When it comes to powerful partnerships in the MCU, Doctor Strange and Wong are at the top of the list. They are two of the most powerful sorcerers in the multiverse, and while they do not always see eye-to-eye on things, it is clear that a strong friendship has blossomed over the course of the movies thus far.

From the jokes they make at each other’s expense to the support they show each other to how they are always ready to go into battle side-by-side, there are many moments that have solidified the connection they share. These memorable quotes highlight the journey of Strange and Wong as some of the MCU’s most charming friends.

10 Trying To Make Wong Laugh

Strange: “Try Me, Beyonce.”

Immediately, upon meeting Wong, Strange discovers that he is not exactly a fun-loving guy. Wong takes the mystic arts very seriously and doesn’t seem at all amused by Strange’s jokes about him only having one name.

But even though Wong just stares at Strange in angry silence, it doesn’t stop Strange from attempting to make him break and get through his icy exterior. Even with this awkwardness, this helped them find an unexpected connection early on.

9 Breaking Through

Wong: “That’s Funny.”

While Strange’s jokes about his name didn’t help to make Wong finally laugh, it turns out that it was just because Wong had a darker sense of humor. After banishing Kaecilius and his followers to the Dark Dimension, Strange makes a quick joke about reading the fine print in the spell books.

Much to Strange’s surprise, this is the comment that got through to Wong who breaks down in laughter. There is the sense that not many people have ever been able to make Wong laugh and the fact that Strange accomplished this task is pretty impressive.


8 Keeping Each Other In Check

Strange: “Wong Told On Me?”

As students of the mystic arts, strange and Wong have very different approaches. Wong is very by-the-books and a stickler for the rules while Strange is more reckless and willing to take chances. It makes for a fun and friendly rivalry.

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When the Ancient One mentions how Strange stole some books from their library, he realizes that it was Wong who told her. It cements them as almost a sibling rivalry between them that makes for some healthy competition.

7 Wong Gives A Compliment

Wong: “You Were Born For The Mystic Arts.”

Though Wong is never shy about reprimanding Strange for cutting corners or being dangerous with his use of magic, he is also supportive of Strange as a sorcerer. From very early on with his training, Wong admits that Strange has a natural gift for the mystic arts.

Just as Wong isn’t someone who would give up a laugh easily, seeing him compliment Strange in such a way while still keeping him in line shows the respect he has for him.

6 Facing Challenges Together

Wong: “We Must Be Ready.” Strange: “We’ll Be Ready.”

Strange goes on an epic journey in the first movie which sees him fully committing to his responsibility as a sorcerer and a protector of the multiverse. And Wong is right beside him the entire way.

Once the Ancient One dies and Mordo leaves, Strange and Wong are left to carry on the important work. As Wong acknowledges the many dangers and challenges ahead, Strange confidently states they will be ready which feels like a moment of them both realizing how powerful of a team they make.

5 Picking Up Lunch

Wong: “I Wouldn’t Say No To A Tuna Melt.”

Given the amazing abilities Strange and Wong have, it is charming sometimes to see them just talking about and dealing with mundane things. The fact that they squabble over lunch orders feels like a big development in their relationship.

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As Strange heads to the deli, he and Wong banter about Wong not having any cash on him to which Strange reluctantly asks what he would like to get. The fact that Strange is willing to buy Wong a sandwich and Wong is sheepish yet appreciative is pretty relatable for two sorcerers.

4 A Friendly Rivalry

Strange: “No, He Got It On A Technicality Cause I Blipped For Five Years.”

It is nice to see that, even after saving the universe together, Strange and Wong still maintain that competitive nature of their relationship. When Peter Parker visits them in Spider-Man: No Way Home, he learns that it is actually Wong and not Strange who is the Sorcerer Supreme.

The way Strange bitterly makes the excuse that he was blipped for five years and how Wong is unapologetically ordering Strange around suggests it is a sore subject between them, yet they are still willing to bicker about it like only friends can.

3 Assembling An Army

Strange: “Is That Everyone?” Wong: “What, You Wanted More?”

Though Strange is blipped in Avengers: Endgame, he comes back in an epic way, showing up to the final battle and bringing plenty of backup through the portals. And it is obvious that, when preparing this army, Wong was the first one he called.

As all the warriors gather together, from the Wakandans to the Ravagers to the Asgardians, Strange asks Wong is that is all and Wong insists that is plenty. It is nice to see, even after five years and as they are about to charge into battle, these two don’t miss a beat.

2 Ice Cream Fans

Wong: “Hunk A Hulk A Burning Fudge Is Our Favorite.”

Though they seem very different in personalities and their approaches to being heroes, it is when Strange and Wong start interacting with the other Marvel heroes that their connection feels even stronger.

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After Hulk smashes through the roof of the Sanctum Sanctorum, they gather Iron Man there as well to discuss the impending threat. But the conversation quickly changes to ice cream with Tony Stark bragging about having an ice cream named after him only for Wong to insist they prefer the Hulk ice cream. The simple fact that Wong and Strange share a favorite ice cream flavor is pretty charming.

1 On Each Other’s Side

Strange: “Breaking The Laws Of Nature I Know.” Wong: “Well Don’t Stop Now.”

Strange and Wong are a perfect example of how two people who seem incredibly different can still make an ideal pair. This becomes clear in the climactic battle in Doctor Strange in which Strange reverses time to defeat Kaecilius.

After Wong is resurrected thanks to the Time Stone, Strange acknowledges how he’s breaking the rules. But Wong also proves there are moments where flexibility can be wise. It is the first indication that these two make for a powerful duo.

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