Mega Evolution is a popular battle feature that entered the Pokémon series in Generation VI. It allows certain Pokémon to temporarily evolve into a much stronger form, adding much more power to a team. While some Pokémon received incredible Mega Evolutions, others were left out of the new feature.

Many more Pocket Monsters should receive a more powerful form, either because they are fan favorites or because their stats deserve a boost. In either case, it does not appear that Mega Evolution will be making a return soon. This does not mean, however, that they will never come back. If that happens, there are certain Pokémon that deserve a chance to shine.

10 Flygon

This Generation III Ground/Dragon-type is perhaps the most popular among fans who want more Mega Evolutions. Flygon has one of the most interesting designs in a generation full of well-designed Pokémon. Many artists have drawn what they believe Mega Flygon might look like, and it is clear to see why this new form is so heavily desired. Although it is a capable Pokémon on its own, it falls behind many Dragon Pokémon that received more powerful forms, such as Garchomp, which also shares its two types.

9 Skarmory

Skarmory has always been a fascinating Pokémon. Its design is incredibly intimidating, and its typing of Steel/Flying was solely reserved for itself at the time. Despite its popularity, it never received any evolutionary treatment. Although Skarmory is not bad by any means, its battling capabilities are limited. It has access to some of the most powerful Steel moves in the franchise, but its stats do not entirely work in its favor. Granting this Pokémon a new form would allow it to be as powerful as its design suggests.


8 Johto Starters

The fully-evolved Johto starters Meganium, Feraligatr, and Typhlosion, have not received the attention they deserve in the years since their introduction. The Kanto starters and Blaziken all received Mega Evolutions in the Kalos games, and the other Hoenn starters received theirs in the Hoenn remakes.

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The Generation II starters were skipped, and they deserve to receive stronger forms. Although there have already been Johto remakes with Heart Gold & Soul Silver, there is a possibility that these Pokémon could receive new forms if Let’s Go games come out for the region.

7 Dragonite

The original pseudo-legendary has not received the same benefits that many others of this classification have. Strong in its own right, Dragonite can hold its own to this day. However, seeing it with a Mega Evolution would make many fans happy, especially those who particularly adore the first fully evolved Dragon-type Pokémon. Dragonite has been featured fairly consistently in a variety of Pokémon media, but this attention has not improved its viability against other powerful Pokémon. A stronger form would allow it to compete with other pseudo-legendaries that have received a Mega Evolution.

6 Chandelure

One of the most underrated Ghost-types in Pokémon, Chandelure is a favorite among fans of the Unova games. Although it has an incredible design that is both eerie and beautiful, this Ghost/Fire-type has received little attention since its introduction. Its uncommon dual-typing adds an extra layer to its interesting concept, and a Mega Evolution would give it the recognition it deserves. Although Unova remakes will likely not come out for several years, it is not impossible to imagine that Chandelure may be given a more powerful form when these games do get released.

5 Crobat

Zubat’s final evolution was introduced in Generation II, significantly buffing the evolutionary line. It quickly became a fan favorite. While it is already quite strong in a playthrough, a Mega Evolution could make it one of the fastest Pokémon in the series. In addition, there are currently no Mega Evolutions with the Poison/Flying dual-typing, so Crobat would add something new to the list of Mega Evolved Pokémon. This popular bat Pocket Monster should receive another buff and cement its place in the upper-tier of Poison-types.

4 Luxray

Evolving from the early-route Generation IV Pokémon Shinx, Luxray is another Pocket Monster that has earned a great reputation with fans. Seemingly a prominent Pokémon in the upcoming Legends: Arceus, it is clear that even 15 years after its introduction, Luxray is still an incredibly popular creature.

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Its battling capability is decent, but a powerful Mega Evolution would give this Pokémon the stats to live up to its reputation. Its pure Electric-typing does not help it much, but additional power would help to cover a variety of neutral matchups.

3 Haxorus

Although it is not a pseudo-legendary, Haxorus is often mistaken for one, and with good reason. It is quite strong, having incredibly powerful attacks that can knock out many opponents in one strike. Its stats fall just short of other Pokémon that fill a similar role, though. Many of these creatures also have Mega Evolutions, leaving Haxorus further behind them than before. A Mega Evolution would allow the Dragon to compete with pseudo-legendaries, as it had before the introduction of Mega Evolutions.

2 Kyurem

Much of the lore in the Unova region surrounds the Original Dragon. Although Kyurem has two alternate forms already, combining with either Reshiram or Zekrom to become more powerful, it could have an extraordinary Mega Evolution. This new form could be the Original Dragon, perhaps necessitating the combination of all three of the Tao Trio to achieve. Many fans believe a LegendsPokémon game in Unova should follow Arceus, which could change how a new form for Kyurem is implemented. This game would likely address the Original Dragon, but a Mega Evolution may not be out of the question.

1 Kingdra

The Horsea line became much more powerful when Kingdra was introduced in Generation II. It remains a powerful Water/Dragon-type, but as with many other Pokémon, it fell behind when many others received Mega Evolutions. If Kingdra were to receive this treatment, it could stand among some of the most powerful Pokémon in the series. There is a possibility that with Let’s Go games based in the Johto region, Kingdra could join the list of Mega Evolved Pokémon, perhaps alongside the Johto starters.

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