The John Wick series is one of the most exciting in the history of action movies, being able to blend amazing fight scenes, car chases, and everything the audience could want from the action with a unique story and beautiful cinematography. It has created a popular franchise that people absolutely love, and it has led to fans wanting more movies like this.

Thankfully, with a streaming platform like Netflix that can boast as many movies as it does, there are plenty of great action movies that will keep any John Wick fan happy, giving them something else to watch when the time is right.

10 Extraction

One of the big reasons that fans love John Wick is the fact that it is jam-packed with action, and it is seriously violent. It blends all different kinds of action too, from weapons to close combat, giving a real taste of the entire spectrum for people.

That is exactly what Extraction provides, with this movie having tons of violence from start to finish. The story follows a mercenary who has to escort a kidnapped child out of Bangladesh, and while the action is great, the relationship they build together is just as fun.

9 Free Fire

Free Fire has an excellent cast as the movie follows a group of IRA members who are set to do a deal with an arms dealer until betrayal causes conflict. From then on the action is ramped up to 100, with the movie having no shortage of intense scenes to grip the audience.

The movie has got several fantastic characters who come out with some iconic lines, in a similar way to what Jon Wick does, and while this is more of a group effort, in comparison to John’s solo performances, this is still a fantastic movie.


8 Outside The Wire

Just as John Wick puts its own twist onto the action world with the Continental grounds and all that comes with that, Outside The Wire also has its own twist. This is set in the future where an android agent is sent on a mission with a drone pilot.

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Having the twist of the android element does make the movie stand out, and the action that takes place throughout is intense and enjoyable to watch. With charismatic characters and a strong story, John Wick fans should enjoy this one.

7 Angel Has Fallen

The brilliance of John Wick is that he is out by himself, doing whatever it takes to achieve his goals. It makes him a badass that can be feared, and that’s the case with Mike Banning in Angel Has Fallen. He is a secret service agent with the duty of protecting the President of the United States.

However, he ends up being wrongly accused of attacking the person he is sworn to protect, turning his life upside down, and kickstarting a frantic action movie that has no shortage of major scenes.

6 American Assasin

Much like John Wick, the death of a loved one is what triggers Mitch Rapp in American Assasin, as he learns and trains under a veteran with plenty of combat and fighting experience. The duo is then sent to work out why attacks are taking place on both members of the military and civilians.

Here they encounter no shortage of action in a movie that just keeps on giving in that department. While there is a duo here, which is a little different, they are exciting to watch throughout.

5 Mad Max

John Wick is shot beautifully with slick camera angles and amazing lighting, and that is something that Mad Max boasts as well. While the environments are very different, with this being set in Australia way in the future when things have become barren, the camera work is superb.

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Here, the story follows Max as he sets out to the wastelands seeking revenge against a motorcycle gang. It leads to some fantastic car chases and thrilling scenes that will live audiences amazed.

4 3 Days To Kill

This movie follows Ethan, who is a top spy that is looking to do what John Wick initially did, and get out of the industry. He wants to give it up to improve his family life and relationships that have broken down, but before he can call it quits, there is one final mission.

However, he has to complete this mission while looking after his daughter, making things slightly more complex for him. Trying to protect his family and get the job done all at the same time is something that proves harder than he expects, but as a character, he is resolute and skilled, just like John.

3 Peppermint

Riley North is essentially the female version of John Wick, as she is not a character you want to get on the wrong side of. Unlike John, she’s not trained immediately, but after her husband and child are killed, she takes it upon herself to learn and train in order to seek revenge.

Just as John does, she sets out on a solo mission to get the revenge she is seeking, which leads to her encountering plenty of enemies along the way. The movie is intense but enthralling, and the action really does pack a punch.

2 Polar

Polar is essentially Netflix’s answer to John Wick, and because of that audiences are sure to love it. This movie also follows a hitman who is retired from the industry, only to be brought back as a former boss is worried that he is a liability, and can’t be trusted.

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Because of that, Duncan has to get back to doing what he does best, taking out different assassins who are much younger than him, using the old-school methods that he used when he was in that line of work.

1 Casino Royale

One of the greatest James Bond movies ever made, Casino Royale is sure to be a hit with any John Wick fan. It has got a fantastic lead character that is shrouded in mystery and excitement, just like John is, with the action really delivering throughout.

The story is gripping, with complex characters that will have people questioning every conversation and decision, with enough twists to keep things fresh and exciting. It’s a perfect spy movie and one that people are sure to love.

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