Over his nearly 70-year career in cinema, Samuel Fuller wrote and directed many classic movies. He proved himself to be a master of filmmaking and approached the art with a distinct style that made his films stand out from the usual B-movie fare of his time.

Fuller dabbled in many different genres throughout his career, from noir thrillers to Westerns to epic war dramas. No matter what genre he was working in, he wove clever narratives that dealt with heavy themes and modern politics. Though his films were of consistent quality, some scored higher on IMDb than others.

10 The Baron of Arizona (1950) – 7.0

The Baron of Arizona was only Fuller’s second outing as a director and he showed he had the right stuff. Set in the Old West 30 years before Arizona became a state, the film follows a con man who tries to trick the government into recognizing him as the owner of Arizona.

The story was based on a true story and was anchored by a tremendous performance by Vincent Price in one of his best roles. The Baron of Arizona is a perfect blending of Fuller’s noir sensibilities and the traditional imagery of Western films.

9 Forty Guns (1957) – 7.0

Nearly a decade into his directing career, Fuller returned to a genre that he was distinctly familiar with. Forty Guns is a Western about a rancher who owns a large swath of land in Arizona, and she rules it with her 40-person army. A U.S. Marshal is sent to arrest one of her henchmen, and classic Western conflict ensues over control of the terrorized town.

Forty Guns would be a film that characterized the types of characters that Fuller liked to write about. By having a woman in the lead role, Fuller was able to turn the western genre on its ear and present an unconventional story.


8 White Dog (1982) – 7.1

Late in his career, Samuel Fuller proved he wasn’t going to shy away from the difficult topics that were synonymous with his earlier work. White Dog is the story of an animal trainer who attempts to reform a dog that was trained to  attack only people with dark skin.

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The film excels because it doesn’t avoid hard discussions and asks difficult questions about racism and human behavior. Fuller cleverly wraps his themes in a dramatic story about a dog-and-human relationship. This abstraction of the conflict softens the blow and allows the viewer to analyze their own feelings much easier.

7 The Big Red One (1980) – 7.1

Though it wasn’t the last project that Fuller worked on, The Big Red One was his last big project in Hollywood. The film follows the 1st infantry division of the U.S Army over several campaigns during WWII.

Fuller based the film partially on his own experience in the U.S Army, and it was a pet project of his for decades. The film is an epic with a gigantic cast and all of the necessary gravitas for a war film. Though Fuller had made several war pictures in his career, The Big Red One was always the great war film he wanted to make.

6 Park Row (1952) – 7.2

One of the strengths of Samuel Fuller as a writer and director is that he could make films about important topics, but he could make disposable entertainment just as well. Park Row is an example of the latter and tells the story of a rogue publisher who tries to found a newspaper in New York in the 1880s. He is opposed by an established publisher who tries to stop him from muscling in on her paper.

Though not particularly political or thematic, Park Row is a well-crafted noir from a master of the genre. The film features several Fuller staples including a strong female lead character and pithy dialogue.

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5 Underworld U.S.A (1961) – 7.3

Underworld U.S.A is one of Samuel Fuller’s many “ripped from the headlines” films. The story follows a young boy who infiltrates a crime ring to get revenge on the mobsters who murdered his father.

The film allows Fuller to stick to his favorite noir imagery, and the movie is a rich visual treat. The film also sticks with the Fuller convention of having an unusual lead character by making a film about a 14-year-old boy taking down the mob. The film was noted for its gritty and realistic portrayal of law enforcement, especially the FBI.

4 The Naked Kiss (1964) – 7.3

When it came to controversial topics, Sam Fuller often made them the focus of his films, and The Naked Kiss is no exception. The film follows a former sex worker who relocates from the big city to a small town to escape her past. Unfortunately, her history follows her and puts her pleasant life in jeopardy when a spurned man threatens to expose her.

The Naked Kiss is quintessential Samuel Fuller and perfectly sums up who he was as a filmmaker. His lead character is a woman who has to contend with the hypocrisies of small-town America. By doing so, Fuller is able to make a comment about the nation as a whole.

3 The Steel Helmet (1951) – 7.4

As a veteran himself, Samuel Fuller had a lot to say about what it was really like to fight in war. The Steel Helmet tells the story of a soldier during the Korean War who is the only survivor after his squad is attacked. He is freed by a young Korean boy and they trek across the jungle to find another American battalion.

While most films at the time were glorifying war, The Steel Helmet was one of the first Hollywood films that dared show the psychological effects of war. The film deals with heady themes such as survivors guilt, post traumatic stress disorder, and racism which were all off limits in the early 1950s.

2 Shock Corridor (1963) – 7.4

The 1960s was a turbulent time in American history as many Americans found their faith in familiar institutions had been shaken. Shock Corridor follows an ambitious journalist who fakes his way into a mental health facility in an attempt to solve a murder case. Along the way he learns about the realities of the poor treatment of patients and his experience drives him to the brink of his own sanity.

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Shirking traditional melodrama, Shock Corridor was a refreshingly modern outing from Fuller who had already spent three decades in the industry. The film isn’t afraid to show harsh reality, and it pinballs between humor and terror with Fuller’s skillful writing.

1 Pickup On South Street (1953) – 7.7

At the height of the Cold War and America’s fear of foreign agents, Samuel Fuller delivered his take on the spy film in this underrated film noir classic. Pickup on South Street is the story of a pickpocket who steals a woman’s wallet without knowing it contains information that was stolen by a Russian spy.

Fuller sinks his teeth into the film, and it is the perfect example of his witty cynicism. Pickup simultaneously delivers an exciting spy thriller while also poking holes in the concept of patriotism and showing just how ridiculous the entire Cold War was. Along with a great story, Fuller delivers his trademark film noir imagery and a perfect blending of spy thriller and the crime story.

Next10 Best Actors Who Haven’t Won An Oscar For Acting, According To Ranker

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