The Lighthouse is one of the very best movies of 2019. A24 has enjoyed an amazing year, and The Lighthouse is just one of the company’s many successes. Various aspects of its production have earned notice and acclaim, particularly the performances of Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, the quaint production design, and the gorgeous 1.19:1 cinematography from Jarin Blaschke.

It is also filled with numerous little details, many of which are easy to miss on an initial viewing. It’s clear that Robert Eggers puts a lot of care into his films.

These are ten hidden details in The Lighthouse that everyone missed.

10 Lighthouse Keeper

The costume design in The Lighthouse is impeccable, and it contains fine little details that are period specific and accurate. One of these details is the little “K” emblem that Willem Dafoe’s Thomas Wake wears throughout the movie. Some eagle-eyed viewers may be able to spot the K emblem on his jacket.

This emblem stands for “keeper,” and it’s a prestigious role for lighthouse crew. It makes sense that he would be so proud to wear it, not only because he is the keeper, but because he is so infatuated with being the keeper. He wants everyone to know that the light belongs to him and him alone.

9 The Hats

Another brilliant piece of costuming are the hats that Ephraim and Thomas wear. They’re not seen often, and can only really be spotted in the first twenty or so minutes of the movie, when everything is still relatively normal.

The hats show a little embroidered lighthouse surrounded by a gold leaf. This is actually an official insignia of the United States Lighthouse Service, and it can be seen on real lighthouse keeper hats of the time. The attention to detail in the costumes is staggering.


8 Potatoes. Lots Of Potatoes

The Lighthouse contains many scenes of the two characters eating dinner, and if you pay close attention to what it is they’re eating, you’ll see that nearly every meal contains potatoes. Many viewers have assumed that this is very period specific, as potatoes are carb-heavy and filling, easy to make and store, and keep fresh for extended periods of time.

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Perfect for isolation! It also ties in to Ephraim’s complaints about Thomas’s cooking. We’d get tired of eating potatoes every single day, as well.

7 Swapping The Cigarette And Pipe

It’s clearly established throughout the film that Ephraim smokes cigarettes and Thomas smokes a pipe. However, this is inverted in one particular scene, and we don’t really know what to make of it. This little subversion comes on their “last night,” right after Ephraim and Thomas share a drink for the first time.

While hanging out in the parlor, Thomas tells a story about a “pretty lass” back home. During the story, Ephraim smokes Thomas’s pipe, and Thomas smokes a cigarette. What could it mean?

6 Thomas’s Shadow

One of the eeriest scenes in the movie is when Ephraim catches Thomas hugging or straddling the light itself. The scene itself is easy enough to miss, as it goes by very quickly and is seemingly over before it even begins. The editing is also intentionally vague, as Thomas is hugging the light one second and pulling on his clothes and exiting the lighthouse the next.

But what most people probably miss is Thomas’s shadow on the wall behind Ephraim as he looks up into the lighthouse. It’s very easy to miss, and it’s very, very creepy.

5 Missing Eye

Speaking of “blink and you miss it” moments, it’s very easy to miss the sequence when Ephraim fishes a severed head out of the ocean. It’s only a small part of a longer and more frenzied montage, and the shot itself is over before you even have a chance to process what you just saw.

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This is likely Thomas’s old partner, who he claimed went insane and died. It’s important to note that the head is missing an eye, as is the seagull that harasses Ephraim. Thomas also states that the souls of old sailors are stuck in the birds. Is the seagull some type of reincarnated version of the old lighthouse keeper?

4 Prometheus

And while we’re on the subject of the missing eye, let’s talk about the Prometheus myth! Many fans have compared The Lighthouse to the story of Prometheus, although it is easy to miss if one is taking the story literally.

Like Prometheus, Ephraim sought something he shouldn’t have sought and wrongly attempted to capture it for himself. He was subsequently rejected by the light and forced to be eaten alive by birds as punishment for attempting to steal the elusive knowledge. In this sequence, Ephraim is missing an eye. Just like the old lighthouse keeper. Who also went mad and sought the light.

3 The Old Book

Some eagle-eyed viewers may spot an old book hanging on the wall beside Thomas and Ephraim’s beds. According to the director’s commentary, this book is actually used as the men’s toilet paper. One of the first things we see in the movie is Thomas urinating into his “chamber pot,” and these pots are later seen full of waste.

It’s clear that this is where they do their business, and it’s also clear that there is no toilet paper in the vicinity. Hence, the old book hanging on the wall.

2 Mermaid Anatomy

Yet another “blink and you’ll miss it” shot is that of the more intimate aspects of the mermaids’ anatomy. This brief shot comes in the same montage as the severed head, and it is perhaps even more obtuse and unclear.

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The shot itself is brief, and even if you managed to see it, you may not have known what it was you were looking at. In this brief shot, the more intimate areas of the mermaid’s body are visible and those who caught it remarked that these body parts looked similar to those of a human woman.

1 Monkey Pump!

And at the end of the day, when Thomas and Ephraim have gone fully mad and run out of booze, they resort to making what Thomas calls “monkey pump!” What is this “monkey pump” exactly?

It’s not an official name for anything, but attentive viewers may seem the faded words “turpentine” on the jug sitting beside Thomas and Ephraim. Ephraim proceeds to mix this turpentine with honey, creating an absolutely disgusting concoction that drives the men mad.

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