It’s hard to look at food sometimes and not feel hungry. It’s even harder to watch movies that intentionally focus on delicious food and not want to eat even more. Sometimes it’s the sounds of the sizzle as a piece of meat cooks on the grill. It could also be the image of cheese melting or chocolate shining.

Even a character describing food really well in a movie can give one a hankering for something delicious. Films are often guilty of featuring scenes involving some of the best looking dishes that will immediately have you Googling the recipe.

10 The Chocolate Room – Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Walking into a room where everything is edible candy, including the trees, plants, and the river, is every kid’s dream. Even the adults can’t help but revel in the indulgence of this scene. The imagery is incredibly colorful and Gene Wilder’s “Pure Imagination” makes it almost impossible to resist jumping into the screen and chowing down on the candy.

Obviously, eating that much candy is not healthy and the Oompa Loompas have lessons for those who overeat, but it’s still tempting. This scene certainly makes viewers want to go out and buy loads of candy.

9 Beef Bourguignon – Julie & Julia

Beef bourguignon is a famous dish and Julie tries to recreate it here with it looking quite delicious. The meat simmering on the pan is mouthwatering. The final dish looks like it would smell and taste fantastic. Don’t forget about the raspberry Bavarian cream, which also looks divine. The swirl is perfect and Julie’s narration helps add to the detail of the food, just like a cooking show would.

In a movie filled with good-looking food, it’s hard to pick just one scene. However, this one definitely made every viewer hungry, except for the vegetarians.


8 $5 Milkshake – Pulp Fiction

Oh, how times have changed. A $5 milkshake is cheap now depending on where you go. However, in 1994, $5 for a milkshake was outrageous and better be worth the price. And based on John Travolta’s reaction to it, it must be.

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It looks delicious served in a retro glass with the cherry on top. The vanilla ice cream in the shake looks perfect as well. The Big Kahuna burger is another memorable scene in Pulp Fiction, but because of how delicious the milkshakes are, this one made the cut.

7 Making Cubanos – Chef

Chef is another film where the food looks amazing. This entire list could be made up of just scenes from the film, but the scene where they make Cubanos is one of the best. The scene starts off well, with some fantastic meat cooked by John Leguizamo’s character.

However, the Cubano made by Jon Favreau’s character looks divine, with meat, butter, and cheese coming together to create something beautiful. It’s amazing what can be made in a food truck and Favreau truly captures how delicious food can be, even when it’s not made in a gourmet kitchen.

6 Macarons – Marie Antoinette

Even though there is a debate on whether the real Marie Antoinette actually said the phrase, “Let them eat cake,” it would be a letdown to make a movie about her and not have a scene where Marie dines on some decadent desserts.

Wearing beautiful dresses and eating a whole buffet of desserts is a life of luxury and the food here looks delicious. The macarons look incredibly delicious and sweet. There are many sweets shown throughout the movie and they all look like they were made by only the finest chefs. Marie Antoinette makes viewers want to chow down.

5 Celia’s Dinner – The Help

When Minny is surprised by Celia’s husband, Johnny, she is given another surprise with Celia’s home-cooked meal. The table is filled with Southern delights, such as pumpkin pie, ham, and fried chicken. It looks appetizing, as there is an abundance of good-looking food on the table.

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The plate of food was so delicious that it even gave Minny the courage to get her kids out of their abusive household. It’s a heartwarming scene with a delicious buffet on the table to cap it all off.

4 Prison Dinner – Goodfellas

Life for a gangster in prison doesn’t seem too bad here. In this scene from Goodfellas, the fellas are using their gangster social status to cook a delicious, Italian meal whilst in prison. They are able to sneak in special ingredients, such as cheese, prosciutto, and scotch.

The highlight of the meal is Vinnie’s tomato sauce, which has veal and meatballs in it. Paulie’s method for cutting the garlic is fascinating and based on Henry’s description of it, it appears to be a solid method, even though it takes a while. Luckily, not every meal in prison looks like this, or people may try to get thrown into prison more often.

3 Be Our Guest – Beauty And The Beast

Who doesn’t enjoy this classic musical number from Beauty and the Beast? There are so many foods to choose from in this number. Beef ragu, cheese souffle, pie and pudding en flambe, and who doesn’t want to know what makes the grey stuff so delicious.

Even in 2-D animation, the food bursts off the screen and looks great. There are so many options and since the song is so catchy, it’s easy to remember the whole buffet of options that Belle has to choose from. Being locked in a castle doesn’t seem so bad when the dinner and service are perfect.

2 The Great Hall Feast – Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone

It looks so nice to be a wizard and have a humongous feast just magically appear on the table. Harry and the other students are so impressed when a whole buffet appears out of nowhere and so are the viewers. Ron’s goofy face going to town on the drumsticks is really how every kid would be when there is much delicious food in front of them.

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There are french fries (or chips), mashed potatoes, corn, and even turkey. It’s a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with none of the preparation. It makes you forget about how horribly dangerous Hogwarts is when you are diving head-first into a bowl of mashed potatoes.

1 Ratatouille – Ratatouille

How can food made by a rat look so fantastic? Leave it to the Pixar animators to do that. In Ratatouille, there are plenty of delicious dishes, but it’s the final dish that wins over Anton Ego and the audience. While ratatouille itself is a tasty meal, it’s the way Remy prepares it that makes it look so good.

Any kid would want to eat their vegetables when they are prepared this eloquently. This dish is so delicious, it triggers Anton Ego to have a flashback to his childhood when his mother made the dish. It warms his heart, as well as the audience and serves as a reminder that anyone can make a delicious meal.

NextHarry Potter: The 10 Richest Muggles

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