Generation III of Pokémon started with Ruby and Sapphire, which introduced the Hoenn region to the franchise in 2002. Emerald came two years later, incorporating aspects of both games and becoming a fan-favorite title. Hoenn features Pokémon that many fans still consider their favorites, but a large number of players seem to disregard certain Pokémon introduced in this generation.

Reasons for this may be due to design, strength, memorability or another reason entirely. Regardless, some underrated Hoenn Pokémon deserve more recognition than they have received since their release, and their small but loyal fanbases agree.



Bug/Flying is a common dual-type combination, which caused Masquerain to blend in with many other Pokémon. While its stats are not high enough to make it game-changing, they are high enough to warrant a bit of attention, especially after its Special Attack and Speed received a buff in Generation VII.

With this change, its Special Attack became much better, letting it use attacks like Bug Buzz and Air Slash with much more power. It may not be the strongest of either of its types, but lumping Masquerain in with every other Bug/Flying-type does not do it justice.


Swellow is in a poor position when compared to many Flying-types from other generations, often being considered one of the lamest regional birds in Pokémon. Its base stat total is indeed less impressive than that of many other Pokémon, but its saving grace is its great Speed stat. Moving faster than a large number of opponents in the main series games, Swellow can use its decent Attack stat to do a solid amount of damage.

In addition, its Ability, Guts, raises its Attack significantly when it has a status condition. While this situation demands that Swellow has a condition like Paralysis or Burn, it makes the Pokémon a stronger competitor and shows that people should not underestimate it.

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Swalot is less popular than its pre-evolution, Gulpin, which, while silly, is rather charming. Swalot does not usually receive the same affection. In terms of battling capabilities, it is not groundbreaking, but it can hold its own fairly well. Its HP is high, and its defensive stats are both capable, giving Swalot the bulk to withstand a fair amount of damage.

Its Attack and Special Attack are unimpressive, but when paired with its bulk, they can wear opponents down as the battle goes on. Swalot is not incredible, but trainers often unjustifiably disregard it as useless.


When it comes to Generation III pure Normal-types, Exploud stands in the shadow of Slaking in terms of popularity. It is not the least loved Pokémon around, but it is not as well-renowned as many others from Hoenn. As a Normal-type, it is limited offensively, but with reasonable Attack and Special Attack stats, Exploud can do a fair deal of damage.

It also has great HP and with the Hidden Ability, Scrappy, it can hit Ghost-types with its Normal-type attacks. Even though its appearance may suggest to some that it is a Normal-type Pokémon that should belong to a different type, Exploud is capable as it is.


The Pokémon series has plenty of powerful pure Psychic-types, which causes certain creatures like Grumpig to fade into the background. It does not deserve to be forgotten, though, and it can do decently well in battle. Its Special stats are both decent, and its HP is capable.

While its Defense is less impressive, if Grumpig has Thick Fat as its Ability, it cuts damage from Ice and Fire attacks in half. Other pure Psychic-types are better, but Grumpig deserves more recognition than it receives.


There are some who appreciate Torkoal, but when it comes to the general player base, many tend to sweep this pure Fire-type to the side. The lack of popularity is partly because Torkoal cannot evolve, which often contributes to how beloved a non-Legendary Pokémon is. On its own, Torkoal is more than capable, though, being able to learn some of the most powerful Fire moves in Pokémon, such as Lava Plume, Flamethrower, and Heat Wave.

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Its Special Defense is lackluster, but its Defense is excellent, providing Torkoal more opportunities to use its fantastic attacks. If Torkoal has Drought as its Ability, which it gained as an option in Generation VII, the harsh sunlight that activates further buffs its Fire attacks.


Castform is divisive among players for a few reasons. One of these is its design, which some find cute and others find inappropriate. Another is due to its unimpressive stats. It is true that Castform rarely carries trainers through the Elite Four, but its unique Ability makes it incredibly interesting. When exposed to certain weather conditions, Castform’s Ability, Forecast, activates.

It changes the Pokémon’s appearance and typing to fit the weather condition. Weather Ball, a great attack, also changes types based on the weather, giving it a Same Type Attack Bonus when it shares its typing with Castform. Castform is not as exceptional a combatant as some others, but its individuality should earn it some credit.


As with Torkoal, Relicanth cannot evolve, which contributes to it being less popular than some other Pokémon. It is also not as strong as many other water-dwelling creatures, but it is more capable than many may expect. Its Defense is fantastic, and its HP helps to solidify it as a Physical wall. The biggest downside, however, is its Special Defense, which its HP cannot effectively make up for.

On the other hand, one of Relicanth’s most interesting features is one of its Abilities, Rock Head, which eliminates recoil damage from most attacks. Because of this, Relicanth can utilize its reasonable Attack stat through moves like Take Down, Double-Edge, and Head Smash without fear of being damaged as a result.


Crawdaunt is not the most popular among crustacean-like Pokémon, nor is it the most popular Water/Dark-type. However, it is a dual-type Water Pokémon that players should try. Although its Defense and especially its Special Defense are not exceptional, Crawdaunt has a great Attack stat. As long as it can withstand one strike, it can do devastating damage.

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Its Hidden Ability, Adaptability, also boosts its attacks that benefit from a Same Type Attack Bonus, further making Crawdaunt an offensive threat. Some players may brush it to the side in favor of other Pokémon, but Crawdaunt can be very effective.


Kecleon is a mysterious Generation III Pokémon, but players rarely reference it aside from talking about the necessary in-game encounters. It is fascinating because of its signature Ability and Hidden Ability. The former, called Color Change, adjusts Kecleon’s typing to match the typing of the attack that hits it. The latter, called Protean, changes Kecleon’s typing to match the typing of the attack it is about to use. Kecleon received this Hidden Ability in Generation VI and shares it with only Greninja’s evolutionary line.

Both give the Pokémon an advantage, with Protean giving every one of Kecleon’s attacks a Same Type Attack bonus. The Pokémon’s reasonable Attack stat makes these strikes even more effective, and its high Special Defense helps it withstand multiple blows of this category. Kecleon is definitely more than just a gimmick in the games.

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