The FPS genre owes much of its success to the legendary DOOM series. The franchise follows an angry space marine/fallen angel as he rips and tears his way through hordes of violent and menacing demons. The protagonist of these games doesn’t just politely shoot his way through the demonic onslaught, instead opting to be as gory and violent as possible.

In order to achieve this goal of carnage, the player is presented with a large arsenal of weapons that guarantee demons will quake in fear. Throughout the mainline series, there is a large selection of weapons hidden in the various levels, and fans of the popular series love to discuss which ones deal the most damage and are the most satisfying to use.

10 Chainsaw- 2016/Eternal

The chainsaw has been a mainstay of the series ever since the very first entry. With the 2016 reboot and its sequel, it became much more powerful and even had a more practical use. The chainsaw could take out many of the basic enemies with one hit, although bigger enemies took more fuel points to do so. In addition, each enemy killed drops heaps of ammo for the other weapons.

The bigger the enemy, the more ammo is dropped so the player is encouraged to think about the right time to use it, and is rewarded when done so. The chainsaw may not be as handy against the many bosses found throughout the series, but being smart and using it to grind for ammo before a big fight makes it one of the more useful items in the later games.

9 Chaingun

While far from the most powerful weapon wielded by Doom Guy (often known as the Doom Slayer in recent years), the chaingun is still very useful when facing a large group of enemies. Given the chaingun’s high firing rate, ammo can be consumed very quickly, so the player must gauge whether or not it is the right weapon to use under the circumstances.

The chaingun is best used against groups of weaker enemies, or to buy the player time to escape from a sticky situation. The gun is found fairly early on in the original game and is typically among the first weapon the player finds during the sequels. When used under the right circumstances, the chaingun is a powerful weapon, although certainly an ammo hog.


8 Plasma Gun

A simple explanation of the plasma gun is it is a portable demon death machine that is great for “frying demon butts” as the original manual puts it. Its high damage rate will easily mow down most demons before they have a chance to react. It is especially useful in later games against enemies with shields, as over time it will completely destroy them and leave them open for attack.

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The plasma gun and variations of it are as classic as the Doom Guy himself, and it is a more than worthy addition to any demon slayer’s arsenal.

7 Super Shotgun

The super shotgun is a more powerful version of the standard shotgun. With two barrels instead of one, the super fires two shots making it cause twice as much damage. The gun also understandably depletes ammo quicker than the standard shotgun.

Weaker demons can usually be taken out with one well-placed headshot, but most demons will still lose a fair amount of health the closer they are. In DOOM Eternal, the gun is taken a step further, with an unlockable mod known as the meathook, which shoots out a grappling hook to bring the Doom Slayer closer to a demon for an up-close and personal attack.

6 Rocket Launcher

The rocket launcher first appeared in the original DOOM and has popped up in each subsequent game. The rocket launcher varies in power from game to game, but the player can rest assured they will be a force to be reckoned with. The rocket launcher is best used from afar, as the player can take damage or even die altogether from the blast.

Weak enemies will be reduced to a bloody mess, and this comes in handy when there is a large group standing together. More powerful enemies will take considerable damage, and the weak points introduced in Eternal are perfect targets for the rocket launcher, ensuring a gory and explosive victory.

5 Gauss Cannon

The Gauss Cannon is in essence, the plasma gun on steroids. The Cannon fires a beam of energy that can take most enemies out with one shot. The beam fires straight ahead, and a modification allows the player to zoom in on their prey.

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Headshots are a breeze to pull off, with the only accuracy issues stemming from user error. The Gauss Cannon makes for a satisfying weapon and doesn’t use a tremendous amount of ammo considering how powerful it can be. It may not be extremely useful against larger enemies, but it is good to weaken them enough to swoop in for the kill.

4 Soul Cube

The Soul Cube is the most powerful weapon in the highly moddable DOOM 3, and one of the strongest in the entire series. The Cube calls to the player (here known as Doom Marine) and when it is finally obtained in the latter portion of the game, no demon is safe. The cube not only insta kills a majority of enemies, but it also drains their life and adds it to the player’s own HP.

The cube should only be used on especially difficult enemies, as it can only be used once before needing to be recharged. Instead of using ammo, the Cube is charged when the player kills five enemies, adding even more incentive to causing as much carnage to the demon horde as possible. Eagle-eyed viewers have even spotted the cube in DOOM 2016, although it cannot be used.

3 Unmaykr

Unlocked only by completing all of the Slayer Gates, the Unmaykr is designed purely for destruction. The weapon was first introduced in DOOM 64, spelled more traditionally as Unmaker, but in Eternal it is much more powerful and useful. The weapon uses BFG ammo and will plow through practically all basic enemies.

It is most useful against large clusters of enemies and larger demons. The Unmaykr may be useful against stronger enemies, including bosses, but it is not a one-shot kill, and it is also an ammo hog. Bigger and tougher enemies should be the only target for the Unmaykr, as smaller ones are hardly worth the ammo unless a quick getaway is needed.

2 Crucible

One of the newest and most overpowered weapons in the Doom Guy’s arsenal is the Crucible. An ancient sword that had been teased throughout the entirety of Doom Eternal, is finally in the player’s hands near the end of the game. The weapon is powered by pure energy and is the only thing that can kill a Titan.

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In the latter portion of the game, he retrieves one of the swords and the player has never been more powerful. Every single non-boss enemy will be destroyed in only one hit. The Crucible is powered through energy pickups and uses one charge to kill an enemy regardless of their class. This weapon should only be used to take out the toughest enemies quickly, as charges aren’t always available to refill.


One of the most iconic weapons in any video game is the devastating BFG. Found in the original game and appearing in each sequel, the BFG is able to wipe out an entire room of demons in one giant blast. Bosses and some bigger enemies require a few more shots, but a vast majority of enemies found in the series stand no chance.

The ammo is typically sparse, so the player should only use it when absolutely necessary. Much of the time the BFG is hidden, but the gun has so iconic it became practically mandatory to obtain it in later games. Of all the weapons Doom Guy has ever used, the BFG is the one that puts a smile on his, and the player’s, face the most, and is by far the most devastating DOOM weapon.

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