Even though it’s been less than a year since Jujutsu Kaisen premiered, it feels like it’s made an indelible impression on the anime scene. The show has asserted itself as a dominant player as one of the best anime of the year, and some are already counting it among the best shonen anime ever.

Season 1  just recently came to a close, making it a good time to look back at the best episodes of the series so far. Jujutsu Kaisen packed in a ton of action in its opening season, so there’s plenty of ground to cover.

10 Episode 17: Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event – Team Battle, Part 3 (9.1/10)

Fans that weren’t aware of how badass Maki Zenin is soon learned after viewing “Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event – Team Battle, Part 3.” The episode starts with Maki beating down Kasumi, who completely underestimated Maki due to her lack of cursed energy. After that, Nobara engages in combat with Momo, but before she can deliver the knockout blow she herself is laid low by a non-lethal round from Mai’s revolver.

Maki and Momo then come face to face, and if there was any doubt as to who was the stronger sister before their duel, there was certainly no dought after it. Maki ends the fight after catching Mai’s last bullet with her bare hands and proves you don’t need cursed energy to be an amazing fighter.

9 Episode 4: Curse Womb Must Die (9.2/10)

Jujutsu Kaisen wasted no time in ramping up the stakes and the action, as one of the best episodes of season 1 happened at the start of the series. In “Curse Womb Must Die,” Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara are tasked with finding and rescuing survivors from a detention center. Nobara is soon separated from the group, while Yuji and Megumi encounter the special grade Finger Bearer.

Despite being overmatched, Yuji remains behind to fight the Curse while Megumi goes to find Nobara. Yuji takes a serious beating as he tries to buy time for his friends until Sukuna emerges and completely annihilates the Finger Bearer. The episode ends on an insidious note, as Sukuna realizes that Yuji is not able to retake control of his body.


8 Episode 18: Sage (9.2/10)

The Goodwill Event arc features a number of great episodes, and “Sage” is no exception. At the start of the episode,  Megumi and Noritoshi trade blows inside an old castle, and Megumi shows off his new shikigami, Max Elephant. Just as their battle reaches its climax, Toge appears followed by the special grade Curse, Hanami.

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Meanwhile, a number of cursed energy users place a barrier over the campus that prevents Satoru from entering, effectively preventing him from entering the fight. Despite combining their attacks together, Megumi and the others barely scratch Hanami, and the Curse coldly promises to kill them all.

7 Episode 23: The Origin Of Blind Obedience II (9.3/10)

The penultimate episode of season 1, “The Origin of Blind Obedience II,” introduces fans to two new opponents, the Cursed Womb: Death Paintings. Yuji and Nobara face down the two younger brothers, Eso, and Kechizu, while Megumi attempts to deal with the Finger Bearer living under Yasohachi Bridge.

Megumi soon finds himself at his limit, but just when he is about to give up he remembers some creative words spoken by Satoru. Feeling he has nothing to lose, Megumi manages to use his domain expansion, Chimera Shadow Garden, to defeat the Finger Bearer. Completely exhausted, Megumi passes out and dreams about his sister, while Yuji and Nobara continue their battle.

6 Episode 7: Assault (9.5/10)

Satoru Gojo has already cemented himself as the surprise star of the series, and “Assault” was his first moment to really show off his stuff. In this episode, Gojo is ambushed by the special grade Curse, Jogo, but despite launching an onslaught of attacks, Jogo is unable to harm Gojo.

Unfazed, Gojo reveals the trick behind his technique, Limitless, which allows him to manipulate space at the atomic level. Gojo is so unthreatened by Jogo that he takes the time to teleport back to Tokyo Jujutsu High to pick up Yuji just before he beats Jogo to a pulp. Jogo barely escapes with his life thanks to Hanami’s intervention, and fans leave with a newfound appreciation for Gojo, the strongest sorcerer in the world.

5 Episode 13: Tomorrow (9.5/10)

Yuji promised his grandfather in episode 1 that he would help people to die a good death, so he is incredibly disappointed that he is unable to save Yoshino. In “Tomorrow,” he takes his anger out on Mahito, who is forced to use his domain expansion to trap Nanami to escape from Yuji’s attacks. Unfortunately, his domain is incomplete, and Yuji manages to brunt force his way through the barrier, before laying an epic beat down on the Curse.

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This is one of the first times that Yuji really shows his stuff as a sorcerer, as he manages to keep up with Mahito’s dangerous combinations of techniques. Mahito barely manages to flee into the sewers, and back at school, Yuji vows to never let another person die a poor death again.

4 Episode 12: To You, Someday (9.6/10)

A typical, naive hero, Yuji quickly befriended the troubled Yoshino, unaware that his new friend was already under Mahito’s tutelage. In “To You, Someday,” Yuji’s friendship with Yoshino is put to the test as Mahito puts his sinister plan into action. Mahito erects a barrier around Yoshino’s school as Yoshino exacts his revenge on his fellow classmates, and Yuji confronts Yoshino in a bid to get him to stop before he does something he can’t undo.

Yuji suffers Yoshino’s attacks without fighting back because he hopes to be able to touch his friend’s soul and convince him to come back. Unfortunately, Mahito prevents Yuji from saving his friend, and Yoshino is turned into a monster in front of Yuji’s eyes.

3 Episode 19: Black Flash (9.6/10)

Aoi Todo’s and Yuji’s surprise friendship that blooms during the Goodwill Event comes to fruition in “Black Flash.” In this episode, Aoi and Yuji come to the rescue and square off against Hanami. Additionally, Yuji shows off the results of his training with Aoi and manages to unleash his new technique, Black Flash.

With his empowered strikes, Yuji is able to hurt Hanami, and together with Aoi’s brute strength they quickly put Hanami on the defensive. To withstand their combined assault, Hanami is forced to uncover her second arm, and in doing so she reveals herself to be a more dangerous opponent than Aoi or Yuji could have ever realized.

2 Episode 24: Accomplices (9.6/10)

The final episode of season 1 is also one of the best of the series to date. In “Accomplices,” Yuji and Nobara continue their battle against the Cursed Womb: Death Paintings, Eso and Kechizu. Yuji and Nobara are both damaged during the fight, and the cursed brothers reveal that their Decay technique will rot away their bodies within minutes.

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However, the brothers did not account for Yuji’s poison resistance that he gains through his connection to Sukuna, and this allows him and Nobara to turn the tables on the Curses. After killing the two brothers, Yuji laments taking the lives of other humans, even evil ones like the Death Paintings. The episode ends on a high note, as Yuji, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, and Pana are all promoted to grade 1 sorcerers.

1 Episode 20: Non-Standard (9.8/10)

The highest-rated episode of season 1 brings the Goodwill Event to a close and features the end of the battle between Hanami, Aoi, and Todo. In “Non-Standard,” Aoi reveals his Boogie Woogie Technique to great effect, allowing him to force any two objects with cursed energy to switch places. This technique completely overwhelms Hanami and enables Yuji and Aoi to unleash a flurry of attacks on the disoriented Curse.

However, Hanami manages to survive their assault, and is about to use her own domain expansion, when Satoru finally succeeds in breaking through the barrier that prevented him from intervening sooner. He fires a giant ball of purple cursed energy at Hanami that almost exorcises her outright, and she barely manages to escape with her life. In the end, though, the Curses emerge victorious, as Mahito manages to steal several of Sukuna’s fingers, along with several other dangerous objects belong to Tokyo Jujutsu High.

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