Love for HBO’s Euphoria has been running like wildfire. From fans recreating some of the best season 2 makeup looks to deep dives into character development, fans are very passionate about this season and where they think the story is going long-term.

There were some essential plot points that were leaked, but all that remains are some screenshots. While some predictions from the leaks have happened in the episodes that have aired, other things on the list seem bizarre. So, Redditors have come together using their comprehensive analysis to make their own predictions for the season.


Jules Will Ruin Things With Rue By Asking For A Threesome

Many fans thought the conversation that took place between Jules and Elliot was not only weird but inappropriate. Jules made a big deal out of Rue knowing Elliot at all, yet she immediately starts having an intimate conversation with him about sex–both with Rue and with her. It’s another reason Jules is bad for Rue and could have fatal consequences for their relationship.

Reddit user Euphorictravels thinks this is pointing to a possible hook-up proposition between the three that goes poorly. They wrote, “I just know Rue isn’t going to participate in that threesome that Jules appeared to be ‘daring’ her to be a part of in the trailer. Rue just isn’t that person & I think it’s really f***ed up for Jules to know that & still put her on the spot.” Of course, Rue is doing plenty of things on her own that will ruin this relationship.

Jules Will Find Out About Cal’s Tape

This prediction seems pretty likely, considering how much emphasis has been put on the tape and who has it. The tape’s existence has driven all of the conflict between Cal and Fez, and Maddy having it is one of the main reasons Nate is trying to get back together with her.

On Reddit, gatafina thinks that Jules discovering it could happen soon. They commented, “Nate is going to try to get the CD back. Maybe Jules finds out Cal filmed her through Fez.” Fez has been the main character dealing with Cal, and he seemed especially upset about Jules being filmed without knowing. Fez has one of the greatest bestie potentials on the show, so he won’t keep something like that from one of his friends.

Nate Is Visiting Maddy To Get The Tape

Nate blew off his hook-up with Cassie to bring flowers to Maddy and he seems to be very unimpressed with Cassie’s attempts to grab his attention because he knows they can’t be together. At the end of the day, Nate and Maddy might be perfect for each other, but he knows she has the tape and wants it back–no matter the cost.

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Quite a few Redditors think the tape’s the reason Nate chose to ditch Cassie. Additional-Reach2521 wrote, “I think his entire purpose of entering Maddy’s [babysitting] home is to get that tape.” They elaborated on their prediction, saying, “But I’m thinking more ‘talking with her’ to get it back using charm. Just to see if she watched it and test the waters.”

Maddy Will Blackmail Nate With The Tape

The jury is out on how a confrontation between Maddy and Nate will end. Some Redditors think Maddy will reveal that she already destroyed the tape to protect Jules, but others think the conversation could turn a little darker. Fans should remember that she’s framed and blackmailed people before and has a hair-trigger temper.

User TheTruckWashChannel on Reddit thinks the night could go bad, saying, “I think the scene with Nate is gonna lead to her blackmailing him.” But, Errybody_dothe_Lambo replied, saying, “Maddy is too smart to use that ammo until it’s absolutely necessary. It’s her ultimate Ace up the sleeve.” For many, the question doesn’t seem to be if she’ll play the card–it’s when she’ll decide the time is right.

Rue’s Drug Dealing Is Going To Go South

Viewers were shouting at the TV in frustration and anxiety when Rue came up with her “plan” to sell drugs to have a supply for herself and making a deal with Laurie seems like bad news. She’s eerily calm and doesn’t question Rue’s plan at all, meaning she doesn’t care if it works or not–in her own words, she always finds a way to make her money back.

Redditors have a foreboding feeling regarding the entire setup. Dionnnz wrote, “There’s like an 80% chance the drugs won’t be sold and will be consumed by her/thrown out in a fight.” Jonathancx525 agreed, commenting, “It’s almost as if she’s planning for Rue to fail. She knew Rue is an addict right when she saw her, yet goes straight for the $50K suitcase.”

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Fez Won’t Make It To Season 3

There’s no question that Fezco is a fan favorite. But, Redditors don’t feel hopeful about the fate of the zen drug dealer going into the rest of the season. Many fans have a feeling that someone will die by the end of season 2, and Redditors are suspecting that it will be Fez.

User Texugo_Australiano on Reddit wrote, “I just see Fez being hit by many different directions. He’s either getting ratted out by Faye, dying by crossing Laurie, dying by messing with Cal/Nate, losing Ashtray, etc. Him coming out this season completely fine would def surprise me.” IAmDeadYetILive added, “It just occurred to me that maybe Rue will get him killed and that’s what makes Rue turn her life around.”

Ali Will Relapse

Many viewers agreed that Rue’s conversation with Ali showed an ugly side of Rue that went completely against her personality, showing how much drugs can change a person. Ali has supported Rue on her journey, even though she’s given him no reason to do so. Her words were intended to be hurtful and it’s clear that they affected him.

Redditor Euphoric_Cucumber193 weighed in on the topic saying, “I read a theory that he dies the next episode. Rue upset him so much that he relapsed.” NervousPopcorn validated their theory, commenting, “Something similar has happened to multiple people I know. Younger sponsee relapses, ODS, and in my example, dies. The pain of that drives the sponsor back to the needle.”

Derek Could Potentially Pop Up

One of the best parts about episode 3 was the beginning segment that attempted to humanize Cal by showing his relationship with his high school best friend and love, Derek. It followed him through a relationship with Marsha before Derek and he kissed–only to be trapped when Marsha tells him she’s pregnant, leaving him sobbing. It was a completely heartbreaking moment for fans.

Redditor designateddesigner asked, “Do we know where Derek is now?” to which TheTruckWashChannel popped in again to answer, “We do not. He might pop up later in the season as an adult.” If fans look closely at the episode 4 preview, Rue and company might be revisiting some of Cal’s past because of the disco ball and bar that were present in Derek and Cal’s scene.

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Lexi’s Play Will Unintentionally Expose Secrets

Lexi lets herself escape reality by writing the script for a play that she eventually asks to be put on at the school. Audiences also know that Lexi tends to be the quiet observer and listening ear to those around her. With her play secretly being based on her life, some fans think she may accidentally spill the beans.

Redditor Imthetrashman12 predicted, “Since Lexi is an ‘observer,’ is it kind of a given that her play is going to bring to light a lot of things that maybe not everyone in the friend group knows?” SirensToGo added, “She’s also doing this as a way to blow off pent-up rage for all the things she’s seen and not acted on, so this just going to unleash hell on the school.”

Cal Will Be Kind Toward Nate

Nate is terrified of being a disappointment to his father and is confused about a lot of things. His attraction to Jules, the bandwidth of his sexuality spectrum, his father’s actions–all of these things had him an anxious mess in season 1. Now that Cal knows about Nate and Jules, fans think he might choose acceptance because he never got any.

On a Reddit discussion, itsevilR commented, “Why do I get the feeling that Cal is going to tell Nate it’s okay for him to love Jules and accept his sexuality, which is something he never got?” TheTruckWashChannel wrote, “I do think with Nate he’s gonna end up taking the route of compassion. That was he can save him from his fate.”

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