Set in picturesque Shanghai, Netflix’s Wish Dragon is an animated movie full of spirit, warmth, love, and heartwarming moments. Directed by Chris Appelhans and produced by Jackie Chan (a change from his usual movies full of epic fight scenes), the story is of a peasant boy who stumbles upon a wish-granting dragon by accident, but chooses to pursue his childhood friend rather than wealth.

The colorful animation style and tight storytelling make Wish Dragon a great movie, not to mention one of the highest-grossing comedies of 2021, but it is the heartfelt emotion and wholesomeness in the characters that elevate it to the next level. Each sweet scene feels authentic, and none of it seems contrived. Here are the moments that brought a smile to audiences’ faces.

10 Li Na Walked Din Home

The movie begins with a cute montage of how Li Na and Din became friends as children. They were both fans of dragons, and feisty Li Na protected Din from bullies by throwing dumplings at them.

The moment when Li Na held Din’s hand and walked him home, when both of their parents forgot to pick them up from school, cemented the roots of a beautiful friendship between the two kids. After this point, the two were inseparable. They essentially lived in each other’s homes, flew kites together, grieved dead pets together, and ate delicious street food together, until Li Na had to leave.

9 Din Wore A Suit To Speak With Li Na’s Billboard

Even though Li Na left years ago, Din never forgot his childhood best friend. He stayed in the poverty-stricken section of Shanghai, while Li Na moved to the main city to become a big-time actress and model.

Before her birthday, he skipped out on going to one of the best colleges to do odd jobs so he could earn enough money to buy a suit for his “date” with Li Na. He then climbed to a rooftop where a billboard of Li Na appeared every night and spoke to his best friend like she was there with him. His excitement and the effort that he puts into “talking to” his now-famous friend is amazingly sweet and speaks volumes about how much he values this relationship.


8 Long Discovered Shrimp Chips

The movie was full of tender moments, but Long managed to combine cuteness with hilarity when he first ate shrimp chips. As a 1,000-year-old dragon, he doesn’t know anything about modern inventions, and his wonder at airplanes, traffic, and ice cream is quite entertaining.

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His first taste of shrimp chips reduced him to a puddle, with an almost canine-like widening of his eyes. Long was in love and his first love was a packet of shrimp chips. The simple infatuation with food here is adorable and makes him look more like a fluffy animal than a dragon.

7 Din Only Wanted Friendship

One would expect that Din would ask for all the riches in the world when Long appears in his life, but the innocent boy dismisses Long’s prompts to wish for piles of gold. Instead, he asks for Li Na’s friendship at her party.

When Long tells him to ask for something else, Din responds by asking the dragon what could be more important than having friends in anyone’s life. This virtuous response is a genuine one from Din and only highlights how pure his heart is. In the end, he asks for temporary wealth that only lasts for 24 hours — just enough time to get into the party and meet his best pal.

6 Din Distracted The Audience When Li Na’s Father Didn’t Show

Li Na’s birthday party was not what Din expected. She had a queue of people waiting to talk to her, and her interactions grew more and more impersonal as the night progressed. She didn’t recognize her dearest friend either because she was tired of all the social niceties.

The only part of the party that she looked forward to was the dance with her father, but he failed to show up, leaving her embarrassed and alone in the spotlight. Din, sensing her humiliation, spontaneously put on a Kung-Fu exhibit to distract the audience, and his empathy for his friend at this moment is truly touching.

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5 Li Na And Din Had Their First Adult Heart To Heart

Understandably, Li Na was upset during her party, but when Din finds her hiding under the overflowing gift table, they have a sweetly childlike conversation about how she is feeling and her longing for her father.

Their interaction is strangely reminiscent of their childhood antics, and also the only time Li Na is actually able to express her feelings. Nobody else at the gala cared about her emotions, except for Din, who had longed for his best friend for years.

4 Li Na Returned To Her Old Neighborhood

Li Na’s return to the poorer neighborhood where she had befriended Din was an emotional one and brought with it the feeling of things coming full circle. She snacked on yams with her friend just like old times, raced him to his house, made dumplings with the neighborhood, and watched cheesy soaps together.

Her homecoming showed her where she truly belonged and what makes her happy. Even Long, the dragon, got teary in the movie watching her frolic with her old friends. Her career and adult life had sapped her of her joy, but it took her some time to recognize that.

3 Long Gave Up The Spirit World

The fluffy pink dragon made no bones about his disdain for the material realm he was stuck in – he wanted to finish granting Din’s wishes and move on onto the spirit world,, where he would be welcomed with great fanfare and not have to deal with masters anymore.

So when Long willingly gave up the spirit world when “God” offered it to him and chose to go back to Din because he still had one wish, fans were surprised by the tenderness he had in his heart. Long was not all selfish and snarky, and he had grown to love and value Din for his integrity.

2 Long Brought Mr. Wang Back To Life

Even though Mr. Wang had his sights set on Long’s teapot, he backed down when he realized it was with Din. However, his henchmen were always the real villains, and they pushed him to his death so that they could get it.

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All Li Na wanted was her father’s time, and now he wasn’t even alive. Din used his last wish with Long to bring Mr. Wang back to life, and his sacrifice for Li Na melted hearts. It felt honest and genuine and reminded viewers of the forgotten beauty of innocence and morality.

1  The Opening Of The Restaurant

The ending of Wish Dragon was immensely satisfying and very wholesome for audiences to watch. Li Na’s father opened a restaurant with Din’s mother to sell her delicious soup which was “the best soup he had ever had.” The Wangs seemed to be at peace with the pressures of wealth and fame off their backs, and Din and his mom were doing better financially than they ever were before.

Most importantly, Li Na and Din were back to being together in the neighborhood they loved so much. The ending where Long returned to Earth and hugged Din goodbye was a bonus dose of goodness for the audience.

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