As two well-known heroes back in the day, the Wonder Twins Zan and Jayna have an extraordinary set of powers that include them touching hands and saying the phrase “Wonder Twin powers, activate!” When they activate their powers Zan can become water in any form and Jayna can become any shape she desires and together they fight crime with their pet monkey, Gleek.

Considering their powerset is more comical than having the strength of 1000 men like Superman or being able to run faster than the speed of light like The Flash, the Wonder Twins are often subjected to jokes and memes made at their expense.

10 Fist Bumping Before It Was Cool

The Wonder Twins made their first appearance in Super Friends #7 DC comics in 1977, a few years before fist-bumping became a popular alternative for a handshake. Considering they need to “fist bump” to activate their powers, they made fist-bumping cool long before anyone else did.

Sure it was an unintentional coincidence but we can’t help but laugh at the idea of these heroes starting a trend that is still very much present over 40 years later.

9 Shape Of Water

The popular Academy award-winning movie The Shape of Water is based on a woman who falls in love with a sea creature who is being abused and experimented on in the government facility she works at.  It had a lot of interesting twists and thrills and was very easily deserving of the recognition and awards it got.

This meme plays on the title of the movie and pokes fun at the Wonder Twin’s ridiculous powerset as well as their wacky adventures in their early days in the comics. How could a bucket of water stop any DC villain?


8 Wonder Twins Powers Not Activated

This next meme expresses the disappointment of not having the Wonder Twin powers when there’s a fist bump. For comic book fans, it’s easy to be disappointed when you read about your favorite heroes and their powers and how they got their powers, only to be disappointed when you are presented with an opportunity to “showcase your powers”.

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Sure the Wonder Twins powers are unorthodox but who wouldn’t want the power to transform with your friend/siblings? Now it’s just a disappointing fist-bump.

7 Ricky Bobby

The movie Talledega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby is arguably one of Will Ferrell’s best movies, where he plays a hotshot NASCAR driver who suddenly loses control of his life when he is traumatized following a car accident. Among the people trying to help recover is his best friend, the other half of the famous shake and bake handshake.

This meme can also be a play on the characters because both Cal and Ricky look alike and Ricky is sponsored by Wonder bread, so Wonder Twins.

6 Dreaming Big

Part of the reason the Wonder Twins are so well-known is that they can become anything they set their minds to. Oftentimes they put combine their powerset and defeat the villains with their innovation and synchronization. But they also take down the villains because they can literally become anything they want.

This meme is hilarious because the young kitty wants to be something more, he’s channeling his ancestors and becoming something greater, the king of the jungle.

5 Threes A Crowd

Another great and inspiring thing about the Wonder Twins is just how close they are as siblings. It inspires many others who maybe don’t have the same chemistry as the twins. Since their relationship is so strong, it is often an example for others on how to get along with your closest friend or sibling.

Sometimes that example can go as far as three if you are close enough to three people. Three may be a crowd but when you have the same chemistry as the Wonder Twins, you are all one.

4 Preventing The Spread Of Germs

It’s no secret that a lot of people in the world today are fighting the spread of the pandemic and taking measures to prevent contacting anyone. Among the social distancing, the masks, and the quarantining, one of the best ways to prevent the spread of the virus is through limiting human contact.

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Considering their powers only activate with a fist-bump, maybe the twins would need to find another way to get their powers to activate, and maybe the best solution is with an elbow handshake.

3 Powers Deactivate

One of the running jokes about the twins is if they have to say “powers deactivate” when they want to go back to their human form. Similar to Shazam and his powerset where he becomes an God-like hero with the word Shazam! and also goes back to being a normal boy when the same words are uttered, do the Wonder Twins work the same way?

This meme has some twin kittens getting ready to settle down for naptime, deactivating their powers, and getting ready for a snooze.

2 Wonder Bread

The only thing greater than being able to transform into anything you want is a slice of the great Wonder bread. This meme is a play on the Wonder Twins name and is bringing in the very famous brand that everybody has in their homes.

We could make a thousand memes playing on the word wonder, but adding bread can be comical to some. Maybe they should consider getting sponsored by Wonder bread.

1 No DCEU Appearance

Since their introduction in the comics in 1977, the Wonder Twins have yet to make a live-action appearance, with the closest being in the Arrowverse when their pet monkey was mentioned and made a bit of a cameo. Maybe it’s their outfits, maybe it is their powerset, but the chances of these heroes getting a live-action movie are slim to none, especially with other heroes with more fame are still working on their movie.

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It would be fun to see how their powers will look like in a real-life setting or how their costumes would be designed, or what actors would be good for the roles.

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