Thor likes to think of himself as the strongest Avenger, so it makes sense that his solo movies in the MCU are packed with plenty of action. Whether the God of Thunder is battling giants on a distant planet or punching his way through SHIELD guards on Earth, he really knows how to deliver some thrills.

Just as the movies in the franchise differ greatly from one another, these action sequences are memorable for a variety of reasons. Some are fun examples of the fantastical elements of these movies, others get audiences emotionally invested, and some are funny while still being exciting.

10 Thor And Loki Fight Kurse (Thor: The Dark World)

After seeing Thor and Loki battle each other for a few movies, it was nice to see the brothers team up in Thor: The Dark World to take on Malekith. However, when the Dark Elf sends his henchman, Kurse, to deal with Thor, he proves to be more than a match for the God of Thunder.

It is quite strange seeing Thor thrown around like a ragdoll by the monstrous figure. Kurse hurls Thor into the side of a hill, throws a boulder at him, and even swats away Mjolnir like a fly. But it is Loki who (seemingly) sacrifices himself to kill Kurse and save his brother.

9 Hela Arrives On Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok)

As impressive as Kurse was, Hela is certainly Thor’s most powerful villain. Watching her crush Mjolnir with one hand proves she is trouble, but it is her arrival in Asgard that really showcases how she earns her name as the Goddess of Death.

Without Thor to protect them, Hela strolls into Asgard ready to take over as ruler. She brutally kills the Warriors Three before stepping up to take on the entire Asgardian army. Her effortless takedown of one of the most powerful forces in the universe is terrifying and oddly beautiful.


8 Thor Starts A War With The Frost Giants (Thor)

Much of Thor’s youthful days were defined by his arrogance and recklessness. This is seen very early on in his origin movie as he leads a party into the world of the Frost Giants to demand questions about their recent crimes.

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This was the first big, mystical action sequence of the MCU and hinted at how big these movies could get beyond the Earth-bound adventures. Seeing Thor and his companions in action was a great thrill, especially when Thor flies right through the mouth of a Frost Beast.

7 Thor And Loki Escape Asgard (Thor: The Dark World)

After disobeying his father’s commands, Thor decides to go after Malekith but realizes he will need Loki’s help in order to do it. This results in Thor breaking his brother out of jail as they attempt to escape the city.

The chase scene featuring Thor and Loki flying a ship around Asgard is exciting, but it is especially fun given the brothers’ constant bickering. Even in dire situations like this, Thor and Loki’s sibling rivalry cannot be put aside. It is the perfect mix of comedy and action that the MCU does so well.

6 Thor And Loki Fight On The Rainbow Bridge (Thor)

The first Thor movie is not only about Thor truly becoming a hero, but it is also about Loki becoming a villain. This culminates with the showdown between the brothers who now find themselves as enemies, brawling on the Rainbow Bridge.

Though Loki’s fighting ability does not match Thor’s at all, the fight is a good mix of Thor’s strength and Loki’s magic. Loki duplicates and tricks his brother, but it leads to a great moment when Thor pins Loki down by putting Mjolnir on his chest.

5 Thor Fights Surtur And The Fire Demons (Thor: Ragnarok)

From the very first scene of Thor: Ragnarok, it is made clear that this is a very different Thor movie. Thor’s confrontation with Surtur introduces Taika Waititi’s unique brand of humor into the franchise before also showing off his wild and energetic action sequences.

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As Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” blasts, Thor takes on the army of fire demons, showing off his action hero skills. There is a great moment of the camera taking the point of view of Mjolnir as it smashes its way through the enemies. It is the perfect way to kick off the excitement of this fresh third entry.

4 Thor Invades The SHIELD Compound (Thor)

The first movie is very much about Thor learning difficult lessons about himself. But before he is humbled by his experiences on Earth, he breaks into a SHIELD compound in an attempt to get Mjolnir back.

This action scene serves as an interesting contrast to Thor’s earlier fight with the Frost Giants. Stripped of his powers, Thor is still a powerful figure who fights his way through the various guards in a more grounded battle. It shows his determination as a hero and even includes the first appearance of Hawkeye in the MCU who is impressed by Thor’s display.

3 Thor Fights Malekith In London (Thor: The Dark World)

For most fans, Thor: The Dark World is the lesser movie in the trilogy and a lot of that is due to a lackluster villain. Malekith is a boring antagonist with little motivation to make him compelling. Yet his final battle with Thor as the Dark Elves invade London is one of the MCU’s better climaxes.

The fight scene has Thor and Malekith being teleported around the city, to different planets, and across the universe as they battle each other. It is an inventive sequence that allows the movie to embrace its fun side. This includes a great comedic beat as Thor has to take the subway back to rejoin the fight.

2 Thor And Hulk Fight On Sakaar (Thor: Ragnarok)

As much as Thor: Ragnarok is a terrific solo movie for Thor, Hulk is a fantastic addition in a supporting role. His entrance into Thor: Ragnarok is an iconic MCU moment and leads to the funny, brutal and thrilling fight between him and Thor.

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The fight is filled with so many great gags, from Thor trying to recreate Black Widow’s “lullaby” to the throwback to Hulk smashing Loki in The Avengers. It’s always fun to see the iconic Marvel heroes fighting each other and this ranks among the best of the hero-vs-hero fights.

1 The Rainbow Bridge Battle (Thor: Ragnarok)

Though Thor: Ragnarok initially seemed like it was going to be one of the darker MCU movies, Taika Waititi transformed it into a colorful and wildly entertaining blast. This is best seen in the climactic battle between the remaining Asgardians and Hela’s army.

Once again bringing in “Immigrant Song” as the perfect soundtrack, Thor teams with Hulk, Valkyrie, Loki, and the other heroes for this epic fight. Waititi infuses the action with so many eye-popping visuals, like Thor descending on the army on a bolt of lightning. It is hard to watch this wild scene and not have a smile from ear to ear.

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