Over the years, Mortal Kombat games have evolved into a cinematic experience; memorable characters, impressive voice casts, and lore that can put many blockbusters to shame. So as a result, Mortal Kombat has become a massive video game franchise. However, the story and awesome characters weren’t what put Mortal Kombat on the map.

The thing that made Mortal Kombat famous was its fatalities. These bloody finishing movies helped to create the ESRB rating system and began a legacy for the franchise. With each game, the fatalities got more and more inventive and gory, leading to Mortal Kombat 11 having the best fatalities of the series.

10 Unchained – Spawn

With Mortal Kombat 11: the DLC characters usually have the weakest fatalities. Granted, they are far from bad as nearly every fatality in the game is good. However, few of the DLC fatalities stand out. One of those few came with Spawn.

His spiked chains curl around and constrict the opponent which is already pretty gnarly. Then he rips the chains away, removing the opponent’s skin but that’s still not enough. Spawn wraps his cape around them then uses magic to destroy everything until only the skeleton is left; which he shows off proudly.

9 Melted – Erron Black

This one is just dark, even for Mortal Kombat standards. Erron Black shoots out the opponent’s knees so they are looking at a puddle of acid. The cowboy assassin then walks up and presses his foot down so the opponent’s face melts from the acid.

To finish them off, Erron Black stomps and the remaining part of the head explodes. Creative, sinister, plus it has a nice reference to Reptile.


8 Chain Reaction – Scorpion

On the surface, this fatality is one of the tamest of the game but it’s the presentation that helps. The franchise’s poster child Scorpion impales his enemy with his kunai before teleporting underground, wrapping it backward and underneath the opponent to burn them.

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Scorpion ends it by leaping back into the air in front of the opponent then pulls, the chain slicing them in half. The cinematography is outstanding with the final shot of Scorpion in mid-air belonging on a poster.

7 The Cyber Initiative – Frost

Frost fires an Iron Man-esque beam from her chest and freezes the opponent. With one punch, she shatters away everything on the torso except for the spine and brain. Frost then rips the spine off and gives it to a drone which takes it away so the brain can be put into a Cyber Lin Kuei robot.

From the beginning, it already gets points for being a throwback to Sub-Zero’s classic fatality with the spine rip. Then it elevates by showing off some of the game’s lore with the Cyber Lin Kuei.

6 I <3 You – Cassie Cage

Like father, like daughter: Cassie Cage has some of the more humorous yet still brutal finishers. With her first fatality, she uses her powers to kick the opponent’s heart right out the back of their chest. She decides to replace it by jamming her hands through the sides and into the cavity to create a heart with her hands. To make it more Cassie-like, she blows a kiss at the camera through the heart.

It’s a very creative kill that harks back to Johnny Cage’s fatality from Mortal Kombat X. Cassie’s over-the-top and humorous nature shines right through while providing lots of gore.

5 Pop Goes The Mortal – Joker

With Mortal Kombat 11, Joker was not forced to hold back. He uses his giant punching glove gun to create a giant hole in the opponent. With a skip, he puts a jack-in-the-box inside the opponent, winds it up, then it pops open allowing the opponent’s head to spring high into the air.

To make everything even better, Joker sings a twisted version of Pop Goes The Weasel. Richard Epcar plays Joker almost as well as Mark Hamill does and this fatality is a perfect example of it. It fits the Joker’s evil yet somehow funny nature.

4 Frozen In Time – Sub-Zero

Impossible to have everyone’s favorite cryomancer without him ripping a spine out. In Mortal Kombat 11, he ice slides into the enemy, making them fly back and land on an ice clone’s spear. As the opponent hangs upside down, Sub-Zero reaches right into their chest, pulls out their spine and head, then swings the head back onto the ice clone’s speartip, sending an eyeball flying out.

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It’s very much a classic Sub-Zero that tributes the past while reinventing for a new game. The ice clone is also a nice touch since that ability was removed from Mortal Kombat 11.

3 Peeling Back – Geras

When it comes to the fatalities, they are usually so over-the-top that it’s hard to find them disturbing. Geras manages to bring that feeling back when he seals the back half of the opponent in a sand wall. With all of his strength, he pulls the fingers thus peeling off all the front skin and meat from the body.

The pain and fear in the opponent combined with the gore make the fatality feel like a trap from the Saw franchise. It’s a testament to the animators who do such a great job with the detail, especially in the expressions.

2 Kat Food – Kotal Kahn

At first, this fatality seems basic: he slices open someone’s chest with his blades. Something that is seen many times in the series. However, it gets so much better when Kotal Kahn shapeshifts into a giant panther, tears the opponent up more, then devours the heart.

The design of the panther and the creativity put into the finisher are astounding. It takes a lot of imagination to keep the fatalities surprising and this is proof. Kotal’s fatalities are quite a step up from his basic ones in Mortal Kombat X.

1 Who Hired This Guy? – Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage trying to uppercut the opponent’s head off but it doesn’t work so the scene cuts. As he reshoots it and complains about the opponent in the next shot as if it was an actual movie. Finally, he gets the head off but it’s stuck to his hand so, in frustration, he throws it at the camera, shattering the lens while giving the middle finger.

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This fatality is just perfect in nearly every way. It fits with the character’s personality, it breaks the fourth wall, it references a glitch of an older game, and it has the gore factor. Yet another reason why Johnny Cage is such an iconic character for the series.

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