High school is an awkward phase in a person’s life. Freaks and Geeks sympathetically portrayed high school life for those kids who didn’t quite fit in. Even though it lasted only one season, the comedy show became a cult classic and still resonates with fans of all ages.

Freaks and Geeks made navigating the halls of high school relatable. With three-dimensional characters including Sam and Lindsay, both sides of the social hierarchy were represented. From the athletes to the mathletes, the geeks to the freaks, the show portrayed the teenage struggle truthfully. The show was made in the ’90s and set in the ’80s, but the honest dialogue between its iconic characters is still understandable to anyone who is or ever was in high school. 


“I Hate High School.”

There are two kinds of people in this world: the ones who remember high school as the best four years of their life or the ones that wish they could erase it from their memory. For those people who disliked high school, the iconic line from Lindsay Weir truly resonates. 

The first episode’s opening scene shows Sam Weir and his friends having a good time. Seeing their joy sends their bully in attack mode and he begins to torment Sam. Sam’s sister Lindsay stands up for him. When everyone leaves, Sam is not happy, claiming that she didn’t have to step in. After he walks away, Lindsay utters the line to herself.  It set the show for the entire series.

“Just Because A Girl Speaks Her Mind Doesn’t Mean She’s A Psycho.”

One of the more powerful quotes of the show is expressed by Lindsay early on in the season. In the episode “Kim Kelly Is My Friend,” Kelly befriends Lindsay in an attempt to get her parents off her back. 

The friendship doesn’t go the way Lindsay expects. Kim, with ulterior motives, invites Lindsay for dinner which eventually turns into a screaming match. Midway through the episode, during a conversation with Lindsay’s parents, she describes Kelly by pointing out, “She’s different.” She doesn’t wear dresses or act like cheerleaders but according to Lindsay, that’s OK. And it should be okay.

“Is It Just Me, Or Does The Whole World Suck?”

Freaks and Geeks has one of the best pilot episodes in television history. It brings the viewers into the world of these characters in a way that truly sets the tone for the rest of the season. 

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During the teenage years, nothing makes sense and life can truly suck. In one of the many scenes inside the classroom, Lindsay is seen slumped in her chair, obviously fed up with life. When Nick, played by Jason Segel, asks the question to Lindsay during class, viewers have a sudden urge to nod emphatically in understanding.

“You Gotta Find Your Big, Gigantic Drum Kit, Y’know?”

In another great moment of the pilot episode, Nick gives an insightful monologue in finding your reason in life. Shortly asking Lindsay the above question, Nick suggests that the two of them do the ultimate teen rebellion move and sneak off campus. Nick takes Lindsay to his house and shows her his impressive 29-piece drum kit.

In the scene, he tries to relate his prize possession to what she is feeling and in a very memorable monologue that still feels relevant to anyone who feels lost today. He expresses that “This is the essence of who I am now. But before I had this. I was lost too. You need to find your reason for living.” It is important for everyone to have a thing that belongs to them.

“I Don’t Need Another Friend. I’ve Got Two.”

One of the important and ongoing themes of Freaks and Geeks is friendship. Sam Weir understands this assignment.He’s got two best friends and appears to be content with that decision.

In the episode “Girlfriends and Boyfriends,” Sam tries to get close with his crush Cindey by joining all her extracurricular activities. Cindy considers Sam a friend which doesn’t sit right with him. Later at the dining room table with his sister, he conveys his thoughts by saying, “I don’t need another friend. I’ve got two.” Sam’s line about friends has two meanings. One, he is referring to Cindy. Two, who needs a horde of people in their life when they’ve already got two best friends?

“I Just Want To Be Older So I Can Go To Bars.”

Every kid dreams of getting older and being able to do the things that aren’t granted to them at their age. One of the rites of passage every kid longs for is turning 21 and legally being able to drink.

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So it makes sense that one of the episodes on the show revolves around another rite of passage: getting a fake ID. After seeing the guidance counselor, the freaks are hanging out and pondering the pros of getting older. Ken gives his reason and it sounds like something any kid would say, demonstrating the teenage urgency to grow up, with the addition that “everything fun in this world happens in bars.”

“Bill Murray Is The Funniest Man On The Planet.”

While some of the lines in Freaks and Geeks are poignant and reek with realism, other lines are just plain facts. When Bill exclaims who the funniest man is, he says it in a straightforward manner, as if it’s a no-brainer.

During the opening scene of the pilot episode, viewers know exactly who the geeks are.  The boys are laughing over the movie Caddyshack‘s funniest quotes, and by their dialogue, it is clear who their favorite character is. When the kids’ bully comes and makes fun of them, Bill remarks the above line. Despite the fact that they may get beaten up for this, the boys stand their ground. To watch young kids be happy with who they are even if it means being outcasts is something to admire. 

“We’re So Sheltered, You Know? There’s This Whole Other America Out There.”

Freaks and Geeks takes place in a small town that could represent any town in America. As a kid, that kind of  small town life feels claustrophobic as though nothing outside the town’s limit exists. 

That is why Lindsay’s realization is so ripe with truth. In the opening scene of the episode called, “The Diary,” Kim and Lindsay are trying their best to hitchhike. This plan prompts Lindsay to recall one of their reading assignments, Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road.” She expresses the line, adding that “the person who picks it up could be an artist, or a psychic or an escaped felon.”

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“I Don’t Want To Relate To Anyone.”

The show continued to bring out episodes that truthfully mirrored the struggle that kids went through in high school. In one of the most relatable episodes, the plot revolves around getting stoned, peer pressure and wanting to change the way your peers see you.

With the episode filled with so many quotes that feel relevant to anyone, the one that stands out is said by Daniel Desario. When Nick asks what normal people do when they’re not high, Ken responds with “Relate with one another,” this makes Daniel respond with his line. It is not only the words that resonate but the way in which he says it. It truly is a meme that everyone can relate to.

“I Am Tired Of Sucking At Everything In My Life.”

Nothing screams being a teenager like the idea of feeling self doubt. When you’re young, you want to know that you’re good enough. That is why Freaks and Geeks is a testament to that time in everyone’s life. 

A great line that speaks volumes of that feeling is spoken by Nick. During the episode, “I’m With The Band,” the freaks are jamming in Nick’s garage. The band is clearly having fun but not focused. After playing a song, Nick wants to play it again. When the band refuses, he gets frustrated and spurts out the revealing line.

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