Jump scares are possibly the easiest way to scare an audience. In a horror film, you’re pretty much expecting one at every moment, and that’s pretty much what makes them scary, even if they’re considered to be the cheapest way to get a scare into a horror film.

The one place you aren’t expecting a jump scare is in a film that isn’t a horror. As such, we’ve ranked ten of the biggest jump scares that show up in films you really wouldn’t expect.

10 Pan’s Labyrinth: The Dining Table

While it might not actually be a horror film, there is no denying that Pan’s Labyrinth is an impressively creepy work of cinema.

Guillermo De Toro obviously didn’t want to stray too far from the type of cinema he is most well-known for, so he stuck in a terrifying jump scare during the dining table scene. That weird guy with the eyes on his hands moves as soon as Ofelia eats a grape.

9 Trainspotting: The Baby On The Ceiling

Showing the true horrors of heroin addiction is arguably a scarier prospect than the stories depicted in a horror film.

When Ewan McGregor’s character, Renton, looks up to the ceiling and sees the twisted figure of a baby looking back at him, it’s almost impossible not to feel as terrified as he does.


8 Jaws: The Head

Is Jaws a horror film? It’s really quite hard to pinpoint. There are certainly moments of incredible tension throughout, and it could pretty easily convince someone to never step foot in the water again, but horror? Maybe not.

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Then again, the scene in which Hooper looks into the hole in the boat and the head comes into view…

7 No Country For Old Men: The Hotel

When Woody Harrelson is delivering the performance of a lifetime in No Country For Old Men, you can pretty much feel his overwhelming fear.

Pretty soon into the scene, you can feel ours too when the phone suddenly starts ringing, at a deafening volume louder than any normal phone, right in the middle of a very quiet conversation.

6 Seven: The Sloth Is Still Alive

At times, Seven does come close to being described as a horror film, but in general, it’s just a really good thriller. Towards the start of the film, we see one of the many brutal death scenes.

This time, it’s a guy being punished for his ‘sloth’. Only, he’s still just about alive, and to prove it, he makes us all jump out of our skin.

5 Mulholland Drive: Around The Corner

This is a weird one, because just before it happens, it’s basically predicted by everyone, including those on the screen.

But no matter how ready you were for it, that terrifying face will stay with you for a long time after it wanders back around the corner. The dirty face and matted hair and creepy eyes and half-smile and… wow that’s creepy.

4 Pee Wee’s Big Adventure: Large Marge

It might be a very light-hearted comedy film, but there is a certain scene in 1985’s Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure that ends up weirdly chilling. Pee-Wee gets into her truck and we all know something bad is going to happen.

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Little did we know, it would be a massive jump scare transformation of her face from live-action to Claymation. Horrifying.

3 Harry Potter: The Inferi In The Lake

Harry Potter is a fun watch for the whole family. The last thing you expect from it is a dark, menacing scene that wouldn’t be out of place in a horror film.

Harry and Dumbledore are in the middle of a lake trying to find a Horcrux, but when Harry goes to collect water, a horrifying zombie-thing grabs his arm and shrieks as loud as possible. The fact that we’re watching a film about a wizard and his very old teacher sounds like a family-friendly event, but this moment is scream-worthy.

2 The Dark Knight: The Mayor’s Office Window

While in the mayor’s office having a nice, calm chat, we don’t expect much to interrupt. Out of nowhere, the fake version of Batman comes swinging into the window and our heartbeat has never returned to normal.

If The Dark Knight wasn’t one of the greatest films ever made, we might call ‘cheap’ on this one.

1 The Fellowship Of The Ring: Bibo’s Scream

Speaking of cheap, the jump scare that tops our list certainly doesn’t hold up in terms of effects. When Bilbo and Frodo are talking about the ring in the first Lord Of The Rings film, Bilbo suddenly transforms into a screaming demon for about half a second.

It doesn’t really need to be there, we already know Bilbo’s thoughts about the ring, but its effect cannot be denied.

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