Earth. Fire. Air. Water. The world of Avatar is as versatile as the elements that benders use. Some benders went beyond the main four elements and discovered that they can bend something else, like metal or lava or even blood.

In shows like Avatar: The Legend of Korra, characters are given names that more or less describe their personalities and when you learn the true meaning behind the names they were given and go re-watch the show, the whole thing somehow starts making more sense. Let’s dig into some names from Legend of Korra and see if this changes our opinions about some of the characters.

10 Korra

Korra, or to be more exact Kori, is a Greek word for Maiden. Maiden itself means an unmarried girl or a virgin. Looking back at Avatar Korra, the tough action addict girl, it’s hard to associate her with this greek virgin girl. Korra is where the action is. Korra is a trier, a fighter, a teenager who enjoys discovering the world, who only wants to help wherever she can and who was born with the responsibility of maintaining world peace and a balance between the spirit world and the material world. No, Korra is no greek maiden. She’s the Avatar, the master of all elements, and you’ll have to deal with it.

9 Asami

Asami is of Japanese origin and means hemp, sea, morning, and beauty. Let’s forget the hemp part and concentrate on beauty. In Legend of Korra world, Asami Sato is one of few characters who truly is beautiful, both inside and out. She’s the daughter of Hiroshi Sato, an evil genius and owner of Future Industries.

That didn’t stop her from fighting her own father because her mind and her heart were in the right place. She assisted the Avatar in her fight for justice every way she could. She also taught Korra how to drive a Satomobile. Korra and Asami started dating at the end of The LOK series.


8 Mako

Mako, or Makoto, is Japanese for child of truth. Other meanings are trust and faithfulness. Mako is Probender, ex triple threat triads member, Republic City detective, an orphan, a big brother, and a lady lover. Growing up on the street didn’t make him bitter or bad in any way. He was always concentrated on watching out for his little brother. He stands with the Avatar in her fight for justice and bringing balance to the world. As a Team Avatar member, he proved his loyalty to Korra many times. He saved both Korra’s and Bolin’s life on several occasions.

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7 Bolin

Bolin, or Bo Lin, means both abundant and forest. This is one of those names that have nothing to do with the character. Well, almost. Abundant is one of the characteristics you could give on Bolin.  He’s Mako’s younger brother. An earthbender, lavabender, probender, he has the biggest and purest heart of all in that LOK world.

He’s also a great actor and a complicated fella. First, he saved the president Raiko from being kidnapped by Verrick, then he helped Kuvira and Verrick to build an Earth Empire, then he and Verrick escaped from Kuvira, because apparently she was crazy, and both helped the resistance in stopping her. What a life!

6 Raava

Raava means sound or noise in Sanscrit. Raava is the spirit of light and peace that represents everything good that happens in the world. The spirit of light is considered to be of female origin. The character was created using the Yin and Yang philosophy. Raava’s sole purpose was keeping Vaatu under control and the world in balance. Since she and Wan bonded during the harmonic convergence Wan became the first-ever Avatar and Raava was known as the Avatar spirit. Once the life of the Avatar comes to an end, Raava chooses another newborn baby and bonds with him or her making that child the next Avatar.

5 Vaatu

Vaatuis the opposite of Raava. If Raava means sound, Vaatu means silence. Vaatu is the force of darkness and chaos and is considered to be of male origin. Vaatu and Raava battle for the faith of the world every 10.000 years.

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When Wan saw them battling Vaatu tricked the Avatar to be into assisting him in his attempt to escape Ravva. After he successfully escaped he did not waste time in turning spirits against humans and then humans against humans as well. He has thrown the world out of balance and even Wan and Raava couldn’t stop him.

4 Amon

Amon has many meanings, but to deceive and to cover are the most accurate ones for this character. Amon was a waterbender and a bloodbender. His real name was Noatak, which is Inuit for Inland River. Son of Yakone, Republic City’s most powerful crime lord, brother to Counselman Tarrlok. He started the equalist movement against… benders. He somehow blamed benders for all the world problems. Apart from being an exceptional bender, he discovered a way of taking people’s bending abilities by using bloodbending. He even managed to take Korra’s bending abilities which unexpectedly backfired and unlocked her airbending that she struggled with. Korra used airbending to uncover his fake identity and he fled Republic City with his brother who ended both his and Noatak’s lives.

3 Unalaq

Unalaq is Inuit for west wind. Unalaq was Tonraq’s baby brother and Korra’s uncle. Chief of the Water Tribes, waterbender, an expert on everything that has to do with spirits, and one of the founders of the Red Lotus, a society with the purpose of freeing Vaatu and bringing anarchy to the world. Unalaq tricked Korra into opening the Spirit portals, thus creating a possibility for Vaatu’s release from his prison. The plan worked and Vaatu and Unalaq bonded making the latter the new, dark Avatar. Unavaatu’s first action was separating the bond between Raava and Korra and destroying Raava for good. Korra managed to bend the spirit within and defeated Unavaatu by terminating him.

2 Zaheer

Zaheer is Urdu for supporter. As one of the founders of the Red Lotus, he dedicated his life to hunting down the Avatar and ending the Avatar cycle, thus bringing the world into anarchy and chaos. He called it natural order. Formerly a nonbender, he became an airbender during the harmonic convergence.

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He broke out from prison after being held under lock and key for 13 years. He freed his Red Lotus associates, benders with exceptional abilities like lavabending and combustionbending among others. Red Lotus was defeated by Team Avatar with Zaheer being the only member of the society who was not killed.

1 Kuvira

Kuvira is Hindi for Courageous Woman. Kuvira was an earthbender and a metalbender. After the Earth Queen was killed by the Red Lotus, the kingdom fell into chaos, and Kuvira against Suyin Beifong’s wishes took upon herself to bring order to the kingdom and reunite the country that was now in pieces. She quickly united about 90% of the Kingdom and proclaimed herself as a leader of a newly created Earth Empire. She ruled with an iron fist, becoming a cruel dictator. Kuvira went on to create and use a spirit weapon that would destroy everything on its way. She was eventually stopped by Korra who bended the spirit ray, creating a new spirit portal in the middle of Republic City.

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