Netflix’s new animated comedy Inside Job follows the lives of the employees at Cognito, Inc., the deep state that controls much of the world’s happenings in secret, from keeping the peace between humanity and the lizard people, to replacing the president of the United States with a robot.

Inside Job hosts several larger-than-life characters that deliver enough outrageous lines to fill an entire book. However, certain lines are so memorable and hilarious that they simply deserve an extra commendation.

Gigi: On Marriage

“Oh, I Love Weddings. They’re A Celebration Of Two Souls Who Got Sick Of Dating Apps And Settled.”

Gigi Luigi is Cognito, Inc’s public relations officer, which is ironic for a company that works completely in the shadows. She is also a hopeless gossip, who cannot help but get involved with the drama going on around her, of which there is plenty.


This quote about weddings is all-too-accurate to Gigi’s character, as she drops a bit of unwanted truth on the audience about standards for love getting low enough for two people to marry one another. She implies that, while weddings are fun, the concept behind them is less about love and more about giving up on one’s expectations.

ROBOTUS: Friends

“When I Kill All Humans, You Will Be Spared. Only You… Only Joey!”

ROBOTUS is the sinister robot version of the president, whom Reagan initially intended to take over the job (before he became a genocidal maniac almost immediately, that is). After his breakdown, ROBOTUS spends the rest of the season locked away in the basement, plotting his return and watching classic television shows like Friends.

ROBOTUS’s love for human television proves to be quite useful for Reagan to leverage to get what she wants from him. He especially loves Friends and for the character of Joey Tribbiani specifically, whom he promises not to murder when he wipes out humanity. One can only imagine a reality wherein all humans are wiped out, leaving ROBOTUS alone with a hapless Joey (or, more accurately, a very confused Matt LeBlanc).

Andre: World War III

“I Heard A Spicy Rumor That We’re About To Start Casting For World War III. Apparently, This Time, The Americans Will Be The Bad Guys.”

Dr. Andre Lee is the wild card of the office, whose extreme experiments prove to be all the more terrifying when he reveals late in the show that he isn’t even a real doctor. The details of his life are kept scarce and are only dropped in the most minuscule details, making him somewhat of a mysterious character, even among all the deep state secrets that he is surrounded by.

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When accompanying Gigi to lay off the actor who has been pretending to be Buzz Aldrin for several decades, Andre helpfully suggests a new role the actor could pursue in the upcoming WWIII. The sheer amount of lore dropped casually in this single quote is quite telling about the world that Inside Job is set in–and makes viewers wonder if future seasons really will explore a corporately manufactured World War III.

Magic Myc: Gross Misconduct

“Hello HR, Who’s Ready For Some Gross Misconduct?”

Magic Myc is a fantastical being from deep in the Hollow Earth, representing his telepathic species among humans. Myc is surly and obnoxious, with very few people who actually enjoy his company, yet he doesn’t seem to mind their hatred.

This line perfectly encapsulates Myc’s character, as he proudly declares to HR that he is about to engage in unsavory practices at work, a common occurrence for him. Myc’s pride over his various inappropriate exploits is perhaps the worst part of his personality.

Reagan: The 2020s In A Nutshell

“In A Perfect World, We Wouldn’t Have To Drug Our Friends To Avoid Being Eaten By Sharks. But, We Live In America In The 2020s, And All Bets Are Off.”

Reagan Ridley is the main character of the show, who works at the company which her father co-founded. Often embroiled in self-made disasters that nearly destroy the world, Reagan always seems to come out on top, thanks to her admirable bravery and scientific mind.

In a decade that began with killer wasps, continents in flames, and a killer virus, viewers can relate to Reagan’s line more than they might like. While they’ve likely never had to drug their friends with truth serum in a desperate attempt to avoid man-eating sharks, perhaps they can appreciate the character’s allusion to the wild decade they’ve experienced so far.

Glenn: Detention

“I Had To Stay Three Hours Late To Supervise The Brats I Sent To Detention, But Then They Kept Coming Of Age!”

Glenn Dolphman is a human-dolphin hybrid experiment, whose patriotism occasionally leads him to go on murderous rampages. He has very little patience for people who disagree with him and is quite sensitive to his dolphin-like appearance.

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On one mission in which he works undercover at a school, Glenn expresses his frustration with the students whom he sent to detention, lamenting that, like The Breakfast Club, they kept coming of age! His frustration makes the line all the better, especially because he doesn’t seem to catch on to the hilarity of what he is saying.

Reagan: The Easy Way

“Hah! I Did It! I Think I Just Conquered My Weird Mental Hang-Up Without Any Self-Examination!”

Reagan is a brilliant member of the group, and likely one of the most intelligent characters on Inside Job, but she doesn’t always have the best emotional accessibility. She has plenty of strange habits that trace back to her subpar parents, the trauma from which she often keeps buried beneath the surface.

Despite her many emotional issues, Reagan prefers to carry on as if nothing is wrong, especially if it would require any work to address that issue. When she thinks she’s taken the easy way to handle her weird mental hang-up, she celebrates with an all-too-relatable cheer.

J.R.: Work Family

“I Want You To Know, I Love All Of You Like A Random Group Of People I Was Contractually Obligated To Spend 40 Hours A Week With.”

J.R. is a co-founder of the company and Reagan’s direct superior, who cares more about money and power than just about anything else in the world. His selfishness and greed often cause problems for the group of main characters.

When J.R. thinks that he is about to be promoted to become one of the Robes, a secret group that controls the company that controls the world, he gives an “emotional” speech, wherein he perfectly describes how people tend to feel about their coworkers. Despite the character’s outlandish personality, it is hard not to relate to his possessing the bare minimum among of affection for his “work family.”

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Brett: The Generic Man

“You Were Right! The Real Reason They Hired Me Is That My Face Is So Generic, It Cannot Be Traced By Satellites!”

Brett Hand is Reagan’s partner-in-crime and one of the most likable members on Inside Job. He is quickly promoted despite having absolutely no qualifications, which frustrates Reagan immensely until she eventually befriends him.

Brett’s nigh-insufferable optimism occasionally dissipates into bouts of existential horror, including one moment wherein he comes to the world-shattering conclusion that he was hired based on his basic appearance rather than any kind of qualification. His abject horror at the realization that everyone else had already come to sell the line quite nicely.

Reagan: Evil Overlord

“Someday, I Hope To Make The Whole World Like This. Efficient, That Is. Not Controlled Entirely By Me. That Would Be Totally Egomaniacal. I Would Never Do That. Unless People Wanted Me To.”

Reagan Ridley is brilliant and only on the verge of turning into a maniacal overlord. While she occasionally teeters on the brink, Reagan typically reverts to a benevolent genius rather than a megalomaniac.

Despite her claims of having good intentions, in explaining her office to Brett, Reagan accidentally describes making the world just as organized under her rule. While she quickly claims to not want to become an evil overlord, she also immediately provides an exception that leaves fans wondering how long it will take for her to finally snap and attempt world domination.

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