strong that it was still a massive success. Fans are excited to finally see some characters given a modern makeover.


Depth Charge

Depth Charge was once a normal and even kind Maximal until Rampage massacred the entirety of Colony Omicron (the colony he had been sworn to protect as a chief security officer).

In shame, he spent four years hunting down Rampage to avenge the colony, and the years have hardened him. His arc would make a fantastic subplot for the movie and his colorful design would be amazingly unique and eye-catching.


Speaking of Rampage, here comes one of the cruelest villains in Transformers history. Rampage was the result of a Maximal experiment that involved the use of a mutated spark that allowed Starscream to be a ghost.

Rampage is a tragic figure, living in constant agony and whose only respite is lashing out the pain he feels towards all living things. In the rare moments where he isn’t in a berserker rage, he regrets all that he does, and seeing that onscreen would be incredibly fascinating.


The youngest Maximal and basically acting as this generation’s Bumblebee, Cheetor is a brash and excitable young warrior who is overeager in battle (and lacking in much sense). Still, he always does the right thing, even he stumbles.

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As Bumblebee is also one of the younger Autobots who has undergone an arc of humility, this is a golden opportunity to make Bumblebee a mentor character to a young upstart that reminds him of himself.


As the defacto second-in-command of the Maximals, the movie would be really strange if Rattrap doesn’t make an appearance as the reliable comic relief. Much like his fellow Maximals, new viewers might even take a while to like him.

Despite his attitude and design making him look like a Starscream-like villain, Rattrap is actually a supremely capable Maximal who steps up when it matters most. He even acts as the leader in the absence of Primal.


Waspintor is the Beast Wars‘ equivalent to a punching bag (if said punching bag was exploded at the most inopportune of times). His speech pattern annoyed both the creators and the other Predacons, and the only reason he was thrown into the void of Transformers rejects was that fans absolutely loved him.

Much like Starscream, Waspinator had a great design and a loveably adorable penchant for failed schemes. Waspinator’s funny antics and quotable lines made him a fan favorite in no time. No evil team of robots is complete without a Starscream expy, and Waspinator would fulfill that role handily in Rise of the Beasts.


Tigatron is a stoic Maximal and one of the first protoforms to land on the planet. He has no interest in his homeworld of Cybertron, having never seen it, and instead acts as a guardian of nature. He often acts as a scout for the Maximals.

Tigatron would prefer not to fight and instead spend his time communing with nature. However, when push comes to shove, he is an incredibly dangerous fighter who will kill anyone if they threaten the balance of nature.

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Blackarachnia is a sultry and deceptively clever Predacon, whose scheming ways hide her formidable ruthlessness in combat. Her dynamic with the cast is tense, never knowing if she’s scheming against them or playing with them like food. Usually, it’s both, and that’s why she’s one of the best villains in Transformers history.

As one of the few female characters present in the cast, her inclusion would continue the trend of Bumblebee‘s awesome female villains (like Shatter being openly devilish). Whether she’ll be an unscrupulous friend or sinister foe in the movie is something that would be exciting to see unfold.

Optimus Primal

Optimus Primal, to the surprise of most first-time  Beast Wars watchers, is not the same Prime as the G1 Optimus fans know and love. Primal has distinguished himself in many unique ways from his G1 namesake and makes him a different beast altogether.

He is a much younger leader than Prime, and although he is just as brave and noble as he was, Primal’s temperament is very different. Still, fans loved seeing a more vulnerable version of the lead character. Fans would also love to see a younger and less experienced version of Prime eventually become powerful in his own right.


Yet another legacy character, Megatron is not the same G1 Megatron from the ’80s kids show. This version of Megatron admired the G1 Megatron’s beliefs and ruthlessness, but that’s where the similarities end. In Beast Wars, Megatron is much more experienced than the fresh-faced Primal, and his schemes are straightforward and effective.

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More importantly, he has no patience for traitors, and if Starscream had been under this Megatron, he would have been dead on the first day. Introducing the Predacons without Megatron would be a bold choice, but frankly, most fans would rather see the dastardly dinosaur on the big screen already.


If there’s any character that deserves to be well-known by all Transformers fans, it has to be Dinobot. When Beast Wars fans think of the show, this is the character that comes to mind. Dinobot was an honorable warrior, who despised weakness and valued strength.

His struggles between his loyalty to Megatron or adhering to his honorable warrior code would be amazing to see on a cinematic scale. His aggression would make for some amazing action scenes, and his entire arc is worth a whole movie of its own.

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