The Dragonborn in Skyrim is given access to dozens of important characters across the continent, many of whom end up serving as the protagonist’s companion, or follower. They are generally useful when it comes to assisting in combat and carrying out other duties, while also serving as pack-mules for the Dragonborn’s ever-increasing hoard.

It’s possible to have more than one follower, especially when starting Quests with other characters, but actively selecting one means that the player cannot enlist another until they release the follower they already have. Not all Skyrim companions are endearing, but many of them are important in terms of mission completion.

10 Cicero The Jester

Cicero is introduced as part of the Dark Brotherhood, a jester-type figure who calls himself the Keeper of the Night Mother. He is quite an interesting follower, given his tendency to randomly break out in a jig for no reason, not to mention his uniquely bizarre sense of humor.

At the same time, Cicero can come off as rather annoying, perhaps even a little creepy, which can make having him around tiresome. On the plus side, he is quite efficient at combat.

9 Delphine The Blade

Delphine, the proprietor of Riverwood’s Sleeping Giant Inn reveals herself to be a Blade, a once-powerful squad that used to hunt dragons. She is a decently helpful companion during the Blades questline, such as “Alduin’s Wall” and “Diplomatic Immunity”, but her demands are seemingly incessant.

Delphine initially demands that the Dragonborn supply evidence as to their identity, and ultimately tells the player to murder Paarthurnax, a peaceful, kindly dragon.


8 Faendal The Archer

After the Dragonborn helps Faendal, the Bosmer elf, with his romantic issues, he becomes a willing follower. He can raise the player’s archery skills, which are of great use when taking on a horde of Draugr.

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Faendal’s nature leans towards overt honesty — he is liable to react negatively when called to fight an innocent person and actively attacks the Dragonborn in a battle involving soldiers. This can get troublesome really quickly.

7 Farkas The Warrior

Farkas is a Dragonborn follower from Whiterun, whose services can be obtained at the end of the Companions’ narrative. He is a strong personality but has been referred to as “too kind-hearted” by his superiors.

Farkas’ reliance on his physical strength, as well as his medley of skillsets, make him one of the better followers in the game. That is until the Dragonborn secures a bounty, in which case Farkas will start threatening the former with his weapon.

6 Serana The Vampire

Serana is crucial in the Dawnguard DLC storyline, as the vampiric “Daughter of Coldharbour.”  She is generally polite and amicable but takes some time opening herself up to the Dragonborn, presumably due to a lack of trust.

Serana is sometimes curt with her responses, depending on the topic being discussed, but her mood changes from dark to bright without much effort on the player’s part.

5 Aela The Huntress

Aela, another Companions member, can be found in Jorrvaskr. Her archery skills are incredible enough for her to offer the Dragonborn training lessons.

When is made a follower, Aela is surprisingly accepting of most crimes, including thievery and killing random NPCs, and she doesn’t complain if made to intrude on private property. Aela is an excellent follower for players who don’t play by the book, which, to be honest, is nearly all of them.

4 Lydia The Housecarl

Lydia is one of the first followers available in the game, presented to the Dragonborn by Jarl Balgruuf the Greater of Whiterun. She is also the most common choice for Skyrim players, as evidenced by the number of memes made around her.

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Lydia is compliant and protective, and will not hesitate to run screaming into battle when required. Sometimes, however, her responses are tinged with just a bit of contempt.

3 Mjoll The Lioness

Mjoll the Lioness is usually present at Riften’s Bee and Barb Inn, but the first impression she provides seems borderline hostile. Once a follower, she tells the Dragonborn her decision to remain righteous in all her doings, considering loyalty far more important than economic gain.

This is why she has strong opinions on the two rotten factions that control Riften, the Black-Briars, and the Thieves’ Guild. Mjoll’s morality is refreshing in a world where most characters look out only for themselves.

2 J’zargo The Khajiit

J’zargo, a Khajiit training to be a mage at the College of Winterhold, is both supportive and sweet, but he will become a follower only after the player finishes “J’zargo’s Experiment”.

He is capable of using 13 spells, from Restoration and Conjuration to Destruction and Illusion, but limits his range to 9 when bound to the Dragonborn. In any case, J’zargo’s perennial enthusiasm is infectious, not to mention how adorable it is to hear him refer to himself in the third person — “J’zargo is ready for more adventure.”

1 Barbas The Talking Dog

Barbas is observed in the outskirts of Falkreath Hold, shocking the player by his capacity for human speech. In fact, he even mocks the Dragonborn for their perceived disbelief, stating that “Skyrim is now host to giant, flying lizards and two-legged cat-men, and you’re surprised by me?”

Barbas is one sassy canine, making him a thoroughly enjoyable companion for the Dragonborn to have. The only problem arises when Clavicus Vile tells the player to kill the dog in exchange for the Rueful Axe.

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