Few things are as iconic in movies and television as an awesome sword. From fantasy and horror to kung-fu epics, swords dot the cinematic landscape, adding some flash and badassery wherever they go.

They come in all shapes and sizes and vary in their ornateness, but are never less than memorable. Here are the 10 coolest swords from film and television, notable for their designs, function, and legend. And remember, “The pointy end goes in the other man.” Also, as fun as they are, lightsabers are in a category all their own, so they won’t be showing up on this list.

10 Longclaw – Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones is full of notable blades, from Arya’s tiny Needle to Ned’s massive Ice, but the most iconic is, without a doubt, Longclaw. Jon Snow’s sword, gifted to him by Jeor Mormont, is one of a handful of surviving Valyrian steel swords.

Valyrian steel is notable for never needing to be sharpened, being lighter and more durable than traditional steel, and for being one of the few substances capable of killing White Walkers. Jon uses the sword to great effect throughout his many adventures, both north and south of the wall.

9 Anduril – The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Another series with plenty of iconic weaponry to choose from, The Lord of the Rings has one blade that stands out in particular.

Aragorn’s sword, Anduril, was reforged from Narsil, the weapon that sliced the One Ring off Sauron’s hand all those years ago. He receives it in The Return of the King from Elrond and uses it as a symbol to rally the army of the dead to his cause. In real life, it’s owned by Rings superfan, Stephen Colbert.


8 The Sword Of Omens – ThunderCats

“Thunder … Thunder … Thunder … ThunderCats HO!!!” The Sword of Omens is the magical blade wielded by Lion-O in ThunderCats. It has the Eye of Thundera set in it, which gives the sword a sort of sentience and allows Lion-O to summon his comrades.

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When not in battle, it rests as a dagger until the incantation is called out and it grows into the iconic longsword.

7 Hattori Hanzo’s Final Blade – Kill Bill Vol. 1/Kill Bill Vol. 2

When The Bride needs a weapon capable of taking on Bill, she knows exactly who to turn to. Hattori Hanzo was a master swordsmith, and Bill’s former teacher, but swore off forging instruments of death until The Bride coaxes him out of retirement for one last blade.

Hanzo considers this katana to be the finest he has ever forged, which is an incredibly high bar, and promises The Bride that should even God stand in her way, “God will be cut.” Given her success in both Kill Bill movies, it seems Hanzo wasn’t exaggerating.

6 The Grass Sword – Adventure Time

Adventure Time has gifted Finn with some excellent swords over the years, but the best and most unique is his grass sword. It may cause problems for him down the road as its one of the components that gave life to Fern, but while he has it, it’s a hyper convenient and powerful weapon.

The blade is able to fold in around his arm, and despite being made of grass, it has no trouble cutting through just about anything.

5 Inigo Montoya’s Rapier – The Princess Bride

“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

This ornate rapier comes with an unfortunate history for the master swordsman wielding it. Inigo’s father forged this unique weapon for the six-fingered Count Rugen before the vile Count used it to murder its creator. Inigo has carried the sword ever since in hopes of exacting his revenge on the man who took his father from him.

4 The Ivory Katana – Highlander

The ivory katana is a one of kind weapon forged by a master swordsmith and was the favored weapon of the curiously accented immortal Egyptian, Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez. The weapon was gifted to him on his wedding day and he kept it close to him until his death at the hands of The Kurgan.

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After that, it fell to the Highlander himself, Connor MacLeod, who used it to defeat The Kurgan and claim the Prize.

3 The Sword Of Triton – Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

The Pirates of the Caribbean series never put much emphasis on its weaponry, that is until Blackbeard arrived on the scene. The infamous pirate wields the Sword of Triton, which not only gives him full control of The Queen Anne’s Revenge but every ship he comes in conflict with.

The sword makes him a singularly unstoppable force on the high seas and by far the best part of arguably the series’ weakest movie.

2 Green Destiny – Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Green Destiny is a one of a kind blade that dramatically enhances the fighting abilities of a true master that wields it. Almost nothing can resist the sword’s edge and it is often used to destroy the weapons of enemy combatants.

In Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the sword is possessed by the legendary swordsman Li Mu Bai but is stolen by Jen Yu, who uses it to live out a life of adventure as The Invincible Sword Goddess.

1 Excalibur – King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword

Of course, the number one sword has to be the iconic Excalibur. The sword has shown up everywhere, from live-action movies to anime tv shows, along with its wielder, Arthur Pendragon, but has never looked cooler than in Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.

Charlie Hunnam’s streetfighting Arthur wields the magical weapon to explosive effect as he fights to retake the throne from his wicked uncle, Vortigern. Sadly, the franchise never got past the first movie, but it definitely won’t be the last time Excalibur graces the screen.

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