Editor’s Note: A lawsuit has been filed against Activision Blizzard by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, which alleges the company has engaged in abuse, discrimination, and retaliation against its female employees. Activision Blizzard has denied the allegations. The full details of the Activision Blizzard lawsuit (content warning: rape, suicide, abuse, harassment) are being updated as new information becomes available.

Since its release in 2016, Overwatch has created a diverse collection of game modes, characters, and maps for players to enjoy—but not all of those elements are created equal. The game’s maps, in particular, can drastically change how players feel about a match, with some maps’ designs and aesthetics being more appealing to fans than others.

With locations that span several continents and even take players off the planet, there is plenty of variety in these maps. The different types of maps create different experiences, too, like the much-maligned Assault maps. . Fans laud certain maps for their approach to creating a fun experience for both teams by creating areas that are exciting to navigate and tactically master.

10 Route 66

Taking its inspiration from the iconic American highway with the same name, Route 66 is a classic Overwatch map connected to the lore of several characters, including McCree and Ashe. As an Escort map, Route 66 sees its attacking team guiding the payload along the road to the Deadlock Gang’s hideout.

Aesthetically, the map is filled with character, from its Southwest American rock formations to the massive train wreck outside the diner at the map’s start point. In terms of design, the map’s use of tunnels creates many opportunities for both teams to try out alternate paths, and a variety of high and low ground makes fights dynamic.

9 Busan

As a Control map, Busan has three very different sections for players to compete on, including a downtown market, a religious sanctuary, and a military base. With its diverse theming and relation to most-played competitive Overwatch hero D.Va’s backstory as a MEKA pilot, Busan is widely considered a visual treat to play on.

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Across all three sections of the map, elevation is a very important element to the gameplay, as the three objectives are all surrounded by elevated ground. This requires unique strategies in both taking and keeping control of the objectives, and the map has even more dimension thanks to environmental hazards like a speeding train.


8 Numbani

As a Hybrid map, Numbani offers a variety of gameplay for both the attacking and defending teams, and the metropolitan city near Nigeria also offers plenty to look at. The peaceful nature of the city and the beauty of the skyscrapers draws players in, and the map’s lore is also key to the Omnic Crisis.

With the many buildings around the map, players will have to manage their time and positioning between the fairly open roadways and close-quarters indoor skirmishes. There are also plenty of opportunities for snipers and sneak attacks thanks to the elevation the skyscrapers provide.

7 Hollywood

Hollywood is as grand and unique as its name promises, taking the attacking team on a journey to escort a limousine through several movie sets. Due to the fact that this is a Hybrid map, players on both sides will have very different strategies as the map transforms into a backlot and a movie studio.

The variety of themes involved in the different movie sets and the backstage areas makes navigating the map exciting, and there are plenty of ways to handle each of the map’s chokepoints. In the western film set section, for instance, a number of buildings provide elevation for long-range heroes and indoor spaces for close-range characters.

6 Lijiang Tower

Across three different locations, the Control map Lijiang Tower offers players plenty of routes to victory and stands out by being one of the few maps in which it is nighttime. The high-tech location combines classic Chinese architecture with Overwatch‘s signature sci-fi motifs, creating a unique theme.

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A major part of all three of Lijiang Tower’s sections is the potential to push others off the edge for environmental kills, forcing attackers to be wary of approaching the objective unprepared. The use of corridors, open spaces, and elevation on the map also makes each match feel exciting and dynamic.

5 Nepal

Home to important Omnic figure Mondatta, Nepal is a Control map with three parts that emanate peace and, ironically, make great places to fight. Taking the imagery of Omnics like Mondatta and Zenyatta and combining it with the more traditional monastic locale, Nepal is one of Overwatch‘s most visually striking maps.

The multi-level indoor space of the Sanctum is pitched against the more open spaces of the Shrine section, with the tight spaces of the Village filling out Nepal’s varied locales. At higher levels of play, this is definitely a map that requires players to have a good sense of their team and enemies’ positioning.

4 Eichenwalde

As the first map added to Overwatch following the game’s initial release, Eichenwalde made a big splash with its epic scale and exciting Hybrid gameplay. Taking place in the shadow of an enormous castle, Eichenwalde is a place where large-scale battles are sure to break out.

Close-quarters heroes do have their place here, though, as certain choke points have small corridors where the likes of Tracer and Genji can excel. Navigating the early village section requires some creative navigation of tight twists and turns, while the march to the castle door is wide open, offering a varied experience.

3 Oasis

This Iraq-set Control map brings players into a technological marvel of a city that stays true to its theme by offering technological tools and obstacles in the form of jump pads and speeding cars. Oasis’ use of ornate architecture makes it marvelous to look at and fun to play on, as well.

With the jump pads on the map’s City Center section, managing elevation becomes very important on this map, and the environmental hazards presented by all three areas require careful maneuvering. The rounded design of each of the map’s sections also creates unique opportunities for players to loop around the city’s pathways for ambushes.

2 Ilios

Taking place in a picturesque seaside village in Greece, the classic Control map Ilios has three locations that each feature a view of an island paradise. Amid this paradise, though, are fierce firefights between teams fighting for control of the objective across three sections known for their environmental hazards.

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In particular, managing the bottomless pit at the center of Ilios’ Well section is of utmost importance to gameplay on that map, making it a great place for new Overwatch players to try out Lúcio. The tight spaces created by the shops on Lighthouse and the wide-open point of Ruins also offer their own unique and fun gameplay.

1 King’s Row

Considered by many fans to be the epitome of Overwatch maps, the Hybrid map King’s Row combines exciting gameplay with important lore and a captivating atmosphere. The clashes between Omnics and humans in the British neighborhood have led to the attacking team escorting an EMP into the Omnic community, which may lead to clashes with the Overwatch 2‘s Omnic PvE enemies.

Taking place at night, matches on King’s Row are incredibly atmospheric and dynamic, moving from the well-lit city streets to the industrial Omnic haven at its end. Many points of elevation throughout and several branching pathways allow for close-quarters brawls and epic-scale team fights alike, meaning games on King’s Row are always exciting.

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