There are few characters from The Lord of the Rings more iconic than Galadriel, the powerful elf who rules in the forest of Lothlorien. Played by the inimitable Cate Blanchett, she is a living reminder of an earlier age of Middle-earth, and she is full of immense wisdom and influence.

She has many important lines during the course of the movies, and her various quotes demonstrate just why it is that she is widely regarded as one of the best elves in this very influential and successful fantasy movie trilogy.

On Seeing The Eye Of Sauron

“I Know What It Is You Saw, For It Is Also In My Mind.”

One of the scariest moments in the first LOTR movie occurs when Frodo gazes into the Mirror of Galadriel, and there he witnesses the Eye of Sauron, reaching out to try to claim him. Galadriel then reminds him that she, too, has seen it, and that it has occupied her thoughts. Given how powerful she is, and how much Sauron wishes to bring about her downfall, this quote demonstrates how committed she is to the well-being of Middle-earth, even when her own life might be in danger.


On Every Person’s Unique Abilities

“Even The Smallest Person Can Change The Course Of The Future.”

One of the key themes of the books and the movies is the idea that it isn’t just the mighty warriors and powerful wizards who are key to the workings of the world and of history; instead, it’s the small and the seemingly weak who can often be enormously influential. Here, Galadriel shows that she is one of the wisest beings currently dwelling in Middle-earth, and it’s to her credit that she doesn’t simply dismiss Frodo as so many other powerful people might do.

On Being Honest About Frodo’s Sacrifice

“You Are A Ring-Bearer, Frodo. To Bear A Ring Of Power Is To Be Alone.”

At the same time as she is willing to extend a kind hand to Frodo, she is also able to tell him the truth about what it means to be a bearer of one of the Rings of Power. She has a clear-eyed perspective about the world and how it works, and this allows her to shoulder and accept the unpleasant fact that with such a great power comes responsibility. Once someone puts on a Ring, they enter a world where they must bear it alone.

On The Fellowship’s Success Through Solidarity

“The Quest Stands Upon The Edge Of A Knife. Stray But A Little, And It Will Fail, To The Ruin Of All. Yet Hope Remains While The Company Is True.”

The elves are some of the most otherworldly beings in the movies, and they are prone to saying things that sound harsh to mortal ears. Here, however, Galadriel shows her signature ability to be both stern and also sympathetic at the same time.

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She reminds the Fellowship that, though the hour is late and danger grows, if they are able to hold together, they might still attain success. As always, she shows just how perceptive and wise she truly is.

On Her Finite Time With The Fellowship

“We Shall Not Meet Again, Elessar.”

Aragorn is one of the bravest characters in the movies, and he time and time again shows that, even when all seems lost, he is willing to continue fighting. With this line, however, Galadriel reminds him that some things cannot change and that, when all is said and done, they will never see one another again. It’s a reminder that, in the movies as in the books, the world of the elves is receding, leaving in place the world of men. It is one of Galadriel’s most bittersweet statements.

On Resisting The Ring’s Influence

“I Have Passed The Test. I Will Diminish, And Go Into The West, And Remain Galadriel.”

Like Gandalf, Galadriel faces one of the most profound tests, in that Frodo offers to give her the One Ring. Like all powerful entities in Middle-earth, she knows that the Ring could give her unlimited power, and that it could stop the decline of her people.

Thus, her decision not to take it, and to sentence the elves (and herself) to a slow and inevitable decline, is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire movie series.

On Helping The Humans

“The Time Of The Elves Is Over. Do We Leave Middle-Earth To Its Fate? Do We Let Them Stand Alone?”

However, though she accepts the inevitability of the elves’ decline, that doesn’t mean that Galadriel is willing to let the people of Middle-earth fight alone. Here, she enjoins Elrond (one of Hugo Weavings’ best roles) to help the humans in any way that he possibly can. It’s a powerful moment (that’s not in the books, however), and it’s a reminder that the elves are going to do whatever they can to fight back against Sauron’s seemingly inevitable rise to power.

On The Passing Of Power

“The Power Of The Three Rings Is Ended. The Time Has Come… For The Dominion Of Men.”

The parting at the Grey Havens is one of the saddest moments in the LOTR movies, and it marks the definitive moment when the elves at last have to recognize that their time is over. Here, Galadriel speaks for all of them when she announces that the world that they knew has passed forever beyond recall. Rather than trying to fight against the inevitable, she has the grace to know that there is dignity to be had in departing in this way, and so that is what she does.

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On Providing Frodo With A Proper Present

“And For You, Frodo Baggins, I Give You The Light Of Earendil, Our Most Beloved Star. May It Be A Light To You In Dark Places When All Other Lights Go Out.”

As the Fellowship departs from Lothlorien, Galadriel goes out of her way to ensure that each of them receives a gift, including Frodo. The one that she gives him is a particularly meaningful one, as it has a power that will prove to be very useful when he confronts the monstrous spider Shelob. Galadriel, in her usual fashion, knows just what present to give that will be the most useful, and she knows just the thing to say, as well.

On Her Possible Fate With The Ring’s Power

“In Place Of A Dark Lord You Would Have A Queen!”

When Frodo offers her the One Ring, there is a startling moment when it seems as if she will actually take it, and she will set herself up as a great and powerful figure, beautiful and terrible. It’s a horrifying and exhilarating moment, as it is revealed just how powerful she is, and just how much damage she might be able to do if, contrary to what she says, she were to give into temptation and actually take the Ring from Frodo’s outstretched hand.

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