Disney has one of the largest and most recognizable rogues gallery of villains in all of popular culture. From the Evil Queen to Prince Hans of the Southern Isles, there are loads of evil-doers to fear and admire.

Like every good villain, if that phrase exists, these devious denizens of Disney are often quick with a rapier phrase that sells their sinister status. Have a look at these ten insidious sayings.

10 “If I lose my temper, you lose your head.” (Queen of Hearts)

Right out of the gate, this line from Wonderland’s wicked ruler sets the stage for the level of cruelty Disney villains are capable of. It’s a wonder she’s playing with a full deck at all with the way she executes her own subjects at the drop of a hat. The Queen of Hearts is essentially a spoiled brat with royal power, but this line is a deal more scary than silly.

9 “This is exactly how your father looked before he died…” (Scar)

Jumping from one end of the spectrum to the other, Scar enters the list with this diabolical confession as he’s about to make another attempt on Simba’s life. The true merit of a Disney villain is not only how evil their acts are, but how much they get an absolute thrill out of it.

Needless to say, Scar is absolutely in love with his work. That is until his laughing lackeys turn on him.


8 “She will be mine or she will burn.” (Frollo)

These quotes have to be pretty serious if Frollo is this low on the list. In all honesty, the entirety of “Hellfire” deserves its own space. But in order to keep things concise, this final verse says it all. Frollo is so driven by madness and desire, that he’s willing to see Esmerelda into everlasting damnation. Talk about some seriously malicious intent.

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7 “Why should you run? Everyone runs from Shere Khan.” (Shere Khan)

Though not nearly as dark and demented as Frollo’s quote, we have to give some serious credit to Shere Khan. Sometimes less is more, and no statement properly sums up the tiger better than this one.

“Everyone runs from Shere Khan” is a heck of a way to describe one’s reputation. Intimidating and to the point, this predator wastes no time and asserting his position.

6 “And with everyone super, no one will be.” (Syndrome)

Until this point, Syndrome had been just an entertaining and mildly over-the-top evil fanboy. But when he finally gets the Incredibles imprisoned in his clutches, his truly malevolent nature reveals itself along with his plan to sell his super-powered weapons and gadgets.

5 “Now you know what it feels like to be like everyone else. Isn’t it just peachy?” (Hades)

It was hard nailing down just one quote from arguably Disney’s most quotable antagonist. Hades has more charm than Pandora Jewelers, but if it’s pure evil, this is the line that sinks the putt.

Fans can’t help but notice the irony of this line. With a callback to Herc’s wish to be “normal” at the beginning of the film, it definitely has a little extra sting.

4 “It’s much more fun, I must admit, when lives are on the line…” (Oogie Boogie)

Harkening back to the statements on Scar, a true villain enjoys their work. With his jazzy song and dance number around a blacklight casino lair, how can old Oogie Boogie not be having a good time? A good time for Oogie doesn’t necessarily mean a good time for Sandy Claws, and this lyric proves it. After all, who said the guy gambled with poker chips?

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3 “Fear Always Works” (Dawn Bellwether)

One of the more modern entries on the list, Bellwether’s Machiavellian methods might go over the heads of a few younger viewers, but it does drive home a more realistic threat than evil queens, witches, or boogeymen.

To quote the Scarecrow, fear is power, and this wicked wool factory extorts it to the fullest extent. So much for that cute and cuddly exterior.

2 “If only there was someone who loved you.” (Prince Hans)

There was no possible way this quote was not making the list. Though it’s more than a tad overplayed nowadays, it was a huge punch in the face for a princess movie to deliver a line like this. Granted, a deal of the line’s memory comes from the villain reveal, but for a character to be this cold makes Elsa look steaming.

1 “Steal a loaf of bread, they call you a thief. Steal a kingdom, they call you a statesman.” (Jafar)

The only live-action villain to make the list, and not exactly the best representation of the character either, but if it’s one thing this Jafar had under his robes, it was this poignant line. Disney and political humor do not often coincide with one another, but there’s definitely an element of painful truth to Jafar’s way of thinking. At least he’s trying to be a new kind of evil.

Next10 Harry Potter Quotes That Prove Dumbledore Was A Villain

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