Love is one of the single most powerful emotions people are capable of expressing and in the wonderful, albeit confusing world of comic books, it’s turned up to eleven. It goes without saying that there are a good deal of couples in the DC Comics universe.

Superman and Lois Lane, Batman and Catwoman, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, Green Arrow and Black Canary, all couples that have become legendary and well covered in media. But what about the couples that haven’t gotten their time in front of the cameras? Here are some that have stayed only in the pages of comic books… so far.

10 Black Lightning & Katana

There had been some hints of a romantic relationship between Black Lightning and Katana, two of the founding members of The Outsiders, particularly in the event Identity Crisis. However, it was the recent run of Batman & The Outsiders that made it clear how they feel about each other.

Katana comments on how Black Lightning clearly has feelings for her, and she affectionatly calls him Raijin, a reference to the Japanese god of lightning. Though it was obvious that the two were going to become a couple, they never got the chance, as the series was unfortunately canceled.

9 The Flash & Linda Park

Granted, Linda Park and Wally West did interact in the Justice League Unlimited episode “Flash and Substance,” with the underrated episode showing that Linda clearly has a crush on The Scarlet Speedster. Wally doesn’t really seem to show much interest in Linda however, and the two never interact again.

This is a shame, as the third Flash and the outgoing TV reporter are highly devoted to each other in the comics. In fact, they got married, which was a moment that many Flash fans still cherish to this day.


8 Red Hood & Ravager

Not a relationship at its best in the main universe per se, but the pairing of the second Robin and the daughter of Deathstroke is a relationship that makes sense. Both tend to be more ruthless and bloodthirsty than their fellow Titans, with their relationship getting play in a few alternate realities.

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Their relationship has been featured in the main universe comics, but it was Tom Taylor’s DCeased universe that took the biggest swings with this pairing. In Dead Planet, Red Hood and Ravager have gotten married, but sadly one of them doesn’t make it to the end.

7 Killer Croc & The Enchantress

Despite what the Arkham games would have you believe, Killer Croc is one of the most tragic, sympathetic characters in Batman’s rogues gallery. When Killer Croc joined The Suicide Squad, he found love in the form of another character who is known for getting a raw deal, The Enchantress.

When the two villains became a couple in the DC Rebirth Suicide Squad title, Waylon Jones and June Moone’s love was absolutely adorable. While it didn’t last long, it was a pairing that had a lot of potential.

6 Troia and Arsenal

The first new recruits to the Teen Titans, Donna Troy and Roy Harper almost seem as if they’re worlds apart. The sister of Wonder Woman and the roguish sidekick of Green Arrow, it would seem that Troia and Arsenal wouldn’t really get along.

Instead, the two fell in love. The couple had an uncanny ability to find each other over and over again. Whether it be Pre-Crisis, Post-Crisis, or even the more recent DC Rebirth era, Donna Troy and Roy Harper will find their way back into each other’s arms.

5 The Brain & Monsieur Mallah

For years, longtime Doom Patrol antagonists The Brain and Monsieur Mallah were merely two-dimensional villains. Then when Grant Morrison hopped onto Doom Patrol, they made them one of the first LGBTQ+ couples in comic book history.

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In Doom Patrol #34, after The Brain’s consciousness was placed into one of Robotman’s bodies, he confessed his love for Mallah, and the two have been a loving couple ever since. They have appeared individually in several TV shows, but never as a couple, which is a shame.

4 Superboy & Wonder Girl

Much to the anger of the fans, DC has tried on more than one occasion to make Superman and Wonder Woman a couple, in spite of the fact that their pairing working best as a plutonic one. However, one Super-Wonder pairing that fans seem to love is that of Conner Kent and Cassie Sandsmark.

The two Young Justice members, who later joined The Teen Titans, had been romantically interested in each other for a while, but it was the period right before Infinite Crisis where they truly became a couple. The two even hooked up in The Kent Barn, but sadly that was just prior to Superboy’s death.

3 Vixen & Bronze Tiger

Vixen and Bronze Tiger’s relationship is one that fans would love to see on-screen, but, to date, it’s only been seen in the comics.

The two first met while they were both associated with Amanda Waller’s Suicide Squad and Bronze Tiger soon became smitten with Vixen. Though the two are obviously in love with each other, Bronze Tiger’s personal issues means that their relationship is in a bit of a state of flux.

2 Robin & Spoiler

Despite hitting him with a brick when they first met, Stephanie Brown has proven just how much she cares for Tim Drake. The third Robin and the daughter of the villain Cluemaster, Robin, and Spoiler are a great couple that fans love.

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The two have saved each other on more than one occasion and have managed to maintain their superhero lives along with their relationship. Even during the roughest times of their lives, they usually get back together in the end.

1 Midnighter & Apollo

What if Superman and Batman were a couple? That is the question that Midnighter and Apollo are the answer for. Debuting in the WildStorm series The Authority, when WildStorm became part of DC Comics, Midnighter and Apollo found a new home in The DC Universe.

Despite occasionally being broken up, Midnighter and Apollo are one of the most committed couples in DC Comics. In the original run on The Authority, the two got married and adopted a daughter named Jenny Quantum. They are a beautiful representation of LGBTQ+ love.

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