By embracing the future, the sci-fi genre offers the most imaginative and creative weapons in the film industry. The limitless potential of not following reality’s rules has allowed sci-fi weapons to stand on their own. From laser swords to futuristic guns, sci-fi films have featured countless ideas that will remain iconic and memorable.

Despite the sea of ideas, some weapons just ooze more style than others. Since there are countless to include on the following list, only picks designed to be weapons will be included – something like an unequipped vehicle won’t count. The picks will be ranked based on how much style they add to the characters and their films. Without further ado, here are the ten coolest sci-fi weapons in film.

10 Sonic Gun – Minority Report (2002)

Not every weapon has to directly produce deadly force to be effective. In Minority Report, PreCrime officers are issued the sonic gun as their standard weapon, which reflects the pacifist values of the film’s universe by dealing with targets in a relatively peaceful manner.

The weapon shoots a sonic pulse towards a target, which sends them flying back fast and hard. While the pulse itself does little damage, the target can be hurt by hitting objects or vice versa. Adding to its coolness, the weapon features a slick and flashy reload.

9 Identity Disc – Tron Franchise (1982 – 2013)

In the Tron universe, the identity disc is an important piece of equipment used by programs. Part of the digital world built by computer programmer Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), the disc serves two purposes: Storing information and as a weapon.

Identity discs have sharp edges that will delete programs on direct contact after cutting them in short-range or making contact from a throw. Using artificial physics, users who have thrown the weapon aren’t harmed when it returns. The neon glow of an identity disc aligns with the color of its owner’s circuitry.


8 Combat Jacket – Edge Of Tomorrow (2014)

When trying to fight a dangerous, invasive alien species, the combat jackets in the Tom Cruise-led Edge of Tomorrow can do the job. Created by the United Defense Force, the jacket is an advanced powered exoskeleton that enhances its human occupant’s speed and strength.

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Navigated with a digital screen, the jacket also has ordinances ranging from rockets missiles to railguns. It requires extensive training to operate effectively and comes in three variants: Dog, Grunt, and Tank. With unique weapons and strengths, the variants are used for different roles on the battlefield.

7 Phaser – Star Trek Franchise (1966 – Present)

Synonymous with the Star Trek franchise, phasers discharge pulsed energy projectiles towards a target. Used primarily by the United Federation of Planets’ Starfleet, phaser technology has several firing modes, including kill, burn, vaporize, and, most famously, stun.

Phasers come in various sizes ranging from handheld to starship-mounted. Apart from killing living beings, it can also damage shields and cut through hulls. While the technology doesn’t require ammo, it can overload if pushed enough by the user.

6 Lawgiver – Judge Dredd Franchise (1995 – 2012)

A weapon falling into enemy hands is usually a concern, but not for the law-enforcing Judges in Dredd (2012). Evolving from its original depiction in Judge Dredd (1995), the lawgiver has three firing modes and a hand-grip with a DNA sensor. It self-destructs if the wielder fails the test.

The weapon features a digital screen that offers information like ammo count, firing mode, and the status of ID checks. In addition, it has a silencer, incendiary rounds, and ranged sights. But coolest of all, the lawgiver’s functions can be accessed through voice-activation.

5 T-1000 – Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

The only thing scarier than a deadly weapon is one that can operate on its own. Created by futuristic AI Skynet, the T-1000 is a shapeshifting android assassin in the acclaimed sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Its liquid metal composition allows it to perform various functions.

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These features range from impersonating individuals for camouflage to morphing limbs into sharp objects. The T-1000 can also repeatedly take significant damage and revert to its original shape. Its only weakness is extreme temperature, which can be exploited to slow it down or destroy it.

4 ARC Gun – District 9 (2009)

Used by the Prawn alien species in District 9, the ARC gun fires a bolt of electricity towards a target. Upon contact with a living being, the target explodes messily and violently. While direct hits are most devastating, deflected bolts can sever limbs and cause burns.

The ARC gun is limited by its inability to be used by humans. However, a man whose arm morphed into a Prawn claw was able to repeatedly fire it. The restriction is because the Prawn weapon only interacts with alien DNA. Other Prawn technology, including a bio-suit, shares the same requirement.

3 ZORG Z-F1 – The Fifth Element (1997)

While most guns have one method of destruction, the Zorg Z-F1 from the sci-fi action flick The Fifth Element is an all-in-one weapon. Designed by arms dealer Jean-Baptiste Zorg (Gary Oldman), the gun’s offensive capabilities range from freezing targets to blasting rockets at them based on the combat situation.

The weapon’s coolest feature is the replay button, which sets the first round fired as a beacon for subsequent rounds. Despite its large size when activated, the Z-F1 can compact into a pod for easier travel. As a last resort, users can activate the weapon’s self-destruct feature.

2 Jaeger – Pacific Rim Franchise (2013 – Present)

Jaegars are human-created mechs designed to fight Kaiju, a race of alien amphibious creatures in Pacific Rim (2013) and its sequel, Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018). They were created by the Pan Pacific Defense Corp as a more efficient, safer alternative to nuclear weapons.

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Separated into different categories or “Marks,” Jaegars have unique colorful appearances and weapons from each other. The main similarity they share is the requirement of two human pilots, who connect their minds and share the stress of operating the large fighting machines.

1 Lightsaber – Star Wars Franchise (1977 – Present)

Typically comprised of one plasma blade and a hilt, the lightsaber is one of the most iconic creations from the Star Wars franchise. Wielded by the Jedi Order and other Force-sensitives including the Sith, the laser swords are usually used against each other or to deflect blaster bolts.

Against non-lightsaber using foes, the weapon offers wielders a significant advantage by being able to cut through most materials in the universe. Unlike most sci-fi weapons, lightsabers can be customized to their users’ likings with alternate hilt variants and blade colors.

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