Bethesda’s Skyrim is easily one of the most immersive open-world RPGs ever created, being the fifth in the equally famous series known as The Elder Scrolls. Its enormous world is enhanced by the presence of a wide range of characters, from the brooding Dunmer and patriotic Nords to the vicious Forsworn and countless gangs of bandits.

Given the near-endless number of quests in Skyrim, the Dragonborn regularly interacts with a host of NPCs, many of whom have thoroughly fleshed out backstories, which are reflected in the complexity of dialogue options available. As powerful as some quotes in Skyrim are, there are those that are comical or even bizarre when considered from a standalone perspective.

10 “Sweet Mother, Sweet Mother, Send Your Child Unto Me!” — The Dark Brotherhood

The Dragonborn must recite these words in order to become part of the Dark Brotherhood, a binding ritual that directly invokes the deity worshiped by this group of assassins — the Night Mother. The remainder of the Black Sacrament refers to the “sins of the unworthy that must be baptized in blood and fear.”

In the game, this oath quite terrifying and macabre, but it takes on a humorous form when out of context. Imagine going up to people and asking them to hand over their children, especially with the second half of the oath.

9 “Some People Call This Junk. Me? I Call It Treasure.” — Any Merchant

There are dozens of merchants scattered across Skyrim, most of whom fall into one of the following categories: blacksmithing, food, fencing, spells, alchemy, jewelry, bars, and general goods.

However, every single one of them has been scripted with this line, which is probably a merchant’s attempt to overvalue their stock and entice the Dragonborn. From another angle, the quote feels like someone trying to twist the famous proverb about one man’s junk being another man’s treasure, and failing miserably.


8 “Psst. Hey. I Know Who You Are. Hail Sithis.” — Random Guard

At the conclusion of the Dark Brotherhood storyline, the Dragonborn has to go through the final quest, known as “Hail Sithis!,” which is the assassination of the Emperor of Tamriel, Titus Mede II.

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However, it’s quite shocking when city guards imply that they are aware of the Dragonborn’s role in the impending regicide, suggesting that not everyone is a fan of the Empire. It’s not clear if the quest has to be active for the guards to recite these words, but it’s not something to randomly whisper to strangers.

7 “I’m Not A Man, I’m A Weapon In Human Form.” — Hrongar

The Whiterun warrior Hrongar is Jarl Balgruuf’s brother, and usually comes across the Dragonborn while the player is in Dragonsreach. He is quite the dominant character, and generally states aphorisms about honor, pride, battle, and heroism that are in contrast with the diplomatic tactics taken by Balgruuf.

Hrongar is also known to claim that he’s “not a man,” but “a weapon in human form,” which goes well with his basic personality. Such an announcement would just be laughably pompous in real life.

6 “You Have Opened The Door To Darkness, Little Man.” — The Dragonborn To Amaund Motierre

Amaund Motierre hires the Dark Brotherhood to murder the Emperor of Tamriel, and the Dragonborn is sent to learn more about the mission (based on their interactions with the Night Mother).

In the dialogue interface, the game actually allows the player to “intimidate” Motierre with the line, “You have opened the door to darkness, little man.” It doesn’t really work on its target; and, to be honest, there are very few scenarios, if at all, where this quote doesn’t sound frivolous.

5 “You’ll Make A Fine Rug, Cat!” — Any Adversary

The comments directed at the Dragonborn are skewed towards the player’s choice of race — for instance, combatants sometimes tell Khajiits that they would “make a fine rug,” simply because their race is feline-based.

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It’s a terrible insult for a Khajiit, but it simply wouldn’t work against an actual cat, whether wild or tamed. A lot of people have playful discussions with their pets, but nobody would dream of turning them into carpets. The very notion is absurd with a hint of black comedy.

4 “Darling! I’ve Been Waiting For You To Return, To Consummate Our Love!” — Hagraven Moira

Once the Dragonborn is sufficiently intoxicated by Sam Guevenne (a.k.a. Sanguine), they have to retrace their steps and figure out what happened to them after blacking out. One of the steps includes a meeting with a Hagraven in Witchmist Grove, who tells the Dragonborn that they had recently proposed to her.

Moira gleefully informs the player that it is time to consummate their love, which makes sense given that the Dragonborn had really asked for her hand in marriage. The quote comes off as sitcom-ish outside of Skyrim, like a joke that is its own punchline.

3 “I Will Feast On Your Heart” — Dremora

The Daedric minions called Dremora are anthropomorphic entities with decidedly demonic features. These beings constantly display belligerent tendencies when summoned, saying things like “you are weak, mortal,” “fall before me,” or “you will bleed.”

The funniest Dremora dialogue, however, is “I will feast on your heart,” a declaration that is mildly frightening given their overwhelming strength. Out of context, the line reads as unnecessary hyperbole, exaggerated trash talk that highlights the speaker’s insecurity.

2 “So, You Wish To Master The Arcane Arts.” — Farengar Secret-Fire

Farengar Secret-Fire is the Dragonsreach Court Wizard, one of the first mages to be encountered by the Dragonborn. He is an aloof person who is forgetful half the time, but he isn’t necessarily a villain (even if sometimes a tad patronizing).

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Upon opening up the Arcane Enchanter in Farengar’s chamber, he almost always asks if the Dragonborn wishes “to master the arcane arts,” a statement that gets repetitive very fast if the player has a few too many Soul Gems in their inventory. Out of the game’s framework, it sounds like Farengar wants to invite the Dragonborn to a secret cult or sell them hallucinogenic drugs, both of which are hilarious.

1 “I Am Sworn To Carry Your Burdens” — Lydia

Lydia is the Dragonborn’s housecarl, or follower, assigned to the role by Jarl Balgruuf. She is quite a powerful fighter when it comes to battle, and she doesn’t defy the player’s decisions in the game. However, it is interesting that Lydia chooses a very noticeable tonal sarcasm when her Thane requests her to either barter or carry items.

The stress on the word “sworn” nearly feels like Lydia does not appreciate being bossed around, and is expressing herself the only way she can. This is one of those rare quotes that are as amusing in or out of context.

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