With January’s release of Batman: Urban Legends #11, man’s best friends (the Legion of Super Pets) have returned, but these rascals aren’t the only comedic pals around. Some heroes’ instincts are to react to situations with humor and when their world is as chaotic as the DC universe, absurdity starts to become the norm.

A friendship is essential in any life, regardless of constant doom, ancient accidents, or cosmic interference. DC’s golden standard revolves around dark situations, bizarre partnerships, and witty banter. So when a person or entity needs someone to confide in, these chums often gravitate towards the laughs.

10 The Demon Knights

Paul Cornell’s Demon Knights reintroduces Etrigan the Demon by pairing him with a team of impressionable heroes to corrupt with blood-lust, debauchery, and glory. Putting feudalism under the lens of biting satire sees the crew mock royalty and the unfair laws they uphold. Gallows humor abounds as the knights’ shared glee for over-the-top violence ironically winds up being the very force that scares the citizens they protect.

It’s this intense heightening that leads to the crux of their problems, while trying earn the people’s trust, they’re just as likely to encourage a teammate to cheat on the love of her life. Their deviance and contempt for the institutions they guard make this camaraderie a must for fans of crude gags.

9 Plastic Man And Woozy Winks

Two former criminals trying to turn a new leaf isn’t uncommon in DC Comics, but this friendship is anything but. When one can bend his body to defy nature and the other has nature contradict itself to defy him, the laws of physics go out the window. The slapstick tomfoolery amplifies when Plastic Man’s recklessness collides with Woozy’s inability to take damage.

This results in two immortals stretching the limitations that the human body can withstand. One minute could see Woozy involuntarily drowning as a stepping stone to keep someone dry in deep water, and the next could see him inflating Plastic Man like a raft. It’s a golden age staple that instantly becomes a Three Stooges homage whenever some unlucky criminal gets entangled in the crosshairs of their cartoony world.


8 Oracle And Huntress

The competitive nature of this friendship is built on constant back and forths, snide remarks, and backhanded compliments. Whether they’re critiquing one another’s fighting styles or the heroes they associate with, there’s always gold in the rapid-fire barbs they toss out. Gail Simone’s 2010 run on Birds of Prey, in particular, has them arguing side-splitting dissections of the Bat-family and lone vigilantism.

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Huntress roasts like “Shouldn’t you be taking the new bat-brat out for walkies?” captures the essence of the hysterical venom they spit out.  Oracle and Huntress may have started out as friends of a friend, but their playful shtick has grown on Huntress much to her chagrin.

7 Batman And Alfred

A select few people are close enough to have a relationship with Batman, even fewer get away with joking at his expense. Bruce is considered to be a wet blanket by his peers, focusing on his mission to save Gotham, rather than deliver a punchline. He may be one of the smartest men in the DC universe, but his wit is a dull blade compared to his butler’s silver tongue.

Alfred’s catty wit is always ready to catch Batman off guard on the one thing he’ll never have enough prep time for, a sense of humor. The light jabs and smug musings, help alleviate the brooding bat’s mood, reminding Bruce that he is human and Alfred’s mocking nature only lightens him as a person.

6 Guy Gardener And The Green Lantern Corps

Every job has that person who is as quick to bust their coworker’s gut as they are their chops. For the Green Lantern Corps, that guy is Guy. The audacity of his sardonic candor is quick to make fast friends and fast enemies. Combine this with his penchant for dumb antics and the recipe for disaster is inevitable.

Whether that be mooning Batman, getting punched by Batman, or egging Hal Jordan on for punching Batman, Guy is always primed with a hilarious insult to injury. This makes him a dangerous friend to have that comes with a hysterical reward. His shenanigans are not only tolerated because of his ability to sling a ring but because he can rip a quip too.

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5 Man-Bat And Detective Chimp

Making new friends can be tough and Man-Bat’s first impression comes with his heart attached to his sleeve. But the only friend Detective Chimp needs is alcohol. In the vein of Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple, writers like James Tynion IV capture Man-Bat’s priceless desperation to connect, forcing both men from their comfort zone.

The awkward exchanges and cold shoulders soon turn to shattered dreams and uproarious put-downs. Slowly but surely, the scientist wins the primate over, one train-wreck at a time. It’s this battle for affection that moves their off the wall chemistry

4 Catwoman And Harley Quinn

What happens when an unstoppable thief meets an immovable blabbermouth? Comedic sparks fly. When Harley’s frenetic energy bounces off of Catwoman’s cool exterior, it’s a wonder they stay together. But it’s their exact opposites that ground and elevate each other which leads to the chuckles of their offbeat sisterhood.

Whether Harley Quinn is accusing Catwoman of being a kinky librarian or claiming her boyfriend is a bad kisser, she doesn’t have the ability to censor her thoughts from popping out. Meanwhile, Catwoman holds her tongue, but not her ire. The fair-weather friends make it work, despite Harley’s quirky habits creating more obstacles than they started with.

3 The Flash And His Rogues Gallery

Occasionally a caped crusader might flirt with an anti-hero or a man of tomorrow might take pity on a criminal who’s lost their way. But only the Flash has been invited to a party thrown by his sworn enemies. Initially a happy accident, it fast becomes a super-powered rendition of Animal House. The absurdity of the cat and mouse revenge games over time has funnily enough crafted mutual respect between foes. So much in fact, that adversaries even celebrate each other’s party fouls with drunken bliss.

The campy relationship they have built could rival any Shakespearean farce. The Flash is as likely to sit down with the Trickster for a drink as he is to throw him in the clink. These ridiculous follies put the friendship in the category of some of DC’s wildest. As Captain Cold aptly put it, Barry’s goofy sensibility tricked them into being frenemies with the Scarlet Speedster to prevent them from reaching their evil potential.

2 Atrocitus And Dex-Starr

An angry alien with a soft spot for a ferocious feline is sitcom material by itself, but their shared rage creates an odd hilarity shared by few. Atrocitus can’t decide to treat Dex-Starr like a cat or a fellow lantern in the trenches. Dex-Starr doesn’t know whether to give in to his baser cat instincts or to fulfill his role to be mad as hell. It’s these outlandish displays of over-the-top rage that keeps the readers laughing.

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Cat lovers can especially get a kick out of Atrocitus as he tries to encourage Dex to engage in his worst undomesticated behavior. Adversely, it is equally entertaining to see Atrocitus attempt to keep his furry pal’s hormones in check, frantically checking in on his mating to mission ratio. A warlord going against type creates all sorts of hairy situations and it’s that guilty sweetness he hides which keeps these two comically rich.

1 Blue Beetle And Booster Gold

True friendship is a wavelength set in perfect harmony. When that wavelength demands to steal Martian Manhunter’s cookies as a prank, these two can’t contain their giddy guilt. That childish demeanor is the heart of what makes these two jokers so likable.

Ranging from the absurd to zany, puns and teasing are plentiful. Yet they somehow always keep things lighthearted at their Justice League HQ or lack thereof. That is if Booster Gold’s increasingly ridiculous ego isn’t barring them from membership. But they’re true pals and refuse to work without each other because nothing will ever match the hearty guffaws they share together. It’s this inseparable chemistry that leads to the golden standard.

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