As revealed in Batman: The Detective, Batman is nothing without his family. Starting with a young acrobat named Dick Grayson and adding people through the years, Batman has built a tight-knit group of people fans fondly refer to as the Bat Family. Both together and separated all over the world, the Bat Family uses the vigilante training from Bruce to fight for justice.

In March of this year, DC introduced a fan voted bracket tournament called the Round Robin. Instead of teams, the tournament featured potential comic topics, ranging from Green Lantern to Etta Candy. Voting has come to an end, with a new Suicide Squad and a Robin team up as the finalists. The winner of the tournament will be announced during DC’s October FanDome. As fans wait with bated breath to see if all of Batman’s past and present Robin’s will be working together, new readers may get a little confused with the “who’s who” of the Bat Family. While they are a large and sprawling group of people with complicated histories, there is a smaller, core group that are the most essential to Batman.

10 Selina Kyle


The Bat Family all have different strengths and weaknesses. Since Selina Kyle’s (AKA Catwoman) weakness, is white collar crime, she is ranked at the very bottom of the core Bat Family group. Still, as Batman’s on and off again lover – and an absolute boss of a woman – Selina holds influence in Gotham that is very important to the balance of the city.

Catwoman has, on many occasions, teamed up with the more unsavory denizens of Gotham. She knows how they think, and she also knows the city, like any true born and bred Gothamite. Selina uses this knowledge in a deadly combination any time she feels her city is threatened. Both Batman and the Justice League have needed her help in times of crisis, and she has willingly given it. She also has no qualms about standing up to Batman and making him rethink his position on things; which is an important qualifier for anyone associating with someone as bullheaded as Bruce Wayne.

9 Stephanie Brown

Originally operating under the name Spoiler (to foil her father, the Cluemaster’s, plans), Stephanie Brown has an extensive history with the Bat Family. Not only was she Spoiler, but also had stints as Robin and Batgirl as well. Despite both starting the War Games that nearly leveled Gotham and almost dying at the hands of Black Mask, she almost always shows amazing tenacity and determination.

That determination is what makes her so valuable to the Bat Family. Even during the times that she was no longer considered part of the team, she worked relentlessly to help the Dynamic Duo and their family. After constantly leaving trails of clues, busting drug rings with Barbara Gordon, and defeating Scarecrow all by herself, Stephanie Brown will always be important to the team.


8 Damian Wayne

The grandson of Ra’s al Ghul, the son of Batman, and the final Robin, Damian Wayne has an impressive lineage. Raised by his mother and grandfather in the League of Assassins, Damian was a formidable opponent by the age of ten. Once he proved himself worthy to his mother Talia, she took him to live with Bruce, who didn’t even know he existed at that point. Spoiled, volatile, arrogant, and angry, he did exactly what his mother hoped and disrupted Batman’s work.

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In spite of his faults – and his originally wavering loyalty between his parents – once Damian chose to stay in Gotham, his dedication was steadfast. That loyalty never kept him from sharpening his tongue on people or trying to ambush Tim Drake, but he did eventually come to see the value of his family. While he may not be ranked as high as the other Robins, Damian remained dedicated even when his newly found father was presumed dead, choosing to stay with Alfred and Nightwing. He goes through great personal peril to protect the city his father loved. Although he is Dick Grayson’s Robin first, he is firmly loyal to Batman, whether it’s Dick or Bruce under the cowl.

7 Duke Thomas

Duke Thomas was a personal protégé of Batman. Even though he spent a short time in a gang called “The Robins,” he was never actually an official Robin. Duke wanted to be something different. Completing his training, he become a hero of his own call The Signal. Despite not initially being part of Gotham’s little birdy infestation, he was still eventually welcomed with open arms into the family.

While less experienced than the others, Duke is integral to the family due to being one of Gotham’s only daylight protectors. Most of the Bat Family works in the cover of darkness, but the Signal chooses to work during the day. As the only metahuman in the Bat Family, sunlight works in his favor. Duke can manipulate light and shadow, and detect where light has been a little while in the past.

6 Cassandra Cain

Raised in the League of Assassins to be the ultimate body guard, Cassandra Cain was originally never taught to read or speak. Her father thought to use those parts of her brain to read body language instead. Being forced as a child to murder someone, she renounced life with her assassin father, living homeless for nine years before Oracle found her. She was Batgirl, Black Bat, and the temporary leader of the League of Assassins.

