From Man Of Steel to The Suicide Squad, The DC Extended Universe has introduced many characters including the Justice League. Each Justice League member steals the show in their own way, creating several potential choices as to who is the best of the iconic team.

One of those options is the man who started the DC Extended Universe: Superman. As portrayed by Henry Cavill, his version of Superman is now beloved with many hoping for him to return in the future. This is due to the character proving to be a Superman not just with his actions but also with several quotes across the DCEU.


Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

“The Police Won’t Help, The Press Has To Do The Right Thing.”

Even as reporter Clark Kent, Superman fights for justice. In this case, he is being manipulated by Lex Luthor with evidence that points to Batman being a villain. Still, Clark sees how Batman in his currently deranged state was putting Gotham City in a state of fear.

He could have easily just become Superman and confronted Batman but instead, he tries to do things using the written word of the Daily Planet, “The police won’t help, the press has to do the right thing.” Superman trying his hardest to handle things peacefully as a reporter instead of solving everything through blunt force.

Man Of Steel

“You’re A Monster, Zod. And I’m Going To Stop You.”

Having witnessed his band of zealots be forced into the Phantom Zone, General Zod, as played by Michael Shannon makes his plight personal. All of his hatred is now focused on making Kal-El suffer, to destroy all humans by his own hand if he needs to. Kal simply states, “You’re a monster, Zod. And I’m going to stop you.”

To Kal-El, this is more than just a grudge match between him and Zod. His duty is to protect Earth from Zod, knowing that he was too far gone to reason with.

Man Of Steel

“I Guess I’m Just Going To Have To Trust You.”

Obviously, the military and the government are going to want to know who the new hero Superman is, but Kal is quick to dispose of a surveillance drone. He lets General Swanwick know that he’s only here to help but on his own terms. He needs to convince Washington of that.

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Swanwick asks why would they listen leading to Superman responding with, “I don’t know, General. I guess I’m just going to have to trust you.” This shows the optimistic and trusting side of Superman, a valuable trait a leader of the Justice League should have. Superman could have easily threatened Swanwick but instead, he just politely speaks to him.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

“Stay Down! If I Wanted It, You’d Be Dead Already.”

The anticipated fight between Superman and Batman shows both characters using their minds. Superman does not want to fight but Batman is giving him little to no options. In fact, Batman uses Superman’s soft side against him to gain and keep the upper hand.

However, the fight also shows that even with that fancy armored suit, Batman could have easily been crushed by Superman. Superman displays this when he says, “Stay down! If I wanted it, you’d be dead already.” Not only does this showcase just how powerful he is but also that Superman is willing to speak his way out of any fight.

Man Of Steel

“But That Doesn’t Mean I’m Your Enemy.”

Another display of Superman’s might, when Earth arrests him to turn him over to General Zod, Superman stands up and breaks the handcuffs as if they were made of tin foil. However, rather than intimidate the military, Superman calmly speaks the truth to them.

“You’re afraid of me because you can’t control me. You don’t. You never will. But that doesn’t mean I’m your enemy.” Kal-El could have easily broken out of that base as if it were child’s play but instead, he uses his words and reason to show that he’s not a threat. However, he does let them know that he’s not a pushover either.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

“They Wanted Me Back For A Reason. I Have To Figure Out Why.”

After sacrificing himself to save the Earth only to rise from the dead, nobody would blame Superman if he wanted to just relax on the Kent family farm. He even has one of the Justice League trilogy’s most wholesome moments when he reunites with Martha Kent. Instead, he remains a selfless protector of Earth and decides to join the Justice League in their fight against Steppenwolf.

“They wanted me back for a reason. I have to figure out why.” Keeping in his heart the morals that not only the Kents raised him with but also what the symbol of House El stands for. Even after dying, Superman is willing to charge right back into battle to save Earth because it’s the right thing to do.

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Man Of Steel

“Krypton Had Its Chance!”

In the battle of Metropolis, General Zod brings in the Kryptonian scoutship with the Genesis chamber that could help rebuild Krypton on Earth. When Superman arrives, Zod even tells him that if Superman destroys the ship, he will destroy Krypton.

Superman even hesitates, knowing that the responsibility of creating or destroying the bridge between two races is upon him. He makes his choice, “Krypton had its chance!” The choice is a hard one but a good man and leader like him is strong enough to make that choice, knowing that Krypton had become too corrupt to coincide with Earthlings.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League

“Not Impressed.”

In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, each hero and villain has one stand-out quote to help them shine in the four-hour epic. Superman’s best comes when he enters the battle against Steppenwolf, protecting Cyborg by taking a strike from Steppenwolf’s axe, not even leaving a scratch.

“Not impressed.” After dealing with General Zod and Doomsday, Superman is at his most powerful now and Steppenwolf is not up to his par. So to see Superman so calmly react to this world-ending being is enough to prove that he will be a perfect leader figure for the Justice League.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

“You Are My World.”

A quote that is equal parts inspiring as it is heartbreaking. Superman knows that the only way to stop Doomsday is to sacrifice himself but that will mean his death. He will never see Lois Lane again, the love of his life so he says, “This is my world. You…are my world.” One of the best things about this Lois Lane is the chemistry between her and Superman and her heartbreak can be felt.

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Saving Earth is what he was meant for and he’s willing to do that, no matter the cost. He’s also willing to protect Lois at any cost so his last words before his death continue to be an example of his selfless nature. He earns the name of Superman by dying to save his world.

Man Of Steel

“Don’t Do This! Stop!”

Despite everything that General Zod had done: all of the death and destruction, the last that Kal-El wanted to do was kill Zod. Subdue or even talk Zod down but General Zod was never going to stop and that is best shown when Zod uses his heat vision to pin down a human family, slowly bringing it towards them.

In pure anguish, Kal-El tries to stop Zod with his words, “Don’t do this! Stop!” But General Zod refuses, forcing Kal-El to make a choice. He snaps General Zod’s neck, making him drop to his knees and scream in pain. This scene showcases the absolute best quality of Superman: that he is human in the end and a good-hearted one.

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