While horror fans are always seeking out the movies that are going to finally terrify them, some people enjoy a creepy story but they don’t want jump scares, disturbing moments, or unnerving storylines. Thankfully, there are plenty of horror movies that aren’t too scary that many people can enjoy, whether they’re watching one alone or with a friend or partner who loves the genre.

From some classic movies adapted from popular Stephen King novels to more recent favorite horror flicks, Reddit users have recommended several horror movies that aren’t going to make anyone check under the bed or hide in the closet, but are still fascinating to watch.

10 It Follows (2015)

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When a horror movie fan asked for recommendations of non-scary films, one Redditor suggested It Follows as it “isn’t very scary to me, but it has a great premise and some good thrills.”

As a horror movie about a strange curse, It Follows tells the story of Jay, a young girl who realizes that people are passing a curse around by sleeping with each other. The movie is unsettling as the characters realize that they can’t get away from whatever is stalking them, but it’s not likely to be too terrifying.

9 Vacancy (2007)

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Reddit user Djunga6565 suggested Vacancy as “a cool little twist on that subgenre” of invasion films and wrote, “Most of the horror element comes from the tension and apprehension rather than gore.”

The 2007 movie is about a couple, Amy and David, who are having relationship issues and end up staying at a motel. They realize that something strange is happening and that being at this hotel might not be the best idea as they start fighting for their lives. This is a great movie for those who don’t love horror as it’s also about relationship trouble.


8 The Cabin In The Woods (2012)

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The Cabin In The Woods is not only a favorite of those who have seen most classic and recent horror movies, but it’s a good bet for someone who isn’t too keen on typical scary fare.

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Reddit user JenniferMcKay said that they don’t love terrifying movies but their partner does, and they recommended The Cabin In The Woods, explaining, “Joss Whedon homage to horror. The characters are the best.” There’s something for everyone here, from the jokes to the archetypes to the inventive plot.

7 Misery (1990)

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Misery is considered a great thriller and the story of Annie kidnapping her favorite novelist is a favorite for many people.

Reddit user CatsGambit loves this Stephen King adaptation, writing, “I have a soft spot for Misery. Oscar winner, so you know it’s good.” While it’s definitely scary to imagine being put in this position and Annie is a cruel and dark character, non-horror fans can focus on the characters and storyline instead of gore or constant jump scares.

6 The Shining (1980)

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One Redditor suggested “The Shining” as a great horror movie that isn’t that scary, and this will definitely appeal to people who don’t want to be covering their eyes for an entire film.

The famous and classic horror movie is atmospheric and compelling, with a creepy motel as the main setting. It’s also fun to watch The Shining and see all of the iconic elements that people talk about all the time, from the twins to Jack being told that he shouldn’t go into Room 237.

5 Oculus (2014)

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Reddit user gremlinboyy recommends Oculus and explained, “Not many jump scares, if any at all, and a great suspenseful mind game the whole way through.”

While the movie is definitely part of the horror genre, Oculus stands out the most as a compelling look at siblings who have some dark family drama and who really miss their parents. Since the horror in the movie stems from a mirror, there are a lot of artistic shots.

4 Let The Right One In (2008)

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Reddit user intrepidipertni recommended “Let The Right One In” for those who don’t want a super scary horror movie.

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The 2008 Swedish movie is one of the best vampire movies and tells the story of Oskar, who becomes friends with Eli, who ends up being a vampire. It’s definitely a movie that makes people stop and think but it’s not going to deliver as many scares as some others in the genre.

3 A Quiet Place (2018)

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Reddit user kjack9 said that they “hate horror films” but enjoyed A Quiet Place. While it’s not easy imagining being in the position of the Abbot family and having to get around without making any noise at all, the movie can be seen as a family drama and a tragedy instead of just a horror film.

There are definitely some freaky moments, like the opening scene when Lee and Evelyn lose their sweet son Beau, but people who don’t love watching tons of horror movies will find a lot to enjoy here.

2 It (2017)

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It has some sad scenes, and while many people find Pennywise the clown to be horrifying to look at, it’s fair to say that this Stephen King adaptation is a compelling character study that isn’t that tough to watch for non-horror fans.

Reddit user OrangeAlienMan recommended both It and its sequel, saying, “First film feels a lot like Stranger Things.” Audiences like watching the relationships between the characters here.

1 The Mothman Prophecies (2002)

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One Redditor suggested The Mothman Prophecies as a “great creepy movie, not too scary.”

After John’s wife Mary dies after a car accident, he looks into the legend of a creature that looks like a moth as she had been drawing it. Throughout the entire movie, John fights to survive while figuring out how dangerous the Mothman is. Movie fans will appreciate the storytelling here as the movie has an interesting plot that isn’t just scary.

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