The cosmic side of the DC multiverse is vast and as a result, heroes such as members of the Justice League often have run-ins with other races. Some of them are peaceful while others are hostile, trying to invade Earth and other planets in their way.

Even some members of the Justice League as representatives of these extraterrestrial races. Across the decades of DC history and storylines, certain races have garnered more attention than others and have become as iconic as races seen in Star Wars or Star Trek.


The slaves of Darkseid and the world of Apokolips, Parademons are the insect-like race that was genetically designed by DeSaad and Darkseid to be loyal workers and soldiers. They are often created from the dead members of races that Apokolips conquers, making them into a demented form of undead.


These creatures are basically nothing but pawns for Apokolips but they have become an iconic foe for the Justice League considering how many times the League has battled Darkseid. They even got their first cinematic treatment as the first threat for the League in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.


From one of many alternate DC dimensions, Bizzaros are the opposite of their Earth counterparts. For example, Superman is a beacon of hope whereas Bizzaro Superman is a sloppy, destructive, and unintelligent creature. They also speak in opposites so “love” means “hate.”

Heroes in the DC universe are villains in the Bizarro world. Though Bizarro Superman is the most famous example, other Bizarros have been showcased over the years. Their world is dark and even a little tragic since they are basically cursed to be the opposite no matter what.


Also known as the Dominion, Dominators are exactly as their name suggests: they dominate planets and conquer them. When it came to Earth, the Dominators were afraid of the rise of the metahumans and so they sought to Dominate the planet before those with a metahuman ability could stop them.

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It turns out that they were right to be afraid because heroes such as the Justice League and the Legion Of Superheroes defeated the alien menace. Since then, Dominators became one of the most famous alien threats in the DC universe.


The characters of Hawkwoman and Hawkman were given a rebooted origin during the Silver Age, making them members of a race of bird-like warrior aliens known as Thanagarians. They come from Thanagar, a world that has seen different variations from a peaceful utopia to an oppressive empire.

Thanagarians are powerful beings, especially when equipped with weapons forged in their planet’s exclusive ore: Nth Metal. Unfortunately, this had made them a threat; they joined the Dominators in conquering Earth in the past.

The Reach

Unlike the Dominators who plunge worlds into all-out war, the Reach uses different tactics for invasion. They plant a weapon on a planet thousands of years in advance, these weapons are called Scarabs and the one that landed on Earth created the superhero known as Blue Beetle.

The Reach waits until the right point in a planet’s evolution then presents themselves as peaceful givers of knowledge and technology. The truth is that they infiltrate then slowly conquer the planet from the inside, using wielders of the Scarabs as their elite soldiers, that is until Blue Beetle and his Scarab defied the Reach.


The most famous representative of this race would be the princess of the Tamaraneans herself: Koriand’r AKA Starfire. Tamaraneans are known for being a race driven by emotion rather than reason. Sadly, this peaceful race became a victim of war which led to Starfire becoming a slave who suffered years of torture and sexual abuse.

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She escaped and retreated to Earth where she became one of the most powerful members of the Teen Titans. Starfire’s own sister, Blackfire, betrayed her family to the Citadel that was waging war against Tamaran due to her hatred and jealousy of Starfire.

New Gods

Powerful beings stem from the planets of New Genesis and Apokolips. One are the more peaceful race led by Highfather with his team of powerful heroes such as Origin, Miracle Man, and Metron. Meanwhile, the darker and far more hostile planet of Apokolips is led by Darkseid.

Darkseid is an iconic DC universe villain obsessed with destroying and rewriting the universe in his image using the Anti-Life Equation. He has his own legion of followers that include Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Kalibak, and DeSaad.

Green Martians

Also known as Ma’aleca’andrans, Green Martians were one of many inhabitants of Mars until a holocaust wiped out the entire race except for J’onn J’onzz AKA The Martian Manhunter. J’onn was transported to Earth accidentally where he found a new purpose for himself as a superhero to protect humans from the same tragedy he suffered.

The Green Martians were a peaceful but very powerful race featuring strong telepathic abilities, intangibility, shapeshifting, super strength, flight, and so much more. The unfortunate thing is that Green Martians are incredibly weak to fire, hence why they were wiped out so quickly.


These green-skinned beings from the planet Colu are highly intelligent beings with a hunger for knowledge, especially the radical member of their race known as Vril Dox AKA Brainiac, one of Superman’s most famous villains. Brainiac sought to convert every planet into data.

However, the clones and descendants of the original Brainiac would go on different paths. One of the most famous being the member of the Legion Of Superheroes known as Querl Dox AKA Brainiac 5. Their intelligence is both a gift and a hindrance since they are a rather closed-minded culture.

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Considering Superman is the one that launched the DC universe as many fans know it today, it’s no surprise that he and his people from Krypton are the most iconic. Kryptonians were a very advanced race but were destroyed by their own hubris that exhausted Krypton’s resources and divided the planet into war.

As a result, the planet was destroyed but stragglers survived including the baby Kal-El who grew up on Earth to become the hero Superman. Kryptonians are no different than humans on their planet but on Earth under the yellow son gives them a plethora of powers and abilities that make them almost godlike. Other survivors include Kal’s cousin Kara Zor-El, General Dru Zod, and more.

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