Some people visit the movies for light relief or escapism but film buffs visit the movie theatre for much more than a visual version of storytelling. Many filmmakers like to fulfill the needs of movie buffs and strive to create films that spark conversation with some even requiring a second watch to fully understand it.

Redditor dr3amw3av3r took to Reddit to find those true movie buffs so that list could be compiled of movies that confused fans so much that they had to watch them more than once just to comprehend what was going on. From science fiction flicks that toy with time travel to comedy crime thrillers that are just a bit too wacky, these movies require more than one viewing in order to appreciate their plot.


Primer (2004)

Any movie that toys with time travel is bound to confuse viewers, especially one like Primer which employs filmmaking to convey the movie’s science fiction element. On the surface, Primer is about two men that find out how to time travel. Through its continuous sepia tone and unusual film style, the movie cleverly represents what is truly happening on screen.

Primer is simply about two men that get lost within time travel. This is why the movie’s ability to confuse audiences is so important as it’s similar to the confusion felt by the characters. The movie encouraged many fans like kethian to share that they “got the ‘plot’ but not the ‘how'” which is why many viewers have watched this movie more than once in the hope they will find the hidden how.

Taxi Driver (1976)

Taxi Driver is one of the most iconic counter-culture movies of the 1970s with many hardcore fans labeling it as a cinematic masterpiece but not everyone understood the movie’s success. For many teenage viewers, Travis Bickle represents the replacement of childhood innocence with awareness, which results in many viewers resonating with Travis’s attitude towards society.

But when viewers returned to the movie as an adult they found it to be confusing. Redditor rEmEmBeR-tHe-tReMoLo explained how they “took it all at face value” when they first watched it but now they are older they recognize what the movie was trying to convey, showcasing how the movie’s intricate references could easily be lost on the younger viewer, and almost glamourize Travis’s behavior.

Fargo (1996)

Fargo is considered a seriously great movie among film buffs but that’s not to say that it doesn’t continue to confuse viewers even today. This offbeat crime comedy proved to be a hit due to its unique plot, successfully blending of genres, and it’s intriguing yet unusual characters that many fans couldn’t help but love.

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However, the movie has had to be watched multiple times by fans for them to thoroughly understand many of the hidden subplots including cerberaspeedtwelve who shared that “they felt that [each] plot point could have been explained better”. Fargo was a hit for its ability to somehow be both anticlimactic and thrilling but for some fans, this is what led to it being confusing with many claiming it simply tried to do too much.

Tenet (2020)

When Redditors were asked about movies they had had to watch twice to understand, amaluna was quick to state that “Tenet will be the first”. The movie played with the minds of viewers from the moment it was released in 2020 with there still being many hidden details within Tenet that continue to be missed today.

The movie encourages fans to pay close attention to avoid getting lost in the time loops that dominate both the plot and characters, with many of the characters seeming to do two things at once. But overall after Tenet has been watched more than once, it offers a viewing experience that is intense both visually and emotionally which ultimately could be deemed a cinematic masterpiece in years to come.

Shutter Island (2010)

According to Thewhitewolf1080, “Shutter Island isn’t something you have to watch a second time to understand the plot but multiple watches […] help [to] explore the ideas the movie was trying to push”. The movie contains one of the most elaborate plots of all time which is why it proved such a hit with movie critics but also a complicated one.

Shutter Island plays with the emotions of its viewers by involving them in the mystery case of a missing patient. However, the plot twist is what led to audiences watching the movie again to truly understand its references. Add in the visuals surrounding PTSD and mental health, this is an important film to rewatch.

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Memento (2000)

Memento opens with one of the most memorable shots of all time but the movie only got better from there with the audience following Leonard Shelby and his experience with memory loss. Memento essentially tells the story from his point of view which is why it continues to confuse many fans with its out of sequence narrative.

The backward way of storytelling left viewers trying to make sense of the inconsistent story, almost as though they were experiencing the same memory loss as Leonard. Redditor nellabella27 explained how they “watched it twice within two days” to make sense of the story, allowing the viewer to act as their detective in piecing it all together.

Call Me By Your Name (2017)

Call Me By Your Name contains many stunning scenes of Europe. Despite being beautifully filmed, the movie left many viewers puzzled as to what it was about. It is a highly poetic movie that relies on its viewers to play an almost voyeuristic role to understand the growing love story developing between Elio and Oliver.

The movie confused many due to its lack of plot-led dialogue which was instead replaced with subtle cues that were unfortunately lost on some audiences. The movie is more about what is unsaid which was recognized by Lenene247 who explained how “the second time [they] caught way more of the body language and subtle looks from all of the characters and loved it”.

Donnie Darko (2001)

There are many Reddit fan theories about Donnie Darko due to the movie being open to interpretation with its highly cryptic plot that has confused viewers for many years. The movie has become something of a cult classic among movie buffs, especially with its arthouse style. It creates something that encourages viewers to make their conclusions as to what it all means.

HuskyPupper explained how “they’ve watched Donnie Darko a couple of times and [they] still don’t understand the plot” with its alternative universes confusing the linearity of the usual teen narrative. The movie’s masked rabbit mystifies many fans but also opens up the movie to different conclusions, which is perhaps the reason for its popularity.

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Prometheus (2012)

Prometheus combined horror with science fiction to create something so imaginative that many viewers loved it but didn’t quite know why. It may be a visually stunning movie but it is also one that has been well thought out. This is due to its elaborate plot offering science fiction and horror fans something new.

It is an utterly puzzling watch that resulted in some viewers making notes to keep up with what each mythological reference meant. TheRealProtozoid explained that “Prometheus wins the prize for most cryptic and philosophically dense” movie before sharing that “it keeps getting better” with each watch, proving that the reason for a second viewing isn’t always a bad one.

No Country For Old Men (2007)

Created by the Coen brothers, No Country For Old Men was bound to confuse fans, with their films being known for meaningful metaphors and inventive dialogue. What seems like a great plot for a crime thriller soon becomes something much more due to its in-depth narrative that for some movie buffs makes it an incredible watch whilst others find it painfully slow.

TapiocaChoka shared that “as a teenager, [they] thought it was slow, unsatisfying, cruel, and anticlimactic. The older [they] got and the more [they] rewatched it, the deeper [they] resonated with its nuance”, highlighting that some movies require personal growth to truly understand them.

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