After supporting appearances in previous Marvel movies, Wanda Maximoff, also known as the Scarlet Witch, and the Vision finally had their romance brought to the forefront in the series WandaVision. Audiences fell in love with these two Avengers and rooted for their tragic romance. The MCU iteration of these characters seems like a match made in heaven.

But long before Marvel gave fans this version of Wanda and Vision’s relationship, they both had a storied, often unexpected, romantic history in the comics. From villains to other Avengers, Scarlet Witch and the Vision have each had their fair share of strange romances.

10 Vision And Carol Danvers

WandaVision viewers got to see Monica Rambeau in action. But in the comics, her friend Carol Danvers actually went on a date with Vision. In the comic book story arc Heroes Return: Avengers, Wanda and Vision’s marriage dissolved, forcing the two to move on.

While Wanda began a relationship with Wonder Man, Vision decided to ask Carol Danvers out. Even though their first date was a successful one, Avenger’s responsibilities delayed a second date. Ultimately, the two decided to remain friends, with Carol Danvers believing that Vision still had feelings for Wanda.

9 Scarlet Witch And Nightcrawler

Because Wanda is the daughter of Magneto in some continuities, she has connections to both the Avengers and the X-Men. As such, the Earth-2182 version of Scarlet Witch had a long-term romance with Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler, bonding over their similar upbringings.

This romance even resulted in the couple having a mutant child, Talia Josephine Wagner. Talia would go on to join the X-Men as Nocturne. While the pair may not be the most obvious partners, they ended up having a surprising amount in common.


8 Vision And Cassie Lang

After the original Vision was destroyed, he was recreated by Iron Lad. This new version was more technologically advanced but lost his memories and experiences. Vision joined the Young Avengers and developed feelings for Cassie Lang, Scott Lang’s daughter.

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His interest in Cassie Lang led to a love triangle between the two and Iron Lad. This romance served as a coming-of-age experience for the maturing Vision, helping him to grow and find his identity. Ultimately, this love triangle resulted in Iron Lad destroying Vision.

7 Scarlet Witch And Captain America

Following the events of Avengers Disassembled, Scarlet Witch found herself losing control of her powers. As part of the fallout from that, she inadvertently manipulated one of the most important Avengers.

In Captain America and the Falcon, readers were led to believe that Scarlet Witch had developed a romance with Captain America, culminating in a kiss. Captain America later confessed to having deep feelings for her. However, this turned out to be nothing more than a vision accidentally produced by Scarlet Witch, who was unaware that Captain America believed they were in a relationship.

6 Vision And Mantis

As Avengers, Vision and Mantis established a deep connection but were kept apart by their relationships with Scarlet Witch and Swordsman respectively. Mantis was then identified as the Celestial Madonna, destined to become a goddess of life.

In Avengers: Celestial Quest, Mantis reunited with a now single Vision. The two were finally free to express their love for one another and developed a romantic relationship. However, their bliss was short-lived as Mantis’ identity as the Celestial Madonna prevented her from being with a partner incapable of reproducing organic life.

5 Scarlet Witch And Dr. Doom

Following the House of M storyline, in which Scarlet Witch drastically reduced the mutant population, Avengers: The Children’s Crusade picked up as the Avengers discovered a depowered Wanda living with memory loss in Latveria, where she was engaged to marry the villainous Doctor Doom.

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The Young Avengers were able to intervene and rescue her, but she was negatively impacted emotionally by the events. Doctor Doom is an unlikely romantic match for anyone, but his manipulation of the situation by taking advantage of Wanda’s memory loss makes the pairing even worse.

4 Vision And Falcon

In the Ultimate Galactus Trilogy storyline, Vision was an alien android who had come to Earth to warn them of Gah Lak Tus, who was coming to destroy the planet. During her time on Earth, Vision appeared in a feminine form and started a romantic relationship with Falcon.

Unfortunately, their romance was forced to come to an end after the heroes defeated Gah Lak Tus and Reed Richards reprogramed her to serve as an aid to other planets threatened by Gah Lak Tus. While their MCU counterparts have not had much interaction, the Vision and Falcon of this continuity work surprisingly well together.

3 Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver

The Ultimates 3 made the controversial decision to include a romantic subplot between Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. While the story tried to justify their relationship by highlighting their shared past trauma, it never managed to do so. Their romance eventually came to an end when Scarlet Witch was killed by an Ultron robot.

The MCU has had much greater success with the sibling dynamic between these two and certainly has no need to revisit this particular storyline. This ill-conceived pairing remains one of the strangest relationships in Marvel comics history.

2 Vision And Virginia

Vision Vol. 2 followed Vision as he created an entire synthezoid family in an effort to settle down and live an ordinary life. Vision created a wife, Virginia, two kids, Vin and Viv, and a dog, Sparky, so that they could live the suburban dream life. Virginia was made to look like Vision but her mind was created from Scarlet Witch’s brainwaves.

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Despite their attempts to live a normal life, they were plagued with deceit, blackmail, and violence. Virginia eventually snapped, beating Sparky to death and killing multiple people. She ultimately made the decision to destroy herself. Needless to say, a murderous android with the brainwaves of his former lover will go down as one of Vision’s strangest relationships.

1 Scarlet Witch And Vision

These two star-crossed lovers have been romantically linked in many different continuities and storylines. While their story often ends in heartbreak, there is no denying that they are one of the most iconic comic book romances.

As Vision said in Avengers: Age of Ultron, “the thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts.” The frequency of their breakups does not stop their romance from being a memorable one. Despite being a famous comic couple, there is no way around the fact that a synthezoid and a magical mutant make for a strange couple.

Next10 Best Scarlet Witch Costumes From Marvel Comics

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