Cassandra has a long, troubled past, constantly struggling between her desire for vengeance and her need to prove to Bruce her dedication to preserve human life. Batman accepts her in again and again, even going to far as to adopt her. In fact, he relies heavily on her during the War Games accidentally triggered by Stephanie Brown. Because of this, her devotion to her adopted father went beyond the grave, as she helped the family keep Gotham from falling apart when they thought Batman was dead. It’s this devotion that ranks her solidly in the middle of the Bat Family.

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5 Jason Todd

The second Robin, the problem child of the Bat Family, and definitely not the last one to be resurrected from the dead, Jason Todd is a poster child for angst. After being murdered by the Joker, Jason came back to life, only to discover Batman had never avenged his death and had even instead replaced him with another kid. This sent him down a path of anger, vengeance, and murder.

Red Hood, as he now calls himself, is at odds with his family because of his refusal to stick to Batman’s code of no killing. But despite clashing over it repeatedly, Bruce admits in DC’s Future State, that Hood is important to the dynamic of the team. Jason is the only one who can believably split from the family and seem to go rouge, catching the bad guys off guard. He is key to the family, protecting the city by doing the hard things the others can’t.

4 Tim Drake

Tim Drake, the third Robin and the current Red Robin, was only a child when he realized that Batman needed Robin to maintain his sanity. He had been closely following the dynamic duo’s career, noticing that after the second Robin died, Batman’s behavior became more volatile. Tim deduced their identities, convincing Dick Grayson that Batman needed help. Shortly after, he rescued them from Two Face and began his training as Robin.

Tim is unique in that he isn’t a highly trained fighter. He got better with time, but his mind was always his sharpest weapon. Bruce once admitted that Tim would be a better detective than Batman one day, and he saw Tim as a potential heir to the cowl. Tim has always dedicated himself to making wrongs right, and even after his parents were attacked, he wasn’t fueled by vengeance, but he instead continued to relentlessly pursue justice. While the fan headcanon that Tim is a sleep deprived coffee addict is still in question, his vital presence to the family is not.

3 Barbara Gordon

Barbara Gordon, the best know Batgirl, is one of the most popular characters from the Silver Age of comic books. Daughter of Commissioner Gordon, she has a passion for protecting the people of her city. After being paralyzed by the Joker in The Killing Joke, Barbara falls into a deep depression for a while, before dedicating herself to building the world’s most complex computer mainframe and turning herself into an endless well of information.

Emerging back into the world of super heroes as Oracle, Barbara’s reinvents the definition of a hero with her determination. She doesn’t need to beat the tar out of bad guys all night to help people. She became “the guy in the chair.” By networking with heroes and vigilantes around the world, the critical information she gathered on a nightly basis makes her one of the most important people in the Bat Family. Barbara even stopped Batman from going too far and killing Black Mask, keeping him from crossing his self imposed lines and spiraling out of control.

2 Dick Grayson

Referred to as the “Golden Boy” by Red Hood, Dick Grayson is the one who started the Robin legacy. Born into a family of acrobats, Dick became a ward of Bruce Wayne after his parents were murdered. While striking out on his own to find his parent’s killer, Dick discovered that Bruce was Batman. He became Robin, and eventually, when he needed to be free of Batman’s shadow, he became Nightwing.

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Dick is the beginning of it all, and none of the other Robins would have existed without him. He is a good leader and someone Batman depends on. When Bruce was presumed dead, Dick was the one that tried his best to keep the family together, taking up the mantle of the bat and leading them all in the protection of Gotham. He also keeps himself from making the same mistakes as his mentor. Nightwing knows how to ask for help when he needs it, keeps the family connected, and doesn’t allow the darkness of the world they live in consume him. The Bat Family desperately needs his light and leadership to balance out Batman’s shadows.

1 Alfred Pennyworth

The master of dry wit and the long suffering sigh, Alfred Pennyworth is a former member of the British armed services and a consummate actor. After his father died, Alfred took over his position as butler of the Wayne household. He then raised Bruce after his parents died and was integral to Bruce’s rise to Batman.

It is undeniable that, without Alfred, the Bat Family would not exist. He was grandfather, caretaker, medic, advocate, and more to the growing collection of children joining Batman’s cause. Superman and Wonder Woman have the utmost respect for him, and even in his aging years, Alfred is a formidable opponent. He has often joined with one or more of the Bat Family to help Batman out of whatever predicament he is in at the time. He is the only member of the family Bruce trusts to keep firearms in Wayne Manor, and he has donned the bat cowl on more than one occasion. Out of all of them, it is Alfred, trusted and loved, that is the key piece to the Bat Family.

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