Pixar’s Toy Story has touched the lives of children and adults alike with its groundbreaking animation, witty writing, and relatable characters. As everyone already knows, the story focuses on how toys come to life when humans are not around. After four movies, a lot of viewers have come up with theories and examined the philosophical wonders of what makes a toy alive, what truly defines a toy, and about the plot.

All big-name series and movies have their fan theories, but Toy Story in particular has a ton of them. On websites like Reddit, there are some theories that even caught the attention of the film creators. From individual characters to metaphors, the wildest ones are here.

10 The Toys Were Never Alive

One Reddit theory, proposed by user Kingzilla2000, brings up the idea that Toy Story could be more like The Lego Movie in that their actions and story are actually in the imagination of their owner(s). If this theory were true, it would quickly fix any plot holes the films have had such as why Buzz freezes like other toys despite not thinking he himself is a toy in the first movie.

Kingzilla2000 added a note at the end of the theory that they don’t actually think this is what the creators had in mind, but that this was just a fun little Toy Story theory to talk about.

9 Andy’s Dad Is Dead

Many Toy Story theories actually relate to a character that is never seen in the movies. Andy’s dad is never present nor mentioned, and fans have a lot of theories as to why. One of the popular theories is that his father died. While many have mentioned this on Reddit, one user, JustATypicalGinger, outlined the fact that they think this theory is true due to which kind of toys Andy likes the best.

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Andy’s favorite toys are strong male adult figures who have qualities one might value in a dad such as leadership skills and kind-heartedness.


8 Sid Become A Garbage Man To Save Toys From Being Trashed

Most Toy Story fans already know about Sid’s cameo appearance in Toy Story 3 as a garbage man. A mind-blowing theory in relation to this fact actually came from a real-life garbage man on Reddit under the username, londongarbageman. The user mentioned that a big perk to their job is finding things like toys.

With what happened in the first movie, Sid might remember that he once witnessed sentient toys and has decided to save them as an adult.

7 The First Movie Is A Metaphor For Andy’s Mother Re-Marrying

Reddit user, EatBooks, commented upon the Andy’s dad being dead theory with a mind-blowing theory of their own. With Woody and Buzz both being toys that can symbolize father figures, what if Buzz’s story in the first film is a metaphor for a child coming to terms with his mother re-marrying?

The metaphor fits for how Woody treats Buzz out of jealousy. Woody is old-school while Buzz is the new favorite who is changing the status quo he is used to.

6 The Toys Are Immortal

Other popular theories among Toy Story fans relate to what defines the beginning and an end to a toy’s life. Reddit user, nameless88, suggests that there is no way toys can die outside of being crushed or incinerated.

The biggest supporting piece of this evidence is Sid’s toys from the first movie. He unknowingly tortures them by tearing them apart and putting them back together with different parts. Despite this, they are still sentient. Mr. Potato Head is another supporting factor, as he can still feel his body parts even when they are separate from him.

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5 Andy’s Dad Was A Cop

Another theory pertaining to the identity of Andy’s dad is that he was a cop. This explains more about why Woody and Buzz would be his favorite toys. Not only could they fill in a fatherly role for him, but they are figures that play a major role in law enforcement.

This theory was mentioned by user sumojoe in the fan discussion of Andy’s dad possibly being dead.

4 Woody Belonged To Andy’s Dad

Yet another theory about Andy’s dad is that he was the previous owner of Woody. This theory gives another reason as to why Woody is a favorite toy. Woody’s behavior towards Andy is also much like a father figure, as he wants to protect him and make him happy. This could be because Woody knows that is what his previous owner would have wanted.

This also adds an extra emotional element to the third movie since Andy gives Woody away to Bonnie. This theory was posted on Reddit by user lan078.

3 Jessie Once Belonged To Andy’s Mom

In the second movie, Jessie the cowgirl comes into the picture. She had an owner named Emily who neglected her. Fans on reddit, like user BerylliumExtract, have theorized that Emily is actually Andy’s mother.

Evidence that supports this theory included what viewers see of Emily. Many fans noticed that she looks a lot like Andy and even has a hat like his. It is possible that it’s the same hat if Emily is indeed Andy’s mom. Along with this theory is the depressing notion that Emily doesn’t remember Jessie and that Jessie does not recognize her grown-up owner.

2 Mr. Potato Head Is Not A Singular Entity

Mr. Potato Head’s anatomy has sprung-up many questions as well as theories from fans. His body parts all keep moving despite their detachment and it appears he can feel the parts as well even when they are a long-distance away.

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Reddit user Primetime22 theorized that Mr. Potato Head’s various parts can each have a mind of their own with different personalities and the mouth is their leader.

1 Sid’s Dad Is An Alcoholic

Of course, among the Toy Story theories are dark takes. One that involves Sid’s dad is among those dark theories. Reddit user, chili_powder, theorized that Sid’s dad from the first movie may be an abusive alcoholic.

Evidence for this includes that both Sid and the family dog seem scared of the dad. Also, what little viewers do see of Sid’s dad is him sleeping with beer cans on the floor. This would also explain in part why Sid acts violently with his toys.

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