A unique variant of Ant-Man appeared in the zombie-themed episode of the animated What If..? series, though he didn’t seem to have too many superpowers given his situation. But powerful versions of the character exist within Marvel Comics, including a few who could potentially make an appearance in the MCU.

Some versions of Ant-Man are alternate identities that Hank Pym, the original character to hold the title, has held over the years. Others are different people from Earth-616 who have taken up the mantle like Scott Lang, or they originate from alternate timelines throughout the multiverse in the comics.

10 Ultimate Ant-Man

The Hank Pym of Earth-1610, the Ultimate Comics universe, possessed the same powers and abilities as his Earth-616 counterpart. He could decrease his size to a sub-atomic level thanks to the use of Pym Particles, as well as grow to the size of a building.

His intellect made him a genius scientist, engineer, and inventor, and he was part of the secret Super Soldier program in his reality. This Hank Pym was much less scrupulous than the main Marvel Universe one, willing to experiment on his wife to achieve scientific results, including his own superpowers.

9 Ant May

One of the strangest versions of Ant-Man in the comics comes from What If..? #34, in which Peter Parker discovers that Aunt May is actually Ant-Man. Her powers and abilities seem to echo those of the Earth-616 Hank Pym pretty closely, meaning that in addition to her ability to shrink in size, she can presumably communicate with ants. May would also be a serious martial artist, as Hank Pym was trained in hand-to-hand combat by none other than Captain America. In some respects, her powers would rival or perhaps exceed Peter’s as Spider-Man.


8 Yellowjacket

Hank Pym fought with the Avengers in a number of different superhero identities. One of them was Yellowjacket, a superhero identity that also has had its own variants throughout the years. In addition to his standard powers to shrink or grow in size, he also added a new offensive component as well.

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The Yellowjacket suit featured stinger blasts, energy bolts he could emit to stun opponents. Rather than rely on flying ants for transport, he could now fly on his own with wings he had integrated into the Yellowjacket costume, essentially the same type of synthetic wings as Janet Van Dyne uses as the Wasp.

7 Giant-Man

After joining the Avengers, Hank Pym switched to another alias, Giant-Man. He could now grow to enormous size, which most of his variants can do in their respective universes. The Earth-616 version of the character also developed the ability to generate energy blasts naturally.

Instead of using technology to create his stinger blasts, Pym could now emit a Bio-Sting, a shock of energy that could incapacitate foes. Giant-Man was also the best version of Hank Pym in terms of his leadership skills, as he led the Avengers for a period of time after Captain America stepped down.

6 Dwight Barrett

Dwight Barret is the Ant-Man of the Old Man Logan universe of Earth-807128, one of the darkest future timelines in Marvel Comics. His powers are similar to those of Hank Pym or Scott Lang, but he has a decided edge. He is perhaps even more intelligent than Pym, as he was able to build a version of the Ant-Man helmet on his own at only eight years old. He’s also able to command massive swarms of ants, which he used to devastating effect against numerous supervillains, including Shocker, Green Goblin, and others.

5 Scott Lang

Scott Lang stole the Ant-Man suit, evidence of his expert skills in thievery. Beyond that, he had a unique power that Hank Pym never had. Not only could he use the Pym Particles to grow or shrink in size, but advancements allowed Lang to control the size of other objects as well. In the MCU, Scott Lang can change an object’s size by throwing a Pym Particles canister at it, but in the comics, he can mentally influence another object or person’s size via the unique quantum field generated by the particles. Scott proved to be so resourceful that he briefly led one of the best alternate versions of the Fantastic Four, the FF.

4 Ant-Girl

Cassie Lang, the daughter of Scott Lang in the comics and in the MCU, had a powerful advantage over her father. Instead of having to ingest Pym Particles to change her size, she has them naturally in her blood thanks to prolonged exposure to them. This gives her the power to change size from very small to very big at will.

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Cassie becomes extremely dense at towering heights, making her virtually invulnerable. She is also incredibly strong, able to lift enormous weights. She also added a pair of bio-synthetic wings like some of the most powerful variants of the Wasp that allow her to fly.

3 Eric O’Grady

Eric O’Grady possessed a number of the same powers as Hank Pym in his stint as Ant-Man. He had some modern advantages though that helped increase his capability. His suit of armor employed a pair of robotic legs that emerged from a backpack, giving him extra agility and climbing power at any size.

He also benefitted from enhancements to the Ant-Man helmet, which allowed him to communicate more clearly not just with ants, but other people. Ordinarily, it was virtually impossible to speak with normal size humans at a small size.

2 Ultron Fusion

Comic book fans know Ultron was created by Hank Pym and perhaps the most powerful version of both characters is a fusion of both. In the Avengers: Rage of Ultron mini-series, Hank Pym fuses with his cybernetic creation and gains all of Ultron’s powers. These include the ability to fly at near the speed of sound, an adamantium outer shell that’s essentially indestructible, and a vastly increased mental capacity. Those are just a few of his powers, which also included all of Ultron’s offensive capabilities, including energy blasts and defensive shields.

1 Zombie Ant-Man

The Ant-Man of the Marvel Zombies universe that inspired the zombie episode of What If..? generated one of the most powerful variants of the character. Not only does this Hank Pym retain his genius, agency, and all of his powers, he’s now infected with the zombie virus. This makes him virtually immortal, provided he avoids being destroyed. That’s a tall order, as the X-Men and many other superheroes found out, because of his density. The very strong and durable zombie Ant-Man was a terrifying force in this dystopian reality and killed many beloved Marvel heroes (including eating Ego the Living Planet!) before being killed by the Sandman.

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