For decades, Wonder Woman has been one of the most iconic characters in the DC pantheon. She has moved from the pages of comic books to the big screen in recent years. The last two Wonder Woman films starring Gal Gadot as well as the upcoming Justice League: The Snyder Cut ensures that her legacy prevails and lives on for even longer.

As the character is often depicted as a leader to her Amazonian forces or the Justice League, the ‘Princess of Themyscira’ gets her fair share of inspiring and rousing quotes. Gaining maturity and war experience during her prolonged lifetime, Wonder Woman can also offer words of wisdom at times.

10 “We Have A Saying, My People…”

In Wonder Woman Vol. 3, No. 25, a film studio plans to cash in on Wonder Woman’s persona, shooting a goofy-looking origin story. When the movie’s making goes awry with an attack orchestrated by the Queen of Fables, a film executive Allison Condero remarks on how a press statement by Wonder Woman can destroy her career.

After handling the situation herself, Diana agrees to stay mum as her people have always taught her to respect the innocent. “We have a saying, my people. Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it.” The quote explains how the Amazonians rely on violence as a last resort.

9 “If You Need To End A War, You Call Wonder Woman.”

Wonder Woman is one of the most powerful DC protagonists and yet she never seems to impose her superiority on her superhero peers, respecting their own powers and skills. So, she acknowledges that one needs to call Superman to stop an asteroid and one can rely on Batman to solve a mystery.

But when it comes to ending a war, she sees her strategy and fighting skills as best-suited. This quote was penned by renowned comic-book writer Gail Simone, who has dabbled with Wonder Woman on many occasions.


8 “Ice Cream Is Wonderful”

In the 2011 New 52 reboot of Justice League, Wonder Woman explores Washington D.C. for the first time, marveling at modern-day human achievements. When a young girl called Raquel introduces her to ice-cream as ‘the world’s greatest food’, the heroine wishes to try some.

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After taking a bite, Wonder Woman nods in agreement with Raquel. She then goes on to praise the ice-cream seller, saying “You should be proud of this achievement.” Taken aback by such unexpected praise, he just replies, “Um…thanks.” The hilarious scene has been recreated in the film.

7 “We can’t help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves.”

One of Wonder Woman’s most inspirational quotes is when she stresses the fact that one can’t help the way they are born but it’s the decisions that one makes in life that ultimately matters the most.

The quote appears in a significant moment from Wonder Woman: Warbringer that served as a comic adaptation of the 2017 novel of the same name by Young Adult author Leigh Bardugo. The quote is said in reference to the secondary lead Alia (the titular Warbringer) who is a descendant of the mythical Helen of Troy. Alia is hence fated to bring about bloodshed and destruction due to her ancestral history.

6 “When I deal with them, I deal with them.”

One of Diana Prince’s most straightforward and sarcastic lines come from the New 52 series Justice League: Trinity War. She delves into the reasons why her list of villains isn’t as long as Bruce Wayne (Batman) or Barry Allen’s (Flash).

“When I deal with them, I deal with them,” The Amazonian warrior tells Superman. It does make sense to the extent that Wonder Woman has fewer villains who harbor a long-term enmity with her, compared to her other peers at the Justice League.

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5 “…To Find Out Who You Are”

After Donna Troy fails in her mission to assassinate Wonder Woman, she is rehabilitated in Themyscria. Donna was used as a scapegoat as she was originally created by the evil sorceress Derinoe. Wonder Woman is still willing to find hope in her and wishes to change her mindset. In her words, “I didn’t bring you here to just punish you, I wanted to give you the opportunity to rehabilitate yourself. To find out who you are.”

However, Donna continues wallowing in self-guilt and refers to herself as a monster. Wonder Woman tries offering her solace by saying, “Misguided and confused maybe…but a monster? No.” This is an iconic moment indeed as later, Donna would end up on the right path and take up the mantle of Wonder Girl.

4 “You Are Many To Many, Peace-Maker And War-Fighter”

In the debut issue of Rebirth:Wonder Woman, the Amazonian is bound by her own weapon, the Lasso of Truth. Under the lasso’s influence, she ends up saying to herself, “You are many to many, peace-maker and war-fighter, supplicant, aspirant, penitent, the true friend and the boon companion, the trusted soul, and the truth-speaker… and you have been deceived.”

Some might find these words of praise as blatant narcissism but as the Lasso compelled her to say this, it’s the ultimate truth.

3 “Mothers, And Sisters, And Gorillas, And Cake.”

Wonder Woman has various reasons to live, and the Justice League or her romantic partner Steve Trevor don’t even make it to that list. In Wonder Woman #42 (yet again authored by Gail Simone), she casually remarks “I think of every reason there is to live…”

These reasons include mothers, sisters, gorillas, cake, and flying. The quote can come off as unexpected but it pretty much sums up the character’s naivety and honesty that lie underneath her usual charisma.

2 ‘If We Say Life Is A Blessing, We Must Say Death Is A Blessing As Well.’

As Wonder Woman has lived a much longer life than the average human, she has developed a mature understanding of death and loss. In the story arc Down To Earth, the Flash tries extinguishing a forest fire but she stops the speedster, having ensured that no human lives are being sacrificed in the process.

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She instructs Flash to let the forest burn as she considers it to be nature’s way of death and rebirth. Flash’s powers might just end up altering nature. “Death is necessary. It is a part of life, and if we say life is a blessing, we must say death is a blessing as well,” Wonder Woman introspects.

1 “…So Long As There Is Hope, There Can Be Victory!”

Ares, the God of War and Diana’s usual arch-nemesis was once on the brink of unleashing a nuclear Armageddon on the planet. As a self-proclaimed guardian of Earth, Wonder Woman attempts to fight Ares who says that it’s futile to match his immense power.

The superheroine doesn’t lose hope and instead uses her ever-lasting hope as her weapon as she says, “So long as life remains, there is always hope… and so long as there is hope, there can be victory!” This quote from George Perez’s run on Wonder Woman very aptly exemplifies her personality.

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