One of the biggest aspects of the Batman mythology is the many people who have worn the Robin title. From Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, to even Bruce Wayne’s biological son Damian, the Boy Wonder has been a key element of Batman’s crusade ever since the beginning. While some of the early Robins have gone on to become their own heroes, they have always remained part of the Bat-Family no matter what. It’s characters like Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Batgirl, and more that help keep the Dark Knight compelling. Even if he lost his parents as a child, Bruce has an amazing extended family through his surrogate sons and daughters.

The Robins have been portrayed outside the comics in numerous projects in live-action and animation. With so many people having carried the title, the Robin fandom is one of the bigger ones within the DC fanbase. But just like with any fictional character with a passionate fanbase, there are multiple things to make fun of that can be reflected in memes and fan-art when it comes to Robin.

10 The Truth Behind Robin’s Costume

One of the most iconic aspects of Robin, either one of them, is the bright costume. Unlike Batman’s costume, the Robin uniform is usually a mixture of red, green, and yellow, which is one of the lighter designs in the Bat-Family. However, what if Bruce actually had an agenda with making any of his Robins wear that type of design?

What if the reason Batman always manages to escape his opponents and distract them is that he is using Robin as bait? With a costume with such strong colors, it’s no wonder why any Robin is more noticeable compared to Batman.

9 Batman Vs The F-Bomb

When Titans dropped their first trailer, fans were quite shocked by what they were seeing of Brenton Thwaites’ interpretation of Dick Grayson. Unlike previous Robins they have seen, this was a far more violent one as Robin can be seen destroying his opponents.

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But it’s a certain word that Robin drops that had the Internet on fire for days after the trailer came out. For the first time in any DC project, Robin had actually dropped the f-bomb in reference to Batman. Needless to say, it’s very likely that Bruce would actually slap him for saying that.


8 The Other Meaning To Batman’s Name

Certain Batman fans will always recall the versions of Robin that were a bit cheeky with his dialogue. With lines such as “Holy Nightmare, Batman!”, there have been versions of Dick that have definitely been campy, especially before getting into the 2000s. It should come as no surprise to anyone that Robin definitely had his moments with puns. If he ever wants to, Dick could point out the slight flaw in the name Batman.

7 If Batman Used Puns

Everyone always remembers that iconic moment in The New Adventures of Batman when Dick and Bruce had their major falling-out. After being fed up with Bruce’s behavior, Dick decided to be done with Batman by ditching the Robin mantle.

While their actual conflict was a lot more serious, imagine if all it took for Dick to leave Bruce is if the playboy billionaire actually got punny? If Bruce truly had it in him, he would use Dick’s name in two ways, one that might easily upset the Boy Wonder.

6 The Robin Batfleck Wanted

Ben Affleck may have a few more rounds to go as the DCEU’s Batman before being supposedly done for good. But one thing that was only hinted at was his Bruce having had a Robin during his career. But as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice revealed, that Boy Wonder had died years ago. Although if he could request the “real Robin” to join his side, the version on Titans would probably be the one he would want to go for.

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5 How Robin Messed Up

While Dick has become Nightwing, the current Robin is Jason Todd who has been a regular on Titans since the first season. Next season will see Jason officially take the step to become Red Hood. However, that doesn’t erase one of his big mistakes from last season.

Fans will never forget when Jason tried to take down Doctor Light on his own as he was sick of being stuck in the Titans Tower. While he did manage to take down Arthur, the arrival of Deathstroke highlighted that Jason had messed up, big time.

4 Twilight Wishes It Had This Love Story

For any hardcore Teen Titans fans, the love story between Robin and Starfire is one of the most iconic pairings in the DC Universe. Just like any other couple, the two have had to go through a lot during their history in comics and in media. But one thing is for sure and that is that as intense as their romance has been, it’s always going to be a better love story than Twilight.

3 If Titans’ Robin Met Teen Titans Go!

Teen Titans Go! is an iteration of the group that is directed towards a younger audience compared to the demographics that the original Teen Titans series had. The current series has even had crossovers with the original animated series. However, how would Titans’ Dick Grayson tackle the kid-friendly version of the heroic league? It’s possible that he would react something like this meme suggests.

2 Exceeding Expectations

When Titans was in development, one of the most talked aspects of the series even before it had filmed a single scene, were all the costumes. What material would they use for the costumes? How long will it be until the Nightwing suit is revealed? All those questions and more were constantly asked while there were some that didn’t exactly look forward to the costume reveals. However, when Thwaites’ Robin suit was revealed, it was a massive day on social media as this was a departure from other DC TV costumes.

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1 Batman V Superman’s Backstory For The Dead Robin

Little is still known about the Robin that died in Batman v Superman other than that Joker had something to do with it, given his writing on the suit. According to director Zack Snyder, it was in fact Dick who bite the dust in this incarnation of the mythology. While this was a shock to fans, it was initially believed that the suit belonged to a dead Jason.

However, what if in an alternative world Batman actually had something to do with Dick’s death? Perhaps he saw the big f-bomb in the Titans trailer and he, mysteriously, gets the help of the Joker to show Dick some manners. If Bruce really wanted to be that petty, it’s not out of the land of possibilities.

Next10 Surprisingly Brutal Deaths In Non-Violent Comic Books

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