Three MCU films will premiere in 2022, including Thor: Love and Thunder on July 8th. With each new installment of the MCU, comes the question, which hero best demonstrates what it truly means to be an Avenger.

After Tony Stark’s death and Steve Rogers’ departure at the end of Avengers: Endgame, some may wonder who could be considered the best among the remaining Avengers in the MCU. There are plenty of contenders for the spot like Black Panther, Spider-Man and Captain Marvel but Thor’s many appearances in the MCU have shown him on multiple occasions to be the strongest, funniest and most courageous of the Avengers as seen in these quotes from him and his fellow Avengers.


Loki On Thor’s Entrance

“What’s The Matter? Scared Of A Little Lightning?” “I’m Not Overly Fond Of What Follows.”

When Loki arrives on Earth in the first Avengers movie and is captured by Captain America and Iron Man. He is acting very smog, as always, until the sounds of thunder begin to rock the quinjet.

Thor’s arrival brings a bad feeling to Loki but also immediately puts Iron Man and Captain America into fight mode. Demonstrating how Thor’s power is instantly recognized by the two Avengers. Despite the three heroes using their fists instead of their words on their initial meeting, Thor joins the team and quickly cements himself as the most powerful the Avengers.

Gamora On Thor’s Physique

“It’s Like His Muscles Are Made Of Cotttati Fibres”

When Thor meets the Guardians of the Galaxy, he is unconscious after having gone one round with Thanos, but even unconscious, the two strongest Guardians, Gamora and Drax, recognize Thor as powerful and strong. Starting with Drax correcting Peter Quill about Thor, “He is not a dude. You’re a dude. This is.. this is a man. A handsome, muscular man”, this entire scene shows how even among superheroes and beings from outer space, Thor is considered more powerful than most.

This is especially true of Gamora’s quote, as a daughter of Thanos, she has come across and fought the biggest treats in the galaxy. And yet, she is still in awe of Thor when he arrives on the Milano, admiring and commenting on his muscles despite him being unconscious.

Thor On His Kill Count

“You Know I’m 1500 Years Old. I’ve Killed Twice As Many Enemies As That.”

Another quote from Thor’s conversion with Rocket Raccoon on Nidavellir, again shows how brave, heroic and powerful Thor is. Thor has fought thousands of enemies in his 1500 years, making it understandable why he believed he had a shot at defeating Thanos in their next showdown.

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Despite having already fought Thanos once, and barely escaped with his life, Thor still has the courage, fortitude and resilience needed to keep going and try again. This quote shows how Thor’s years of experience as a warrior and a hero make him the only Avenger who can get the job done and stop Thanos.

Thor On His Perserverance

“Well, If I’m Wrong, What More Could I Lose?”

During a chat with Rocket Raccoon on Nidavellir, Rocket expresses concern over Thor’s state of mind as they prepared to forge Stormbreaker to use to defeat Thanos. Thor tries to playfully reassure Rocket this he is “Absolutely!” ready for the mission but instead revolves that he feels he has nothing left to lose.

Despite, this feeling Thor continues to put on a brave face and charge into avenging Loki and others lost to Thanos’ crusade. This is the true sign of a hero and an Avenger, always willing to put aside personal feelings to go save and avenge the day. Thor demonstrates his unending bravery and heroism, even in the face of being outmatched, he steps up to do what an Avenger does best.

Thor Complimenting Captain Marvel

“I Like This One.”

When the Avengers first meet Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame, the team is slightly wary of this stranger, which is understandable considering they had firsthand experience with fighting Thanos, unlike her at this point.

However, the Avengers accept Carol Danvers when she impresses Thor by remaining unfazed when he summons Stormbreaker. This seal of approval, shows how the other Avengers recognize Thor’s seniority and hundreds of years of experience, and immediately end any questions of Captain Marvel joining the Earth’s mightiest heroes. Demonstrating how Thor, even among his fellow seasoned Avengers, is respected for his power and judgement on these types of matters.

Thor On His And Cap’s Comparable Appearances

“I Noticed You Copied My Beard. Oh, By The Way, This Is A Friend Of Mine. Tree.”

In Avengers: Infinity War, during the middle of the Battle of Wakanda, Thor takes the time to catch up with his fellow Avenger, Captain America, who he hasn’t seen since the previous Avengers movie.

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Comic relief is a central part of every MCU movie and Thor is the best of the Avengers at this as shown in this quote. Regardless of the fact, they’re in the middle of fighting 100s of alien monsters, Thor casually quips with Steve Rogers over their new choices in hair styles and beards, while also introducing his new friend Groot. Confirming that Thor is not only powerful enough to take a few seconds away from the battle but also clearly the funniest of the Avengers in the heat of the moment.

Thor Making A Plan To Execute Thanos

“Good. Just As Long As We’re All In Agreement…Let’s Kill Him Properly This Time.”

Entering the final act of Avengers: Endgame, the heroes find Thanos waiting for them after he bombarded the Avengers base. The three Avengers seize the opportunity to try and stop Thanos from the past before he can retrieve the Infinity Stones.

Thor shows that he is all business when it comes time to face Thanos for the third time. Thor’s boundless courage and bravery to again take on the strongest villain the Avengers have faced demonstrates what it means to be an Avenger. Always ready to fight any bad guy, save the day and avenge the fallen.

Thor On How Much He’s Willing To Sacrifice

“Only If I Die”

Back on Nidavellir, Thor volunteers to take on the full force of a star in order to reignite the forge where Stormbreaker will be created. With no other options, Thor does what any hero would do but the difference with Thor is he is one of the few powerful enough not only to attempt it but also succeed and survived doing so.

In response to Eitri’s question,”You understand boy, you are taking on a star? It will kill you,” Thor yet again causally and with a sense of humor takes on an unthinkable feat in order to defeat Thanos. This entire scene makes it clear yet again that Thor’s bravery, strength and heroism is why he is considered the best Avenger.

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Thor Keeping His Priorities Straight

“I Would Rather Be A Good Man Than A Great King.”

At the conclusion of Thor: The Dark World, Odin rewards Thor with the throne of Asgard after saving the day. The maturity and wisdom displayed by Thor in this scene, shows the core of what makes him the best of the Avengers, always thriving to be a good man.

This quote sums up what drives Thor to risk his life time and time again, to help these who weren’t born with the powers he has. Not for the glory, though he does enjoy that as might, but because he has the ability to help and does so without need for rewards or thrones. He does it because it’s the right thing to do and that’s what not only a good man does but a true hero and Avenger does.

Thor Taking Down The Mad Titan

“Bring Me Thanos!”

As all hope seemed lost during the Battle of Wakanda, Thor arrived with a thunderous entrance accompanied by Rocket Raccoon and Groot. At turning point of the battle, Thor easily rips a path through Thanos’ army with only one thought on his mind,”Bring me Thanos!”.

Demonstrating how powerful Thor truly is when he channels his thunder god-abilities through the newly forged Stormbreaker and how courageous a hero he is for charging toward Thanos when others, including the Hulk, would run and hide. Showing that Thor, even when he’s facing an enemy who has defeated him before, is still willing to storm back into the fight to avenge the day.

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