When it was released in 2002, 28 Days Later changed the zombie genre forever. Maybe fast zombies were around before it and maybe they weren’t. But either way, 28 Days Later revolutionized the concept of the undead and firmly placed speedy zombies into the pop culture pantheon. Suddenly every zombie movie featured fast zombies, including the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead.

Of course, it’s also very well known for the empty London scenes and for its brilliant cast, which includes the likes of Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson, and Christopher Eccleston (who would go on to become the ninth doctor just a few years later).

These are ten essential movies for 28 Days Later fans.

10 Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

Well, since we mentioned it in the intro, we may as well go into greater detail! Dawn of the Dead can be argued as being the direct descendant of 28 Days Later – the faster-paced, Americanized version. Of course, it’s actually a remake of George A. Romero’s beloved 1978 classic, but the term “remake” is to be used exceedingly loosely here.

This is a remake as much as New Coke was a “remake” of regular Coke. That is to say, they’re totally different and not at all alike. But if you love the fast zombies of 28 Days Later, then you can’t go wrong with Dawn of the Dead.

9 Day Of The Dead (1985)

OK, this is the last “of the Dead” movie, we swear. That’s cheating, and we understand that. But Day of the Dead is so strikingly similar to 28 Days Later that we have to mention it. Unlike Romero’s Dawn of the Dead, which was bright, chipper, and relatively lighthearted, Day of the Dead is a complete dirge.

It’s the emo phase of the Dead series. It shares the same pessimistic, hopeless, and utterly apocalyptic tone that 28 Days Later so perfectly captures, and it makes for some truly depressing viewing. Check it out!


8 I Am Legend (2007)

I Am Legend is undoubtedly one of Will Smith’s finer acting efforts. He stars as Robert Neville, who is seemingly the last man in New York City. Like 28 Days Later, the story contains lots of blood-thirsty savages who are willing to tear out some throats.

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And like 28 Days Later, it contains a lot of magnificent and breathtaking imagery of an utterly deserted metropolis. If you watched 28 Days Later and thought, “I’d love to see the New York version of this,” then I Am Legend is your answer.

7 12 Monkeys (1995)

OK, let’s veer away from the zombie/vampire/infected genre for a bit. 12 Monkeys doesn’t contain anything like that, but it does contain a post-apocalyptic world and feelings of utter hopelessness, so that’s something. In 12 Monkeys, Bruce Willis stars as an inmate named James Cole.

In James’s time, the world has been decimated by a deadly disease. In order to save the “present,” James is sent back to the past to research and hopefully prevent the spread of the apocalyptic disease. It’s one of the better “end of the world” movies out there.

6 Snowpiercer (2013)

Snowpiercer comes from the genius mind of Bong Joon-ho, the man responsible for 2019’s greatest film – Parasite. And much like Parasite, Snowpiercer is largely concerned with the inequalities within a class system.

In this movie, the last remnants of humanity live aboard a globe-trotting train called the Snowpiercer. They live aboard said train because the outside world was decimated in a failed experiment that was meant to solve global warming. Oops. It’s a little bit of 28 Days Later mixed with a lot of Parasite. What’s not to love about that?

5 Alien (1979)

You’ve probably all seen Alien. And for those of who you haven’t – what are you waiting for? While 28 Days Later concerns zombies (infected, whatever), Alien is about a…well, you know what it’s about. And like 28 Days Later, Alien is a very slow-moving and quiet film that is more concerned with tension and unease than straight-up gore and violence.

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It shares the same ominous quiet, the same unrelenting dread, and the same feelings of hopelessness. Watching the opening scenes of 28 Days Later, one couldn’t help but think of Ripley wandering around the empty and silent corridors of the Nostromo.

4 Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)

We know what you’re thinking – “Ew, a video game movie. Aren’t those notoriously terrible?” Well, yes. Mostly. But Resident Evil: Extinction isn’t. In fact, it is surprisingly good, especially after the disaster that were the first two movies. Unlike the first two, Extinction doesn’t take place within a limited setting.

Rather, the protagonists travel across the barren Mojave desert in an attempt to reach Alaska. It has a relentlessly creepy end-of-world tone, and the scenes involving an abandoned Las Vegas are truly excellent.

3 The Crazies (2010)

When it comes to the most underrated zombie films out there, The Crazies has to be near the top of the list. This is yet another remake of a George A. Romero film, although his version wasn’t nearly as popular as Dawn of the Dead, considering he shot it for about $10.

The remake stars Timothy Olyphant (can’t go wrong with him!) and Radha Mitchell as a family trying to escape a small Midwestern town that has been taken over by crazy people. Very violent crazy people. OK, maybe they’re not zombies, but let’s not split hairs here.

2 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

Despite its lack of zombies, 10 Cloverfield Lane shares a lot in common with 28 Days Later. It concerns what seems to be the end of the world. It stars a very limited cast of characters, each of whom get to know each other on an intimate and personal level.

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It takes place within a small, secluded area (much like 28 Days Later‘s apartment or military mansion). And it contains some people who may or may not be absolutely gonzo bonkers.

1 A Quiet Place (2018)

A Quiet Place was a bigger than anyone could have expected. Maybe that’s not surprising considering its star power and good reviews. But no one could have expected this little $20 million movie would become one of the biggest hits of 2018.

A Quiet Place is much like 10 Cloverfield Lane and 28 Days Later, minus the crazy people. If you somehow haven’t seen it, and if you need a great, quiet, and suitably apocalyptic horror film, then you should definitely seek out A Quiet Place. Just don’t make too much noise in doing so.

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