Liv Tyler’s Arwen shines in the Lord of the Rings film series, with her role in the events of the story expanded from the original book. She first appears in The Fellowship of the Ring, saving Frodo from the Nazgûl in one of its best scenes.

Unfortunately, she’s given less time to shine in later films, but many fans still consider her the greatest Elf character in the series. To figure out why she’s so popular, it’s best to just let her speak for herself through the many great quotes she has in the franchise.

Her Initial Introduction

“What’s This? A Ranger Caught Off His Guard?”

This line is actually Arwen’s official introduction in the films, coming as Aragorn searches for the Athelas plant to help a dying Frodo. Arwen sneaks up behind him and holds him at bladepoint, which could at first lead viewers to think that she’s an enemy who has caught him in a trap.


But the way she delivers her first line with almost sly satisfaction makes it clear that, while she’s not against showing off, she’s clearly not trying to hurt Aragorn. Her skill and her wit are immediately obvious. One of the best decisions the films’ writers made was giving Arwen a role in this scene, and with such an iconic opener no less.

When She Shows Her Softer Side

“I Am Arwen – I’ve Come To Help You. Hear My Voice… Come Back To The Light.”

Arwen can sneak through the woods without making a sound, catching one of the most powerful heroes of Middle-Earth unawares, but she also has a soft side. Her second line in the films is to comfort Frodo, and she appears like an angel, glowing brightly as she introduces herself to both him and the audience.

There’s a certain definitiveness to the line as if she knows for certain that what she says will occur, that Frodo will return to the light despite his advanced condition. Even when facing a sudden emergency, she confidently chooses to place her belief in her power to save him, and his power to survive.

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When She Demonstrates Her Faith And Bravery

“Frodo Is Dying. If I Can Get Across The River, The Power Of My People Will Protect Him. I Do Not Fear Them.”

This line shows two things about Arwen. First, her faith in the people of Rivendell: she clearly holds them in high esteem, seeing them as the only ones nearby who can shelter Frodo and keep the Nazgûl at bay.

Second, while the audience has already witnessed her talent, her tremendous bravery is an equally defining character trait. She knows that Aragorn has already failed to protect Frodo from the Nazgûl, but she chooses to confront them anyway, knowing she can outrun every one of them if need be.

When She Displays Her Fearlessness And Tenacity

“If You Want Him, Come And Claim Him.”

Perhaps the greatest display of Arwen’s tenacity and fearlessness comes during her chase with the Nazgûl. With only the river to separate them, she turns to face her pursuers and utters this line. She dares them to come closer, to challenge her, to prove that they hold their own convictions as strongly as she holds hers.

When they begin to slowly creep forward, she uses the power of the Elves to defeat them in a sweeping display of good triumphing over evil. This line alone proves her strength can never be called into question.

When She Guides Aragorn

“Why Do You Fear The Past? You Are Isildur’s Heir, Not Isildur Himself. You Are Not Bound To His Fate.”

Arwen’s relationship with Aragorn is the main focus of her character arc, but she’s never diminished to merely his partner. Here, she acts as a spiritual guide of sorts, alleviating his fear that he will ultimately fall victim to the power of the ring as his ancestor Isildur did.

At the same time, the line is not entirely about Aragorn but also acts as a self-reflection. Arwen’s ancestor Lúthien sacrificed her immortality to marry the man she loved, and Arwen has made the same decision. In a way, she uses her own struggle with fate to help Aragorn conquer his.

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When She Shows Her Faith In Aragorn

“Your Time Will Come. You Will Face The Same Evil, And You Will Defeat It.”

Arwen offers Aragorn this prophetic word of encouragement during their meeting at Rivendell. However, this moment is not about him, but about her. It’s her faith in him, after all, that allows him to believe in himself. Her own bravery makes him stronger.

During the final battle of the series, Aragorn narrowly defeats a cave troll, which the filmmakers originally intended to be a physical representation of Sauron. Either way, the meaning is clear. Arwen was right.

When She Encourages Aragorn To Follow His Destiny

“You Must Go With Frodo. That Is Your Path.”

In The Two Towers, Aragorn has a dream of Arwen while traveling to Helm’s Deep. It’s a flashback to when they were together at Rivendell in the first film, as he realizes he’s about to go on the most dangerous journey of his life.

Arwen is once again there to advise him, telling him that his destiny is to join Frodo and the Fellowship. He’s still not sure, but she knows he’ll make the right decision – the decision that will save Middle-earth.

When She Shows Confidence In Her Relationships

“If You Trust Nothing Else… Trust This. Trust Us.”

Arwen’s confidence is much firmer than Aragorn’s, and she remains persistent when he admits to struggling with his path. Even if Aragorn doesn’t even trust himself, Arwen is confident their bond is something that he can hold on to while fighting the encroaching darkness.

When Aragorn has this flashback, he believes this will be his last memory of Arwen, because she has departed for the Undying Lands. This makes the line all the more bittersweet and poignant when it appears.

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When She Challenges Her Own Father

“You Saw There Was A Child. You Saw My Son.”

Arwen’s father Elrond tells her to leave Middle-earth and sail to the Undying Lands, and she agrees. But while riding through the woods, she sees a vision of Aragorn with their child.

The moment is enough to make her finally turn around and challenge her father, forcing him to admit that while there is death in that future, there is also life. Further demonstrating her willpower, she convinces him to have Isildur’s sword reforged, a moment that proves instrumental to Sauron’s defeat.

When She Makes A Choice For Herself

“I Chose A Mortal Life.”

Arwen’s character is criminally sidelined in The Return of the King, and her final line is simply her repeating her choice to be with Aragorn in a troubling dream he has. But this line, first uttered in The Fellowship of the Ring, is essential to her character because it shows that the decision was hers to make and she does not regret it.

She doesn’t know how long he will live, but she gives up her immortality to love him regardless. Love and bravery, two of the many strengths that make her the best Elf in The Lord of the Rings.

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