After more than 20 years, Big Brother fans are used to the lying, manipulating, forming of alliances, physical and mental competitions, and social strategies. These are some of the most important factors in being able to win the game. When done well, they get viewers invested in and rooting for their favorite players. Of course, anything can change at any point in the game, thanks to its many surprises, twists, and changing rules. All of this, along with having to last 85 days in a house with the same people and being watched 24 hours a day, makes it impressive to win Big Brother.

With over 20 seasons under its belt and more to come, Big Brother has produced many legends and winners, and there are some that viewers just can’t forget. Whether it comes down to their deft social games, ability to win competitions, being a part of the right alliances, or just pure luck, these memorable winners deserved to take home the first-place prize.

10  Mike Malin (Season 7)

Mike Malin, also known as “Boogie,” has made an appearance in three Big Brother seasons and managed to take home the win in season 7. He’s a legend in the game not only because he won, but because he’s had a lot of airtime on the show. He is mostly known as a villain for creating fake alliances and then lying, being disloyal, and making sure he had a big part in sending the people in his alliances home. He also created a “showmance” with Erika Landin to whom he wasn’t completely loyal, using the relationship only to further his own game. His backstabbing behavior didn’t stop him from winning, which he did with a six-to-one vote next to Erika.

9 Rachel Reilly (Season 13)

Rachel Reilly first made an appearance on season 12 of Big Brother and came back to win season 13. She technically won something in both seasons because she met her Big Brother “showmance” and now-husband, Brendon Villegas, in season 12, and they came back to play in season 13 together. While they started off playing the season as a team, Brendon was evicted in Week 7 while Rachel went on to win the game. She was most known for her bold and sassy personality, her loud laugh, creating drama with houseguests, and being a physically strong competitor.


8 Dick Donato (Season 8)

Dick Donato is a Big Brother legend who set the bar for many houseguests after him. He is one of the only houseguests to play alongside a family member. Dick played the game with his estranged daughter, Dani Donato, during the season of the “rivals” twist.

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Although they didn’t have the best relationship before coming into the Big Brother house, Dick and Dani managed to make it to the final two together, where Dick won against her with a five-to-two vote in the end. Dick, who went by the nickname “Evel Dick,” was known for stirring things up in the house, fighting with other players, and making bold moves. He had issues with some of the houseguests, but that didn’t stop him from taking home the win.

7 Jordan Lloyd (Season 11)

Jordan Lloyd is the winner of season 11 of Big Brother. Not only did she take home the cash prize, but she took home her “showmance” as well. Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd had one of the strongest and most memorable relationships on the show. The couple came out on top not only with Jordan winning first place but iwth Jeff earning the title of America’s Favorite Houseguest. Jordan ultimately won over Natalie Martinez in the final two because of her sweet and kind personality that showed throughout the season.

6 Kaycee Clark (Season 20)

Kaycee Clark was not only a talented game player and the winner of season 20, but she was also the first lesbian to win the show, making Big Brother history. She was a part of one of the most successful alliances, the Level Six alliance, which controlled most of the game. She won the last Head of Household competition and took Tyler Crispen to the finale with her. While Tyler was an extremely smart and strategic player, the winner of the America’s Favorite Houseguest title, and an all-time-great Big Brother runner-up, Kaycee still won sitting next to him at the end. They had a final two deal, so her plan to win ended up being executed perfectly. Kaycee is known for being a great physical competitor and winning many of the Power of Veto competitions.

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5 Ian Terry (Season 14)

Contestant and superfan Ian Terry is the proud winner of season 14. This season was known for the Coaches twist whereby former houseguests and Big Brother legends came into the game as coaches. While Mike Malin was originally Ian’s coach, Ian plotted against him later on in the game and played a big part in his eviction. Ian became known for his sweet and selfless personality, but he also ended up proving himself to be a challenge beast, winning competitions when it was crucial for his game. He later appeared on season 22. He didn’t make it as far during his second stint, but he is remembered for his strong friendship with Nicole Franzel, who also played that season as a previous winner.

4 Nicole Franzel (Season 18)

Nicole Franzel is the winner of season 18 and a three-time Big Brother player. Her quirky and sweet Southern personality was hard not to like. She also set the record for being the first woman to win against a man, Paul Abrahamian, in the final two. She had many accomplishments throughout her time on the show, including, of course, the big win for season 18. She also placed third in season 22. Nicole was part of a couple of “showmances” but ended up happily married to fellow Big Brother contestant Victor Arroyo from season 18, which was another big win for her.

3 Cody Calafiore (Season 22)

Cody Calafiore was the runner-up on season 16, next to his best friend and final-two ally, Derrick Levasseur. Although he was famous for being a part of the “Hitmen” alliance with Derrick and making it to the final two as they had strategically planned, he is now known as a Big Brother legend and the winner of season 22. After finishing as the runner-up on season 16, Cody wanted to come back for a second chance. He is one of only three players to make it to the final two more than once.

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Cody navigated his way to the season 22 win by making iconic game moves, forming strong alliances, and never being put up on the block for eviction.

2 Dan Gheesling (Season 10)

Big Brother fans can’t forget the legend Dan Gheesling who set the bar high for houseguests after him, with many following in his gameplay footsteps. Dan won season 10 and is one of only a few to win Big Brother with a unanimous vote. He is known for his big and strategic game moves such as convincing fellow houseguest Bryan Ollie to throw a Head of Household competition so he, Dan, could secure the win and send Bryan home. He’s also remembered for hosting his own funeral while he was up on the block, which actually saved him from being evicted. Dan reappeared in season 14 and made it to the final two, making him both a winner and a runner-up.

1 Derrick Levasseur (Season 16)

A legend in Big Brother history and the winner of season 16, Derrick Levasseur is one to remember. Not only is he famous for winning his season and playing a great game, but he made Big Brother history by never being nominated for eviction. He is also remembered for being a part of one of the most dominant Big Brother alliances, the “Hitmen,” with Cody Calafiore. This dynamic duo and final-two alliance made it to the end together, which is exactly how Derrick planned his season to end.

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