From Batman: The Animated Series to Justice League Unlimited, there are eight different shows set within the DC Animated Universe. Within those shows, many characters live their very human lives with friends, family, and fall in love with a significant other.

Heroes and villains alike have their hearts for other people that lead to interesting dynamics; whether it’s unrequited love or a relationship that builds across a single episode. Which ones are the best? Which relationships won over the hearts of DC fans everywhere the most?

10 Nightwing & Catwoman

Like in the comics, Nightwing tends to be with as many flings with women as James Bond does. Upon returning to Gotham City in The New Batman Adventures, he somehow gets involved with Bruce’s ex: Selina Kyle. The two have cute chemistry even if it is slightly toxic towards Batman in many ways.

Despite their age difference, Nightwing and Catwoman showed to be an effective couple. Unfortunately, it was all for naught as Catwoman was unable to change her ways and manipulated Nightwing to get what she wants.

9 Batman & Zatanna

Many forget that the DCAU Zatanna actually debuted in Batman: The Animated Series. The episode aptly titled “Zatanna” shows that Bruce Wayne trained under Zatanna’s father to be a master escape artist. During that time, Zatanna fell in love with him but sadly, Bruce only cared about his quest even though he did like Zatanna.

The two reunited to take on a man who framed them and their flame shows some spark but Batman continued to dowse it. The two do remain good friends throughout the DCAU, even to the point that Zatanna helps Batman save a woman he loves in Justice League Unlimited.


8 Dick Grayson & Barbara Gordon

In Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero, Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon seem to be a strong couple with the two seeming to be madly in love with each other. However, this did not last since The New Batman Adventures shows a flashback where both Batman and Barbara kept her identity as Batgirl a secret from Dick.

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That combined with Batman’s manipulative and toxic behavior led to Dick punching him to the ground. Dick not only quit being Robin but he left Gotham City, his relationship with Barbara ending too. It’s a shame because the two were quite the item but betrayal burns bridges.

7 Terry McGinnis & Dana Tan

At first in Batman Beyond, Terry and Dana’s relationship comes off as the typical high school romance, nothing all that special other than two students dating. However, over the course of multiple seasons, Terry and Dana show a lot of care and affection toward each other with Terry willing to go through the worst trials as Batman to protect Dana.

Dana felt sympathy for Terry after he lost his father which is why she stuck by him. She even learned of Terry’s role as Batman but despite this, she never left him and in the Justice League Unlimited episode “Epilogue,” he planned to propose to Dana.

6 Batman & Catwoman

There is iconography to this relationship, every fan knows the playful relationship between Batman and Catwoman. One is the ultimate symbol of justice and a vigilante while the other is a master thief which puts them at odds with each other while being infatuated at the same time.

That being said, this may be famous and fun to see, it is undeniably one of DC’s most toxic relationships. Since Selina Kyle is seemingly incapable of change, she constantly betrays Batman meanwhile, Batman is so set in his ways that it’s impossible for them to stay together.

5 Superman & Lois Lane

The relationship between Superman and Lois Lane is much different than one would expect. In Superman: The Animated Series, neither show much romantic interest in one another. Instead, both view each other as respected colleagues and Lois even treats Clark Kent as a friendly rival at the Daily Bugle.

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Over the course of the series and continuing on into the Justice League series, Superman and Lois’ relationship slowly blossoms into what fans think of. This dynamic is similar to how the CW series Superman & Lois portrays their relationship.

4 Wonder Woman & Steve Trevor

In the multi-part episode “The Savage Time,” Justice League tells a rather different version of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor’s relationship. This time, Wonder Woman comes from the future to fight Vandal Savage during World War II and ends up meeting Steve Trevor.

The two hit it off and fall in love; Steve Trevor even plays a big part in helping the Justice League stop Vandal Savage. Where this relationship really affected fans was its bittersweet ending with Wonder Woman returning to the present day to find an old man version of Steve. They share one more moment together at his retirement home to stare at the sunset.

3 Green Arrow & Black Canary

Oliver Queen is an arrogant and smarmy man with a good heart and Dinah Lance brings out that good heart in him. These two are another of DC’s most famous couples with Green Arrow and Black Canary becoming a prime example of couple goals.

They’re funny, they clearly love each other, and they love kicking the butts of criminals. In Justice League Unlimited, Green Arrow falls for Black Canary instantly which leads to him being willing to help her with saving her mentor Wildcat. Green Arrow is even willing to get himself bloodied and bruised by Wildcat to help out Dinah which ends up winning her heart. The two are meant for one another.

2 Green Lantern & Hawkgirl

Over the course of many episodes of Justice League, Green Lantern and Hawkgirl present themselves as the most strict and business-only members of the League. The truth is that both of them shield themselves off too much and as a result, they bond with each other, letting down the guards together.

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As their relationship built, fans were all for John and Shayera as a couple. That came to a tragic end when it turns out Hawkgirl was an infiltrator for her people, meant to prepare Earth for the invasion of Thanagarians. The series even ends with the two suffering a heartbreaking breakup which carried over into a complicated relationship in Justice League Unlimited.

1 Batman & Wonder Woman

The DCAU created the relationship that fans have dubbed as Wonderbat. Across Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, Batman and Wonder Woman show a lot of affection for each other even though Batman tries his hardest to avoid it.

From Batman scrambling to save Diana when he thinks she’s dead to the two bickering like a married couple to Batman of all people singing a ballad to save Wonder Woman, the two are just adorable across various series and bring the good out in each other which leads to many famous scenes.

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