The television drama Grey’s Anatomy started airing in 2005 and more than a decade later, the show continues on, strong as ever. Like many long-running dramas, fans have grown up with Grey’s Anatomy. They see themselves reflected in the achievements and mistakes of the many doctors on the show.

It painstakingly tries to address a multitude of issues, either directly or indirectly and there’s a little bit of something for everyone. Characters on the show grow up as well and this growth can be viewed so clearly by the fans of the show. Here are some of the greatest life lessons fans have picked up from Grey’s Anatomy.

10 You Need Your People

The show began with the first set of interns whose trials and follies viewers got to see first-hand. And in as much as they learned how important it was to have friends to survive the whole ordeal then, the lesson repeatedly reappears with each set of new interns.

In fact, it is the dry and alone-seeming Alex who gives this advice to Jo after the death of one of their fellow interns. Alex learned it the hard way and knows how important people are and how important it is to have your people.

9 “He’s Very Dreamy, But He Is Not The Sun. You Are.”

While Derek Shepherd and Meredith do face their share of troubles, it is evident that they are very good for each other, besides being very much in love with each other.

But it is Christina Yang who gives Meredith this timely reminder. And it’s a very important life lesson as well. Sometimes it is possible to get so wrapped up in the person you love that you forget about yourself. Christina’s comment is as relevant to Meredith as it is for the fans of the show, to never forget how important they are.


8 You Make A Mistake, You Move On

Every single character on the show has made mistakes. The consequences have ranged from ignorable to severe. But it is a very important lesson the show imparts that, while it is important to remember and learn from the mistake, it is equally as important to not wallow forever in it. It is important to take the much-needed life lesson and move on.

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It also raises the important idea of not letting your mistakes define you. It should only make you more careful and considerate, but you should always move on from them to continue living.

7 “Everything Isn’t So Perfectly Right, Or Perfectly Wrong.”

Another one of Christina’s gems, this quote aptly sums up a very valuable lesson. Everything isn’t so black or white. There is a grey area, a very solid middle ground. And human beings, more often than not, mostly operate in this middle ground.

People are flawed, people make mistakes, but people can reform. To be so very firm in one’s positions, sometimes doesn’t take into account the very fallible nature of human existence. Things can be messy and dealing with messy things means you need to be able to look outside the binary of perfectly right or wrong.

6 Sometimes, There Is So Much Tenderness Underneath Hard Exteriors

A character like Alex is very easy to write off in the beginning. He’s disgruntled, annoying, irritating, and behaves like a jerk. But Grey’s Anatomy makes a case for even characters like him. Over time, everyone comes to see what a softie Alex actually is, and how vulnerable he is under the hard exteriors.

This gives an opportunity to the fans to reconsider the people they easily write off and ensures that they attempt a little empathy at least.

5 Admitting You Have A Problem, Is The First Step To Recovery

Characters on the show deal with multitudes of problems, some of which include substance abuse, PTSD, OCD, and so on. The show also tries to show the multitude of ways in which people tend to deal with such things.

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And one of the most important things the show tries to address through this is regarding the actual admission of the problem. The only way to seek out help is by first admitting you have a problem.

4 It Takes A Village

For working parents everywhere, the struggle to deal with home and work is one that can’t be fully put into words. Grey’s Anatomy does a nice job by showing how important it is to have a good and solid support system you can rely on.

The positive reliance on each other and the people around them to take care of each other’s kids shows the extent to which such a system can provide the much-needed freedom in a competitive line of work.

3 It’s Okay To Place Your Job Above Everything Else

Some people want a family and a home, some people want a family and a professional career, and some people only want a professional career. Grey’s Anatomy doesn’t ever place any one thing as superior to the other.

It gives its fans an array of options, shows a large number of lifestyles, and different versions of it. It also doesn’t take-away from the characters whose sole focus is on their careers and jobs. They show them with the vitality they are capable of, and not as stony-hearted individuals.

2 The Very Fact That You’re Willing To Try, Means Something

Meredith is forever stressed and worried about the fact that she’ll be as terrible a mother to her kids, as Ellis was to her. But as she is reminded by loved ones on many occasions, the very fact that she thinks about this, and is willing to try, and positively attempts to not be that way, shows how unlike her mother she is.

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There is much-required appreciation given to the act of trying. And it is constantly reinforced that just by trying, you hold yourself apart from those who don’t even attempt that.

1 Love Will Always Come

Soulmates sometimes die, they sometimes move away to places beyond your reach, they sometimes just leave. But love will always come. Grey’s Anatomy doesn’t go with the logic of “The One,” like How I Met Your Mother. It takes a more pragmatic and healthier approach to love. And it shows how capable one is of love always. How it is possible to fall in love multiple times, how you fall in love when you’re incredibly young and even you’re quite old.

Love will come if you need it and you will fall in love with the right person and if for some reason the right person isn’t right, or isn’t around anymore, then you will fall in love with someone new. And this is quite a hopeful life lesson for fans.

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