Morbius is the new Spider-Man spinoff movie for Sony in what has become more of the Venomverse. However, there is a lot of talk about the movie based on the trailers and what happened in Spider-Man: No Way Home. One of the best places to see the rumors and theories is Reddit.

Fans on Reddit have posted a lot of questions about the upcoming Morbius movie. While not everyone is optimistic that it will be worthy of the Spider-Man franchise, everyone seems to have opinions, rumors, and theories about what will happen. This includes appearances in the movie, possible spoilers, and a look at what might come next for Sony and the franchise.


Morbius Is In Amazing Spider-Man Universe

The biggest question that everyone has about Morbius is what Earth the story takes place on. The original Morbius trailer came out a long time ago and it showed Michael Keaton, graffiti that called Spider-Man a killer, and a look at OsCorp.

After Spider-Man: No Way Home, fans have a new theory. On Reddit, @robwolff predicted that this is the world of The Amazing Spider-Man. “The poster of Spider-Man labeled as murderer could’ve been meant for Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man and that was his universe’s Vulture.”

Vulture Is A Variant Adrian Toomes

When Michael Keaton’s Vulture showed up in the Morbius trailer, it pointed to the fact that Morbius was in the MCU. However, there were several things that happened since then that makes it impossible. For one, dialogue indicates that Morbius is in the same world as the movie Venom, and fans saw him taken back to his world.

Redditor @sappiaverita believes that the is a variant of Adrian Toomes, much like there are variants of J. Jonah Jameson. They said it could be “a native variant of Adrian Toomes in that universe who is very similar to the one in Tom’s maybe? perhaps his problem with Spider-man stems from an unseen off-camera interaction with Andrew’s Spider-man.”

Spider-Man Killed Someone In This World

When the first trailer was released, there was a wall that Morbius walked past that had Spider-Man on it and the word “murderer” in graffiti on the wall over him. Most people assumed that this was the follow-up to Spider-Man: Far From Home and people taking Mysterio’s side.

There could be another explanation, according to @DetectiveStock1340. “In No Way Home, Andrew’s Peter mentions how he eventually became rageful and stopped pulling punches, which means it’s possible he killed people. Which explains the “Murderer” tag on the picture of Spider-Man.”

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Morbius Will Start To Lead To Sinister Six Movie

There have been rumors that Sony wanted to make a Sinister Six movie for years. This was also going to possibly come after more villains were introduced, with the Kraven the Hunter movie coming. However, Vulture being in this world could speed things up.

In a theory about what comes next for Sony after Morbius, @TheProdigalMaverick wrote “Sinister Six is clearly embargoed (probably by Avi Arad). Spider-Man is gonna have to fight them. Too big a missed opportunity to not do that. They’re obviously saving it and were setting it up in ASM and clearly also with these new films.”

There Will Be Two Distinct Spider-Mans Moving Forward

The biggest surprise from Spider-Man: No Way Home involved opening up the multiverse after the previous movie used it as a plot device before claiming it didn’t exist. This movie saw three different variants of Spider-Man battling side-by-side.

On Reddit, @oldvino believes that Morbius will continue that idea and there will be more than one Spider-Man in movies from now on. “Its looking like the plan is to create a separate sony spider verse once NWH is out,” he wrote. He even suggested, ” it would be a convenient time to introduce Miles Morales as the new Spiderman.”

Doctor Strange Accidentally Sent Vulture To Another Earth

When Doctor Strange ended the threat from the multiverse, he sent a few people back to their own world. The people who left were Venom in the post-credits, the two Spider-Man from other Earths, and the villains brought in who knew who Spider-Man was.

Why Venom was sent back is a mystery as he didn’t know who Spider-Man was, unless he really did. That leaves open the change that Strange could have accidentally sent people off this Earth outside of his world, with @Universal_Watcher theorizing that “it sent people from the MCU into the other universes. Vulture knew Peter’s identity as well, and the spell accidentally sent him there.”

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Venom Will Be In Morbius

Not only do people believe that Morbius will exist in The Amazing Spider-Man universe, but he is in the same universe as Tom Hardy’s Venom. In the Morbius trailer, Morbius makes fun of this by saying, “I am Venom.”

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There are also rumors that Venom will show up in Morbius, but it might come in the post-credits. @Universal_Watcher wrote, “The director accidentally spoiled Tom Hardy being on set for filming in an interview.”

Andrew Garfield Will Return As Spider-Man

While a lot of Reddit fans have gotten onboard with Morbius taking place in The Amazing Spider-Man universe, that doesn’t mean that Spider-Man will be around. There are some fans who think that this could introduce a new Spider-Man, or be a world without a Spider-Man, and others think Andrew Garfield is coming back.

On Reddit, @Regalrefuse wrote, “Andrew says “I never fought an alien” and so it’s confirmation that he hasn’t had a venom and possibly foreshadowing that he will” and “unless they are going to introduce a 4th Spider-Man, I can’t see how it isn’t Andrew Garfield.”

This Will Be A Universe Where Spider-Man Is Gone

While seeing Andrew Garfield return as Spider-Man has a lot of fans excited, that does not mean it will happen. The sign on the wall said that Spider-Man was a murderer and there was no talk at all of Spider-Man in the Venom movies.

One Redditor thinks there isn’t a Spider-Man in this world anymore. @Tyrion995 wrote “I think they are rather build a universe without spiderman. Like He exist but we wont see him in any of Sony movies.”

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Vulture Won’t Appear In The Main Movie

The most confusing thing about the Morbius trailers, especially after Spider-Man: No Way Home revealed what happened in the MCU, was Vulture. He was in prison and he seemed to be asking Morbius if he wanted to join up with him.

That makes no sense in the new timeline, and there are rumors that Sony had to re-cut the movie. According to @Pomojema_SWNN, the “Morbius scenes were cut” involving Vulture and “the advertised Michael Keaton scenes aren’t in the movie, but there is one after the credits.”

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