The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to grow and with Eternals, the universe continues to expand in both the present and the past. Joining the plethora of countless superpowered beings such as Thor and Scarlet Witch, there are ten Eternals who each present their own unique powersets in the 2021 blockbuster.

From the Superman-esque powers of Richard Madden’s Ikaris to Kumail Nanjiani firing the best finger guns as Kingo; there are a lot of powers to enjoy in Eternals. However, some are definitely better than others.

10 Ajak’s Healing

Salma Hayek’s Ajak does not have the largest role in Eternals but she does have an important one. However, due to her lack of screentime, Ajak’s powers are rarely ever used, and when they are, it’s a healing ability that has been seen many times in the past.

It is impressive how far her healing goes, as she is able to mend fatal wounds. The best example is when Thena suffers from Mahd W’yry and nearly kills Makkari but thanks to Ajak, Makkari was back on her feet in seconds. Still, the other Eternals have cooler talents.

9 Sprite’s Illusions

At first, Sprite’s powers come off as the least helpful of the group. However, that changes when she first battles the lead Deviant in London, able to create perfect illusions that surpass that of the illusions created by Mysterio from Spider-Man. Sprite might not be able to physically fight a Deviant, but she can confuse them.

Sprite can also use her illusions to make herself appear invisible, which was only utilized once in the final battle when she fought Sersi. However, despite this, it was more useful for telling stories during flashbacks and was only briefly used for battle.


8 Druig’s Telepathic Control

From the beginning, Druig’s power sets him up perfectly to be a villain and to an extent, he begins as such in Eternals. He hates seeing how humanity tends to destroy itself through wars, so he uses his psychic ability to control a group of people to create a perfect community. This level of control is along the lines of Professor X from the X-Men.

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Though it is considered wrong, Eternals does show what Druig can do with an army under his control. When Deviants attack his community, he commands them and makes them fight in unison, surprisingly dealing a lot of damage to them. But, he proves to be less useful when fighting Ikaris and Tiamut in the final battle.

7 Kingo’s Cosmic Blasts

The charismatic Kingo played by Kumail Nanjiani takes finger guns to the next level by generating orbs of cosmic energy which he fires from his fingertips. They aren’t limited to his fingers, as he was able to generate a larger orb and use both his palms in a fashion reminiscent of the Kamehameha wave from the Dragon Ball universe.

The biggest drawback to Kingo in combat is that it takes time to create bigger attacks. To balance this, Kingo’s blasts were able to completely obliterate the head of an Eternal with one hit when charged. Sadly, Kingo was not in the final fight against Ikaris so it is unknown how his blasts would damage other powerful beings in the MCU.

6 Sersi’s Elemental Manipulation

In many ways, Sersi could be one of the most dangerous beings in the MCU. She features the ability to turn any element into another element, such as turning dirt into water, turning sand into stone, and stone into metal. This power was critical in her advancing the human race that she loved so much.

Against Deviants, it proved to be more useful expected when she turned a section of a tree into water, allowing it to fall but not before turning it into metal. This made the branches impale and kill a Deviant. But her biggest use of her power is when she was able to kill a Celestial when enhanced by the others.

5 Gilgamesh’s Cosmic Strength

Able to knock one of the largest Deviants out with a slap, Gilgamesh’s strength seems endless. Despite seeming like a one-trick pony, Gilgamesh’s strength proves to be one of the more enjoyable powers. Especially since it is paired with Gilgamesh’s lovable and charming personality.

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When Gilgamesh uses his powers, he displays some of the more impressive feats of strength in the MCU. One punch sends a massive shockwave, potentially making him rival the likes of the Hulk, the strongest of the Avengers.

4 Thena’s Cosmic Weapons

Being the Goddess Of War, Thena is a master of melee weaponry of seemingly any kind. That’s what makes her so deadly in a battle against both Deviants and her own kind. Thena is able to use her cosmic energy to form any kind of weapon at will, from polearms to short-ranged blades and more.

Thena was easily one of the more powerful Eternals, as she was able to wound multiple of her friends. Also, when Kro, the lead Deviant, had the healing and strength of both Ajak and Gilgamesh, Thena was able to kill him using her weapons.

3 Ikaris’ Flight & Cosmic Vision

It’s no secret that some of the Eternals are very similar to the Justice League from DC. Thena being Wonder Woman, Makkari being The Flash, and Ikaris being the Superman equivalent. Not only does he fly and fire lasers from his eyes, but he also wears a blue uniform that would make the House Of El jealous.

Much like in the comics, Ikaris is one of the most powerful Eternals, as he’s able to take on the multiple Eternals without getting a scratch on him. The cosmic energy glowing inside his face as he fires his lasers is a great detail and his flight is satisfying with how smooth and flawless it is. It’s only a shame that Ikaris ends up being a villain in the end.

2 Phastos’ Technomancing

In a way to cleverly explain how humans advanced in technology so quickly, Phastos was behind it all. With his hands, he can forge technology much how Emperor Palpatine can fire electricity from his fingertips. At first, it’s mainly shown through how he created the steam engine and the plow for humans.

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It’s in the final battle against Ikaris where his power shines, as he is able to create arm cannons, explosives, and even cosmic energy-draining devices to ground Ikaris. He is actually one of the more important characters in stopping the Celestial emergence from destroying Earth.

1 Makkari’s Cosmic Speed

Somehow Eternals managed to put both The Flash and Quicksilver to shame with the introduction of Makkari. Director Chloe Zhao brought a fresh take on super-speed by removing the cliche of having everything in slow-motion. Instead, Makkari’s speed is always on full display and it is a spectacle to watch.

Makkari is able to traverse the world in seconds, is one of the more powerful Eternals who deals the most damage to Ikaris in the final battle, and is a contender for the fastest speedster in superhero film history. Chloe Zhao expertly manages to have to the camera always perfectly following Makkari as she goes at intense speeds, giving a refreshing take on the superhero archetype.

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