Although The Vampire Diaries ended nearly five years ago, the franchise itself is still very prominent today. Over the show’s eight seasons, many amazing friendships formed, showing just how important love and support are when constantly facing dangerous situations.

There are many friendships that stand out in TVD, but there’s no doubt Damon and Enzo have one of the best relationships throughout the series. From the challenges they’ve overcome to their everlasting brotherly love, there are countless quotes that prove this fan-favorite friendship is undying.


They Always Joke Around

Damon: “Well, if it’s not Mr. Butterfingers himself.” Enzo: “Hello to you too, grumpy pants.”

Everyone knows Damon is one of the most sarcastic and funniest characters in The Vampire Diaries, a show that only gets better over time. Add Enzo into the mix and the two have some hilarious moments. In season 5 episode 22, “Home,” Damon and Bonnie are discussing their plans to get their family and friends back from the Other Side when Enzo appears (although Damon cannot see him). Damon sarcastically asks Enzo how it feels to have the chance of coming back slip through his fingers. Enzo replies with this line and tells Bonnie to make Damon play nice.

One thing fans love about Damon and Enzo is how they hardly ever go without cracking jokes, even in serious situations. Their sarcasm with one another shows no bounds and it brings light to heavier moments.

Damon Knows Enzo’s Type

Enzo: “From what Damon tells me, I am your type.”

Best friends always know who their besties would match well with. In “Rescue Me,” Enzo is talking with Caroline and expresses that Damon told him he’s Caroline’s type. “Well-traveled, charming accent, dodgy morals,” he said.

While Caroline had no interest, the quote really shows the dynamic between Enzo and Damon. It’s fun for fans to not only see these friends in action but also get glimpses of how well they know each other.

Enzo Missed Damon

Enzo: “Did I mention that I missed you?”

After Stefan admits to killing Enzo in season 5 episode 20, Damon, Caroline, and Stefan are all discussing why Enzo would have drowned Elena. Of course, Enzo isn’t actually present but as the three are talking, he is also making little comments. When Damon expresses that Enzo only drowned Elena as a distraction to kill all three of them in one fell swoop, Enzo says this line.

Damon knew what Enzo’s intentions were because he understands who Enzo is and how he operates. And of course, Enzo loved that Damon figured it out. His expression of missing him is both literal and also a way to show that he likes how well Damon knows him.

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Damon Knows Enzo’s Different Voices

Damon: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Enzo, you have your murder voice on.”

One of the best things about this friendship is the way the pair know how each other is feeling. In the episode, “Man on Fire,” Enzo talks with Damon on the phone and admits he’s with Elena and Stefan and reckons, “One will be dead soon. Eye for an eye and all that.” Damon knows something is up by the tone of Enzo’s voice and says this quote.

While Enzo is nonchalantly expressing his anger, Damon knows how serious he is by the tone in his voice. Best friends can hear and feel when something’s wrong with one another, and this quote proves just how well Damon knows Enzo.

They’ve Had Their Ups And Downs

Enzo: “You were the most important person in my life and you ruined me.”

There’s no doubt Damon and Enzo had their ups and downs. One of the worst things Damon ever did was left Enzo to die and save himself. However, this didn’t happen without Damon feeling remorse and having to turn off his humanity to do so. Enzo expresses in season 5 episode 10 how betrayed he felt when Damon left him to die with this quote.

While there were many times the two had their issues, this situation is one that really left its mark. Even though the betrayal caused turmoil for them, this quote is also a great example of how important their friendship is to each other.

Always There For Each Other

Damon: “He was there for me when I was at my worst. I’ll find a way to be there for him. I’ll get him back.”

The same way Enzo expresses how badly Damon hurt him by leaving him to die, Damon also promises that he will do anything to be there for Enzo now. Damon knows how badly he hurt Enzo and expresses that he will make it up to him and get him back.

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This quote is a great example of their friendship in various ways. It not only shows how good Enzo is to Damon, always being there for him even at his worst, but it also shows how determined Damon is to get his best friend back. He can’t imagine not having Enzo in his life and it shows in his words and his emotions.

Enzo Is Always In Damon’s Corner

Damon: “That’s very heroic of you.” Enzo: “I don’t leave people behind. Not my style.”

This quote shows the connection between Damon and Enzo and the way they always protect each other. In this episode, “Gods and Monsters,” Damon is locked in the Vault in the Armory and Enzo goes alone to get him out. When asked if he was alone, Enzo said he snuck off and didn’t feel like waiting to decide who was going to save Damon.

No matter the intentions, these two end up saving each other constantly. No matter what they’ve been through, Enzo always fights for Damon and makes sure he’s protected at all costs. Their love is strong, and this quote proves just how much they care, even through the worst.

Enzo’s Not Afraid Of Damon’s Bad Side

Enzo: “Stop trying to scare me, Damon. I’m not leaving you. I’m the only friend you have left.”

Everyone knows Damon has his bad guy moments. In this season 5 episode, Damon is now feeding on vampires and Enzo is there to make sure he’s safe and feeding as he needs. Damon, of course, starts feeding on the man they turned into a vampire and looks at Enzo with blood all over him when Enzo delivers this line.

His love for his friends, specifically Damon, makes his death on The Vampire Diaries even harder to swallow in the final season. Enzo is there for Damon through it all, and it’s a true testimony to their friendship.

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Damon Needs Enzo

Damon: “Enzo’s friendship kept me alive, he gave me a reason to hang on to my humanity…”

When Damon realizes in season 5 episode 9 that he was in a cell he had been in before, he remembers one of the worst moments of his life when he left Enzo to die in the fire in the very same cell. Enzo had kept Damon going by talking to him about a girl named Maggie he liked. On top of that, Enzo volunteered to be the next tortured instead of Damon.

Damon admits that Enzo was the only reason he stayed alive in the cell. The two had a complex relationship, but in the end, they always loved each other and kept the other going in one way or another.

Enzo Needs Damon

Enzo: “I don’t want to hate you. Because if I hate you, then I have nothing left.”

This quote is the most memorable bit of dialogue between Damon and Enzo. When Damon admits to Enzo in “Man on Fire” that he was actually the one who killed Maggie, he tells Enzo to do whatever he needs, kill him or hate him. Enzo replies with this line.

This quote sticks in fans’ heads when thinking about Damon and Enzo’s friendship. While some fans may believe Elena and Bonnie have the best friendship on the show, their quotes aren’t nearly as dynamic as this one. It proves, most of all, how much they care and need one another. Enzo can’t hate Damon or kill him because he’d have no reason to continue on. The two have an undeniable bond that proves their friendship is one of the best on the show.

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